teamLab Planets and Borderless are Artistic Light Museums in Tokyo: Produced by teamLab チームラボ

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城 Sightseeing

When I ask foreign tourists where they want go in Tokyo many people say that they plan to go to the museum of teamLab.

It is a popular museum like a projection mapping exhibition, but actually there are two similar museums in Tokyo. Most of the tourists only know one of them.
So, I will introduce you to both and mention the differences below.

About teamLab

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There are 2 exhibitions in Tokyo such as

  • teamLab Planets
  • teamLab Borderless

You have to make a reservation because the places are always crowded and restriction of entry.

teamLab Planets チームラボプラネッツ

teamLab Planets TOKYO
It is located in Toyosu 豊洲 Tokyo.

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Specialty of teamLab Planets is WATER.
You need to be barefoot when you enter this place because the works are related to water.
The artists made the works so that they are felt by the customer, with water and the art working together to create an atmosphere.

teamLab Planets is open until the end of 2023.
Limited time!

The nearest station is Shin-Toyosu 新豊洲 Station.

teamLab Borderless チームラボボーダレス

MORI Building DIGITAL ART MUSEUM: teamLab Borderless, Tokyo
(It is located in Odaiba お台場 Tokyo.)

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Borderless has many kinds of works more than Planets.

teamLab Borderless is open until the end of August, 2022.
Limited time!

The nearest stations are Aomi 青海 Station and Tokyo Teleport 東京テレポート Station.

Other Works and Events

MoonFlower Sagaya Ginza Art by teamLab
"MoonFlower Sagaya Ginza, Art by teamLab" is a dining space born from a collaboration of Sagaya Ginza, a restaurant that specializes in seasonal dishes and the high quality brand of Wagyu beef "Saga Beef," and the art collective teamLab.
teamLab: Digitized Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城 光の祭
Next Schedule November 8, 2019 - January 13, 2020 Place: Kochi Castle in Kochi City 高知市


A cloak room app "ecbo cloak" is effortless and useful while traveling Japan instead of using coin lockers. コインロッカー・クローク・アプリ
There is an app called "ecbo cloak" about cloak rooms that is useful while traveling Japan.