Monzen-nakacho 門前仲町

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Soba Noodles and Tempura at a Restaurant YUDETARO ゆで太郎 in Japan 蕎麦 そば 天ぷら

Yudetaro is a chain restaurant and specializes in soba そば (buckwheat noodles). It is one of the Japanese traditional noodles.

Grilled Organ Meat on a Skewer of a Restaurant KUSHIYA-YOKOCHO in Tokyo 串屋横丁 もつ焼きセンター

A bar restaurant chain in Japan specializes in a variety of organ meats of mainly pork which is very cheap and chewy.But they use fresh and tasty ones. They also offer a few kinds of chicken and beef.

Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in Tokyo - Izakaya 居酒屋・Reasonable Japanese Food

Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in TokyoThis bar is still unknown spot for international tourists.BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 is really popular with local people.Most of the dishes cost between 130 and 310 yen. Only a few kinds of dishes are 490 yen.
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