Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo Food

This blog will be updated later.

A standing bar chain DRUM-CAN opened a branch in Nishiarai 西新井 Tokyo.
The chain use drum-cans as tables, and offer inexpensive food and drinks. The theme of Nishiarai branch is healthy and tasty food.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

There are drum-can tables.

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Food Photos

激辛わさびの種 Spicy Wasabi Crisps せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Spicy Wasabi Crisps

When I went to the bar on a rainy day, they kindly offered me this for free as a rainy day special.
It has a strong wasabi flavor. I like it. I want to eat it again!

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo


ごぼうサラダ Burdock Root Salad せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Burdock Root Salad 150 yen

Burdock dishes are popular in Japan, such as (boiled burdock) salad, deep-fried, simmered food and so on.

ごぼうサラダ Burdock Root Salad せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
ヘルシー鶏南蛮 Healthy Chicken Namban せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Healthy Chicken Namban 300 yen

ヘルシー鶏南蛮 Healthy Chicken Namban せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
合鴨ロース Sliced Duck Loin せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Sliced Duck Loin 200 yen

合鴨ロース Sliced Duck Loin せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
低温調理牛ステーキ Beef Steak (Low Temperature Cooking) せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Today's Special

Beef Steak (Low Temperature Cooking) 300 yen

低温調理牛ステーキ Beef Steak (Low Temperature Cooking) せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
揚げない油淋鶏 ユーリンチー Non-Fried Yu Lin Chi Fried Chicken せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Today's Special

Yu Lin Chi, Fried Chicken (Non-Fried Cooking) 300 yen

揚げない油淋鶏 ユーリンチー Non-Fried Yu Lin Chi Fried Chicken せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo


ミニグラタン Mini-Gratin せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Mini-Gratin 250 yen

ミニグラタン Mini-Gratin せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
牛バラトロトロ角煮 Stewed Beef せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Stewed Beef 300 yen

牛バラトロトロ角煮 Stewed Beef せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
Sponsored links

Drink Photos

Dry Shochu Soda チューハイ Chu-High せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Chu-High, Dry Shochu Soda 150 yen

Highball ハイボール Whiskey Soda せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Highball 200 → 250 yen (as pictured)
Japanese Whisky KAKU Highball 300 yen

Tomato High 250 yen

Clear Asahi クリアアサヒ せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Clear Asahi 300 yen

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せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Bar Name
DRUM-CAN Nishiarai branch
ドラム缶 西新井店

Business Hours
3:00 pm -
Irregular holiday

Their business hours were changed on August 6, 2020.
4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Thursday is closed.

  • Prices Includes 10% Tax
  • No Smoking
  • English menu is not Available.
  • No Service Fee
  • About Cover Charge
    Check it out below!

Social Media (in Japanese)

ドラム缶西新井スタッフ (@NishiaraiDORA) on X
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

This is a standing bar, but they also offer chairs at the counter.
If you choose to stand, there is no cover charge.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

If you choose to seat, each person is charged 300 yen per hour after 6:00 pm.

I chose to stand, because I went there alone, and didn't mind if I was standing or seating. I just wanted to save money.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

This bar uses a unique ordering system. They don't have menu books.

Instead, all customers have to bring their own smartphones when they go to this restaurant.
(Of course, fully charged smartphone would be good if you stay there for a few hours.)

When you access the website of the restaurant, you can use your smartphone to order food.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Scan the QR code which is given when you have a seat to open their menu website.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

If your smartphone doesn't have QR code camera, you can access their Free Wi-Fi, and then you can use the menu.

The menu is written in Japanese, and there are food photos. (Some of them have no photos.)
If you can't read Japanese, it would be a good idea to go to the bar with a Japanese friend.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Tap 規約に同意します

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Tap 登録せずに利用

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

This is the top page of the menu.
フード Food
ドリンク Drink
注文履歴 History

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

When you order an item, you need to apply twice.
Select a food.
Tap 注文確定 (apply).

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Tap 注文確定 (apply) again.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo


When you finish your meal, please return your dishes to this return shelves.

Put your chopsticks in the box.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo
せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

When you pay the bill, tap 呼び出し (Call) on the bottom.

せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店 Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo

Next, touch 会計 (Payment).