Hydrangea Season Has Come in Japan

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea Sightseeing

Hydrangeas are at their best between end-May and early-June in Kochi, Japan. It is the end of spring and beginning of summer in Japan.

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Scenery of Hydrangea Walking Trail

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

This place is also popular for walking under cherry blossoms trees between end-May and early-April.

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

Entire area of the walking trail is flat and perfectly well maintained like these photos.

You might feel comfortable while walking even if it is a hot summer day, because many trees give good shade here and there.

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

There is no picnic places around the hydrangea area.

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

Instead, there are some benches (with no table) on the walking trail.

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

You can also walk a local road along the walking trail.

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

There is no bathroom, food shop and vending machine on the board walk and road.

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Hydrangea Photos

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea
のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

This place is good for walking and jogging.

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Access Map and Parking Lot

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

Noichinishisakoajisaikaido Parking Lot

There is no parking lot around south entrance.

Hydrangea Road and Walking Trail
Noichi Ajisai-kaido

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

Temporary parking lot during hydrangea season is on the right of the photo above.

The entire of the trail is about 1km (0.62miles) long.

These parking lots are in the middle of the walking trail, as shown in the 2 photos above.

If you prefer a short walk from the parking lot, we recommend that you choose the south side, which is a walk back and forth between the walking trail and the road, and offers better views than the north side.

のいち あじさい街道 高知県香南市野市 Hydrangea

No Admission

募金箱 means "Donation Box"

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