The sandwich shop Subway is also a popular fast food chain in Japan. Japanese Subway offers the "Shrimp & Avocado Sandwich" which is not offered in the US.
When you visit Japan, why not try the sandwich with the local Japanese Subway dressing called Wasabi soy sauce?
Shrimp & Avocado えびアボカド

Shrimp & Avocado 6 inch regular sub
520 yen
えびアボカド レギュラー Regular Size Ebi Avocado

- STEP 1Choose your favorite sandwich
from main menu, morning menu, lunch menu or seasonal menu.
(Egg, shrimp and several kinds of meat are available.)
Choose the bread size from REGULAR (6-inch) or FOOTLONG - STEP 2Bread
- Flatbread フラットブレッド
- Honey Oat ハニーオーツ
- Sesame セサミ
- Wheat ウィート
- White ホワイト
Order toast (あたためてください Atatame-te-kudasai) or
nothing (そのままで sonomama-de) - STEP3Toppings (Extra Fee)
- 2 Slices of Cheese 40 yen
ナチュラルスライスチーズ - Cream Type Cheese (20g 0.71oz) 60 yen
クリームタイプチーズ - Mascarpone Cheese (20g 0.71oz) 90 yen
マスカルポーネチーズ - Egg (1 scoop) 60 yen
たまご Tamago - 2 Slices of Bacon
ベーコン - Tuna (1 scoop) 80 yen
ツナ - 5 Shrimps 100 yen
えび Ebi - Avocado (35g 1.23oz) 110 yen
アボカド - No toppings
トッピングなしで Topping Nashi-de
I know that cheese topping is included in the base price at Subway in the US, but in Japan, cheese topping costs extra, unfortunately.
- 2 Slices of Cheese 40 yen
- STEP4Vegetables
- Lettuce
レタス - Tomato
トマト - Green Peppers
ピーマン Piman - Onion
たまねぎ Tamanegi
Japanese Subway doesn't offer spinach and cucumber.
- Lettuce
- STEP 5To Accent the Flavors
- Pickles
(Maybe, it is cucumber pickles.) - Black Olives
オリーブ Olive - Hot Pepper
(It is like green chili pepper / Jalapenos.)
You can add your favorite pickles above for free. However, if you don't say anything the workers don't add them on your sandwich.
- Pickles
- STEP 6Dressings
- Wasabi Soy Sauce (Spicy)
わさび醤油ソース Wasabi Shoyu Sauce - Oil&Vinegar, Salt, Pepper
オイル&ビネガー 塩こしょう - Caesar Dressing
シーザードレッシング - Vegetable Creamy Dressing
野菜クリーミードレッシング - Honey Mustard Sauce (Spicy)
ハニーマスタードソース - Basil Sauce
バジルソース - Balsamic Sauce
バルサミコソース - Mayonnaise Type
マヨネーズタイプ - Chili Sauce (Spicy)
You can mix a few kinds of dressings.
- Wasabi Soy Sauce (Spicy)
- STEP 7French Fries / drink (Extra Fee)
Order them if you want.
- STEP 8Dine-in or To go (Payment)

I chose 3 dressings such as balsamic sauce, mayonnaise and mustard as pictured. Sorry! Even though, I recommended wasabi soy sauce for you.


Shop name
SUBWAY サブウェイ
Website (in Japanese)

- No service fee / No cover charge
- No smoking
- Picture menu is available.
- 10% tax is included in the prices.
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Ikebukuro 池袋
Shinjuku 新宿
Shibuya 渋谷
Ebisu 恵比寿
Akihabara 秋葉原
Haneda Airport 羽田空港
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