COMIC MARKET (Comiket) in Tokyo 東京 コミックマーケット(コミケ)- Festival for Anime Comic Manga Geeks

201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ Event
201712 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ

Comic Market is held twice a year at an exhibition hall Tokyo Big Site. Comic Market is like Comic Con in the US.

  • May 2 - 5, 2020 is canceled
  • Next, December ? - ?, 2020

If you like comic and anime, you shouldn't miss this big event during travel in Tokyo.
Hopefully, you are interested in cosplay and already know what cosplay is.
Cosplay is a new word, and comes from “costume play”. It means that dressing or acting in special costumes or fashion items of anime, manga, video games and so on. The person who likes cosplay is called a cosplayer.
Even if you are not interested in cosplay, looking around the booths may be fun for sightseeing.
At the booths, you can buy souvenirs like goods of Japanese anime, manga and so on.

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Photos in August 2018

201808 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201808 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201808 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ

@ChiruTeatake    @gamasanMk2

201808 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ

YAMATO United Nations Cosmo Force

201808 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201808 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ

@ShirasuiSou ← Her cute and artistic photos are well worth seeing!

201808 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
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Photos in December 2017

201712 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201712 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201712 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
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Photos in December 2014

201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ


201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
201412 Cosplay コスプレ Comic Market コミックマーケット Comiket コミケ
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Official website

Comic Market's Website for Overseas Attendees

Wristbands were sold at Comiket for 1000 Yen per day.
Discount ticket sold in advance at some selected bookstores were 550 yen.
The price might be changed.

TOKYO BIG SIGHT -Tokyo International Exhibition Center-

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Rules of taking photos


  1. In advance, you have to ask the cosplayers if taking photos of them is OK.
    Shashin wo totte iidesuka?
    Can I take a photo of you?
  2. If you want to upload the photos online (e.g. SNS, blog), you have to ask the cosplayers if it is OK with them.
    Net ni appu shite iidesuka?
    Can I upload the photos on the Internet?
  3. The cosplayers do not have to accept as the choice is theirs.

* I have their permission to upload these photos above on SNS or eBooks of Japan Course. Thank you so much for their kindness.

* My favorite cosplayer is below. However, the twitter accounts and video are not mine.

Other cosplay information

Articles of "Cosplay".