TONKATSU, KATSUDON Pork Cutlet Bowl at a Restaurant KATSUYA in Japan かつや - ソースカツ丼・とんかつ・カツカレー

Pork Cutlet Bowl カツ丼 - KATSUYA かつや Food

TONKATU トンカツ is deep-fried breaded pork cutlet. KATSUDON is cooked TONKATSU with beaten egg on rice.


Restaurant name

Katsuya specializes in Katusdon かつ丼. It is a bowl of rice topped with deep-fried breaded pork cutlet, eggs, and Japanese-style broth.

Actually, there are many other chain restaurants that offer Katsudon, but Katsuya offers low price and tasty Katusdon. Here is one of the most recommended shops for eating Katsudon.

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Pork Cutlet Bowl

Pork Cutlet Bowl カツ丼 - KATSUYA かつや

Katsudon (Ume) カツ丼(梅)
Pork Loin 80g (2.82oz)
490 yen (539 yen including 10% tax)

Katsudon (Take) カツ丼(竹)
Pork Loin 120g (4.23oz)
650 yen (715 yen including 10% tax)

Pork Cutlet Bowl カツ丼 - KATSUYA かつや

This post introduces 4 kinds of different pork dishes that are low in price.

In my opinion.
The Pork Cutlet Bowl (カツ丼 Katsudon) is the best choice among them!

When I tried the dishes I thought the the pork cutlet tasted light and not very succulent, however the restaurant said they only use juicy pork.

Pork Cutlet Bowl (カツ丼 Katsudon) is served with a simmered Japanese-style broth with beaten egg that makes the simple pork cutlet taste better than just pouring normal sauce or curry on it.

Pork Cutlet Bowl カツ丼 - KATSUYA かつや

3 photos of Katsudon above are 80g

4 photos below are 120g

Pork Cutlet Bowl 120g カツ丼(竹)- KATSUYA かつや
Pork Cutlet Bowl 120g カツ丼(竹)- KATSUYA かつや
Pork Cutlet Bowl 120g カツ丼(竹)- KATSUYA かつや
Pork Cutlet Bowl 120g カツ丼(竹)- KATSUYA かつや
Mitsuba ミツバ 三つ葉 Cryptotaenia japonica

Mitsuba 三つ葉 (Cryptotaenia japonica) which is a type of basil in Japan and other Asian countries, is topped on Katsudon of this restaurant.
It is used Japanese cuisine because it has good flavor.

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Sauce Pork Cutlet Bowl

Sauce Pork Cutlet Bowl 120g ソースカツ丼(竹) - KATSUYA かつや

Sauce Katsudon (Ume) ソースカツ丼(梅)
Pork Loin 80g (2.82oz)
490 yen (539 yen including 10% tax)

Sauce Katsudon (Take) ソースカツ丼(竹)
Pork Loin 120g (4.23oz)
650 yen (715 yen including 10% tax)
(3 photos of Sauce Katsudon on this section are 120g)

Sauce Pork Cutlet Bowl 120g ソースカツ丼(竹) - KATSUYA かつや

Sauce Pork Cutlet Bowl

Sauce Pork Cutlet Bowl 120g ソースカツ丼(竹) - KATSUYA かつや
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Pork Cutlet Set Meal

Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal ロースカツ定食 - KATSUYA かつや

Rousu-katsu-teishoku ロースカツ定食
Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal
690 yen (759 yen including 10% tax)
Pork Loin 120g (4.23oz)

Main dish of this set meal is Tonkatsu which is deep fried breaded pork loin.
This set meal includes rice, cabbage and Tonjiru とん汁, which is a type of miso soup (small) that has pork and vegetables.

Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal ロースカツ定食 - KATSUYA かつや

Pickles of semi-dried Japanese Daikon radish is prepared on the table. It is free of charge.

Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal ロースカツ定食 - KATSUYA かつや

Reasonable breakfast menu is available at some of the restaurants.

Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal ロースカツ定食 - KATSUYA かつや
Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal ロースカツ定食 - KATSUYA かつや

Asa-rousu-katsu-teishoku 朝ロースカツ定食
450 yen (495 yen including 10% tax)
Breakfast Price Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal (Small Size)
This set meal includes pork loin 80g (2.82oz), rice, smal tonjiru (miso soup) and pickles. (as pictured above)

At some of the restaurants (not all of them), a few kinds of low priced set meals  (around 400 - 500 yen) are available in the morning until 11:00 am.

Pork Loin Cutlet Set Meal ロースカツ定食 - KATSUYA かつや

You can change the soup from regular size to large size for an additional cost of 40 yen. (as pictured above)
I recommend doing this because it is tasty and the large size soup is very cost effective.
This photo above is the large size soup.
450 + 40 = 490 yen (490 * 1.1 = 539 yen including tax)

a la carte
Tonjiru (Shou) とん汁(小) 120 yen - Small
Tonjiru (Dai) とん汁(大) 160 yen - Large

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Pork Cutlet Curry

Pork Cutlet Curry Rice カツカレー - KATSUYA かつや

Katsu Curry カツカレー
Pork loin 80g 650 yen (715 yen including 10% tax)
Pork loin 120g 790 yen (869 yen including 10% tax )
Pork Cutlet Curry Rice
Deep fried breaded pork loin cutlet on curry rice

Pork Cutlet Curry Rice カツカレー - KATSUYA かつや

Curry is mild (not spicy).

Pork Cutlet Curry Rice カツカレー - KATSUYA かつや

Pork Loin 120g

Pork Cutlet Curry Rice カツカレー - KATSUYA かつや

Shredded cabbage is added. Before, there was no cabbage on it.

Pork Cutlet Curry Rice カツカレー - KATSUYA かつや

This photo was taken from directly above. An oval dish that's a little deeper is used now. Before, it was served on a flat, circular dish.

(3 photos above are 120g and they were taken in December 2019.)

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Website (in Japanese)

かつやトップページ | かつやの最新情報、店舗案内、メニュー、こだわり、宅配、FC加盟店情報、物件情報、採用情報をお知らせします。
  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • Tax is not included in the prices. (Prices at some of the restaurants are including tax.)
    The menu and list prices are sometimes a little bit different at respective restaurants.
  • Picture menu is available.
  • Most restaurants use the table order system. You will pay at the cash desk after finishing your meal.
  • No smoking
Pickles of semi-dried Daikon radish 割干大根漬 - KATSUYA かつや

Pickles of semi-dried Daikon radish
割干大根漬 Wariboshi daikonzuke
* It is free of charge and prepared on the tables.

KATSUYA かつや 割干大根漬

Mixed chili pepper (Nanami pepper) and mustard are available.

Katsuya restaurants are really popular and crowded, especially around lunch time and evening. If all the tables are taken, you should wait around the entrance or stand in line


There are about 400 restaurants of KATSUYA かつや all over Japan.

They are located all over Japan but I introduce some restaurants around popular sightseeing places in downtown Tokyo.

Check out Google Maps below!

Okachimachi 御徒町 (near Ueno上野)

Ikebukuro 池袋

Shinjuku 新宿

Yoyogi 代々木

Shibuya 渋谷

Asakusa 浅草

Kanda 神田

Akihabara 秋葉原

These restaurants above open from morning and offer a few kinds of low priced set meals (Breakfast Menu) in the morning until 11:00 am. 

Shinbashi 新橋

Prices and information are as of December 2019.

Are you interested in more delicious tonkatsu?
Please refer to another page below.

Deep-Fried Breaded Pork Cutlet TONKATSU / Ham Cutlet HAMUKATSU トンカツ, ハムカツ
I will introduce 2 types of deep-fried breaded cutlets. These are pork cutlet TONKATSU and ham cutlet HAMUKATSU.