Self Service All-You-Can-Drink Alcoholic beverages at a Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN in Tokyo やきとり〇金

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金 Food
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

In Japan, many bar restaurants offer all-you-can-drink alcoholic beverages.
I know a good place in Tokyo for the people who can't read and speak Japanese.

I highly recommend a bar restaurant Yakitori MARUKIN やきとり〇金 in Tokyo. They also offer tasty grilled chicken on a skewer.

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  • 70 kinds of all-you-can-drink alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Every 30 minute you are charged 299 yen. (You need to order it at least 1 hour.)
  • The beverages are self-service. You don't need to order drinks from the wait staff. If you can't speak Japanese, it is a good system.
  • They offer bite size and inexpensive grilled chicken on a skewer. You can try many kinds of skewer foods.
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
  • When you have your seat, first please tell the wait staff how long you will stay for all-you-can-drink.
  • The last call is 15 minutes before your allocated end time. At that time, you can enjoy the last 1 drink.
  • If you don't leave and pay the bill within 6 minutes after the end time, automatically it is extended for 30 minutes and you are charged.
  • You can't extend your time if there are reservations for other customers.
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

Japanese picture menu

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

Unfortunately, chicken skewers have no pictures on the menu. Use this menu below.
* These items and prices in the picture above are changed.

  • もも (Momo) Thigh 79 yen
  • 皮 (Kawa) Skin 74 yen
  • ぼんじり (Bonjiri) Tail 74 yen
  • 砂肝 (Sunagimo) Gizzard 74 yen
  • ハツ (Hatsu) Heart 74 yen
  • レバー (Reba) Liver 74 yen
  • ヤゲン軟骨 (Yagen-nankotsu) Cartilage 74 yen
  • つくね (Tsukune) Chicken mince patty 76 yen
  • 明太つくね (Menta-tsukune) Chicken mince patty with seasoned cod (pollack) roe 80 yen
  • 梅紫蘇つくね (Ume-shiso-tsukune) Chicken mince patty with plum paste and shredded Japanese basil 80 yen
  • わさびつくね (Wasabi-tukune) Chicken mince patty with wasabi 80 yen
  • 豚バラトマト (Buta-bara-tomato) Tomato rolled with pork 80 yen * It might be end of sales.
  • 豚バラえのき (Buta-bara-enoki) Enoki mushrooms rolled with pork 80 yen * It might be end of sales.
  • 手羽(揚) (Teba) Deep fried chicken wing 89 yen
  • ねぎ (Negi) Leek 60 yen
  • なす (Nasu) Egg plant 60 yen
  • 長いも焼き (Nagaimoyaki) Yam 69 yen
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

焼餃子 (Yaki-gyoza) Pan Fried Dumplings 380 yen

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

ごぼうチップス (Gobou Chips) Deep Fried Burdock Root 380 yen
I like it.

Food isn't self service. Please order food from the wait staff.
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

Put your glass on it. Push the yellow button.

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

梅酒 Umeshu: Plum Wine

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

炭酸水 Carbonated water
ハイボール Whiskey Soda
自家割芋焼酎 Homemade Shochu made from potatoes.
Cocktails and so on

焼酎 Shochu
Shochu is Japanese distilled liquor.
It is made from a variety of material such as barley, sweet potato, rice, or chestnut.
Shochu has about 20-25% alcohol.
芋焼酎 Imo-shochu: Potato shochu
麦焼酎 Mugi-shochu: Barkey shochu
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

Red / White Wine, Sake

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

You can get refills of alcohol at the bar anytime you want without ordering from the staff.

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

You can make your original cocktails. It's fun!

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
Definitely, you will get a hangover tomorrow.
Don't miss the last train.
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

This bar offers all-you-can-drink alcoholic beverages by self service at the counter, but food is not self service. Please order food from the wait staff.

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

Most of the grilled chicken items are served without seasoning.
You can dip it into this garlic sauce pot. You can also use salt and other sauces which are on the table.

After you begin eating the skewer, you must not repeatedly dip it into the sauce stockpot!
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
A whole garlic is in the sauce pot. You shouldn't break the whole garlic into cloves or eat it. It is put to coax out flavor, not for eating. Please keep it in the pot.
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

A skewer costs between 60 and 89 yen.

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

It is mini size but reasonable!

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

from the left side

  • つくね (Tsukune) Chicken mince patty
  • レバー (Reba) Liver
  • 砂肝 (Sunagimo) Gizzard
  • 豚バラトマト (Buta-bara-tomato) Tomato rolled with pork *End of sales?
  • 梅紫蘇つくね (Ume-shiso-tsukune) Chicken mince patty with plum paste and shredded Japanese basil
  • もも (Momo) Thigh
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
  • Left: もも (Momo) Thigh
  • Right: 皮 (Kawa) Skin
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
  • Left: ?
  • Right: 手羽(揚) (Teba) Deep fried chicken wing
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
  • Left: 梅紫蘇つくね (Ume-shiso-tsukune) Chicken mince patty with plum paste and shredded Japanese basil.
  • Middle: なす (Nasu) Egg plant
  • Right: 豚バラえのき (Buta-bara-enoki) Enoki mushrooms rolled with pork.
    * It might be end of sales.
Some items are served with sauce on it such as 梅紫蘇つくね Ume-shiso-tsukune as shown above. When you eat those types of foods, please don't dip it into the sauce pot.
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

I like putting Shichimi 七味 hot pepper on it.

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

You can put the skewers into this cup after eating.

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Bar restaurant name
Yakitori MARUKIN やきとり〇金

  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • You should order all-you-can-drink for at least 1 hour.
  • Picture menu is available except grilled skewer items.
  • 10% tax is not included in the prices
  • Smoking is accepted.

Business hours
The bar restaurant chain has some branches in downtown Tokyo. Their business hours depend on the respective branches, but at the latest they open from 4:00 pm.
However, only a few branches open at 3:00 pm on weekends.

Website (in Japanese)

やきとり○金 | DDグループ店舗総合情報サイト
Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

Shinbashi 新橋本店
* It is located on the 2F.

Skewered Chicken Bar Restaurant YAKITORI MARUKIN やきとり〇金

Shinjuku 新宿本店
* It is located on the 4F.

This map above shows some wrong restaurants. Instead, please check below.

I introduce some restaurants around popular sightseeing places in downtown Tokyo.
Check out Google Maps below!

Shinjuku 新宿

Shinbashi 新橋

Photos were taken at some branches in 2016 - 2017. Information is as of February 2019.

Another Yakitori (chicken) chain restaurant offers all-you-can-eat and drink.

Japanese Bar Restaurant TORIKIZOKU 居酒屋 鳥貴族 - 焼き鳥 Grilled chicken on a skewer
A 298-yen bar restaurant chain TORIKIZOKU 鳥貴族 offers all food items and beverages for 298 yen (327 yen including 10% tax). They use domestically produced chicken, vegetables and so on.This chain has more than 600 branches in Japan. There are many branches ...