Two Unique Shrines are KANDAMYOUJIN 神田明神 in Tokyo and KANAMARA-SAMA かなまら様 in Kawasaki 川崎 City.

若宮八幡宮・金山神社(俗称かなまら様) Kanayama-jinja Shrine (Kanamara-sama) Event

There are 2 unique and popular shrines in and around Tokyo.

Kandamyoujin 神田明神 in Tokyo 東京

Most international tourists go sightseeing around Akihabara 秋葉原 of Tokyo. Maybe you too. At that time, Kandamyoujin (Kanda Shrine) 神田明神 is a wonderful shrine not be missed if you are an anime geek.

神田明神 Kandamyoujin Shrine

In several anime, some female shamans, called Miko-san, work at this shrine. Therefore, many anime geeks (Otaku), who like the anime series and know about the cute anime girls go to this shrine for sightseeing, and buy its items as souvenirs.

Two of the most famous anime associated with this shrine are LoveLive! and Sailor Moon, however, the setting what she worked here is a completely fictional story.

神田明神 Kandamyoujin Shrine

Depending on the time of your visit, you might get to see the shrine's rituals and Miko-san.
This shrine is a wonderful site not be missed if you visit Akihabara 秋葉原 of Tokyo.

You will feel an even more mysterious atmosphere there after sunset than during the daytime. (If you would like to buy the items, you should be there during the daytime.)

神田明神 Kandamyoujin Shrine

Shrine name
It is also called Kanda-jinja 神田神社 (Kanda Shrine)

Home|江戸総鎮守 神田明神

(Both sites are in Japanese.)

Anime: LoveLive!

Kanamara-sama かなまら様 in Kawasaki 川崎 City

It is a traditional shrine which seriously worships penis as a god. The people go to the shrine to pray for having a baby, good relationship of the couple, avoiding venereal diseases.

若宮八幡宮・金山神社(俗称かなまら様) Kanayama-jinja Shrine (Kanamara-sama)

KANAMARA-MATSURI かなまら祭 (Kanamara festival) is very unique.
The people parade around the shrine with the god.

若宮八幡宮・金山神社(俗称かなまら様) Kanayama-jinja Shrine (Kanamara-sama)
若宮八幡宮・金山神社(俗称かなまら様) Kanayama-jinja Shrine (Kanamara-sama)
若宮八幡宮・金山神社(俗称かなまら様) Kanayama-jinja Shrine (Kanamara-sama)

You can get many types of penis souvenirs such as candies on the day.

若宮八幡宮・金山神社(俗称かなまら様) Kanayama-jinja Shrine (Kanamara-sama)

This is another god of the shrine.

若宮八幡宮・金山神社(俗称かなまら様) Kanayama-jinja Shrine (Kanamara-sama)

Around the shrine, you can also enjoy cherry blossoms which are maybe in full bloom on the festival day.

Shrine name
Kanayama-jinja (Kanayama Shrine) 金山神社
It is also called Kanamara-sama かなまら様.

KANAMARA-MATSURI かなまら祭 (Kanamara festival) occurs every year on the first Sunday in April.
In 2020, this festival is canceled as Coronavirus Disease.
April 5 (Sun), 2020
Please check the time of the parade on their Twitter.

This place is the Kanayama Shrine 金山神社 (Kanayama-jinja) in Kawasaki 川崎 City Kanagawa 神奈川. It is located next to Tokyo Metropolis. You can go there by train

Another popular shrine and hiking place in Tokyo

Mt. Mitake 御岳山 and Musashi Mitake-jinja Shrine 武蔵御嶽神社 in Tokyo 東京
Mt. Mitake 御岳山 (929m, 3047ft) is really popular sightseeing and hiking place for a day in Tokyo. I have been there a few times. It is called Mitakesan in Japanese.Hiking to Mt. Mitake is easy if you use bus and cable car from the bottom of the mountain.