A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan

Ringerhut リンガーハット Starchy Soup Champon あんかけちゃんぽん Food
長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.
If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.
I will give you a summary about it and recommend a restaurant to you below.

They use 100% domestically produced vegetables, flour of noodles and dumplings.
These ingredients are tasty and safe to eat. 

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Nagasaki Champon 長崎ちゃんぽん is a type of noodle food.

長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

Champon ちゃんぽん
It looks like ramen and cooked by simmering together with the pork bone soup and so on, the noodles and a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, seafood and meat. (Some of the other champon restaurants use fried ingredients before simmering with the soup.)

The noodles of champon are thicker than usual ramen noodles.
Generally, ramen noodles are boiled with hot water. After boiling the noodles, a chef puts them into soup, and puts some ingredients on the ramen. The ingredients of ramen are just toppings. Champon is a different cooking style.

Champon is known as a regional food of Nagasaki 長崎 Prefecture in Kyushu 九州 area, but nowadays it is popular in various locations.

A Restautant RINGERHUT リンガーハット
They specializes in champon, and there are so many restaurants all over Japan.
All vegetables and flour of the noodle / dumplings (gyoza) are from 100% Japanese domestic products at RingerHut.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Champon 長崎ちゃんぽん

Nagasaki Champon 長崎ちゃんぽん

When you order Nagasaki Champon, you can choose the bowl size from regular and small size. Both size have different prices.
Regular Bowl 650 yen, Small Bowl 500 yen

If you order the regular bowl size, you can change the noodles to the large size.

Standard 200g
x1.5 (300g) 700 yen
x2 (400g) 750 yen

Even if you change the noodles size, the vegetables quantity is the same: 255g, 0.56lb

There are a few tastes of champon such as standard taste, spicy taste, and seasonal special one.
The standard one called Nagasaki Champon.

In my opinion, the standard taste one is the most recommended dish of Ringerhut.
This restaurant's champon soup is similar to pork flavored ramen, and delicious!
There are some other restaurants that use salt soup instead of pork soup for their champon.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Champon 長崎ちゃんぽん
Bowl sizeQuantity of noodlesPrice
Regular400g, 0.88lb (Double)750 yen
Regular300g, 0.66lb (1.5 times)700 yen
Regular200g, 0.44lb650 yen
Small100g. 0.22lb500 yen
(including 10% tax)
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Tips of ordering champon

Quantity of Soup

リンガーハット RingerHut

When I eat champon, I usually finish the champon soup because not only are noodles and toppings important but the soup is too for me to enjoy champon.

At RingerHut, when you are ordering champon you can ask for extra soup for free. It is off-menu but official.

I always order extra soup and drink up all. 🙂 

スープ多め Soup oome
Extra soup

* The extra soup system is available for these items below.

  • 長崎ちゃんぽん Nagasaki Champon (Regular, Small)
  • 野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Yasai-tappuri-champon
    Champon Heaped with Vegetables
  • ピリカラちゃんぽん Pirikara Champon
    Spicy Champon

When you are really hungry, I recommend the Double Size Noodles of Nagasaki Champon with Extra Soup.
You order …

Nagasaki Champon Men Ni-bai, Soup Oome
長崎ちゃん 麺2倍 スープ多め
750 yen

Small Champon

If you want a light meal you can order small one below.

小さいちゃんぽん Small Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

Small Champon 小さいちゃんぽん
Nagasaki Champon (Small) 長崎ちゃんぽん スモール
are the same.

500 yen Low price!
Noodles only 100g, Vegetables only 130g

小さいちゃんぽん Small Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

The extra soup system is also available for Small Champon 小さいちゃんぽん. (Pictured above)

Spicy Champon

ピリカラちゃんぽん Spicy Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

Spicy Champon 700 yen
ピリカラちゃんぽん Pirikara Champon

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My favorite dishes of RINGERHUT

野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Champon heaped with vegetables - リンガーハット RingerHut

Champon Heaped with Vegetables 820 yen
野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Yasai-tappuri-champon

野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Champon heaped with vegetables - リンガーハット RingerHut

It contains 480g (1.06lb) of vegetables and 200g (0.44lb) of noodles. Healthy!
You must be full and satisfied.

野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Champon heaped with vegetables - リンガーハット RingerHut

The thin slices which are a pink and white color is boiled or steamed fish paste.
The thick slices which are a light brown outside and off-white inside is deep fried fish paste mixed with a little bit of squid.
These ingredients are often used for Japanese cuisine.

If you like spicy food, it would be a good idea to put some chili oil and pepper on the soup.

野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Champon heaped with vegetables - リンガーハット RingerHut

When you order Champon Heaped with Vegetables 820 yen
野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Yasai-tappuri-champon,

it is served with 2 kinds of dressings.

  • Yuzu citron pepper (ゆずこしょう Yuzukoshou) dressing
  • Ginger (しょうが Shoga) dressing
野菜たっぷりちゃんぽん Champon heaped with vegetables - リンガーハット RingerHut

Soupless Noodle with Spicy Sauce まぜ辛めん - リンガーハット RingerHut

Soupless Noodles with Spicy Sauce
550 yen Cost effective!
まぜ辛めん Maze-karamen
It contains 238g (0.52lb) of vegetables.

This new noodles recipe features thick noodles topped with vegetables and ground meat, but does not have broth like other champon (or typical ramen) dishes. Instead, it is served with spicy Sichuan pepper oil and a bit of sauce at the bottom of the bowl. (Please mix it.)

Soupless Noodle with Spicy Sauce まぜ辛めん - リンガーハット RingerHut

When it first arrives at the table, I suggest tasting it without the spicy oil, so that you can initially enjoy the mild taste. Then try it with the spicy oil mixed it in. This way you'll be able to experience two different flavors in a single dish.

使い捨てエプロン - リンガーハット RingerHut

A disposable bib was kindly offered to me along with the dish, in order to prevent splashing any of the red sauce on my clothing.

Soupless Noodle with Spicy Sauce まぜ辛めん - リンガーハット RingerHut

This is not spaghetti.

Why don't you try super spicy ramen at another restaurant?

Super Spicy Ramen - MOUKO TANMEN NAKAMOTO 蒙古タンメン中本 in Tokyo 激辛ラーメン
If you really like spicy food, you should go to a ramen restaurant MOUKO TANMEN NAKAMOTO 蒙古タンメン中本.They specialize intasty and super spicy ramen.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Gyoza Dumpling 餃子 ぎょうざ Fried rice チャーハン

Dumplings and Stir Fried Rice
Putting Yuzu citron pepper (ゆずこしょう Yuzukoshou) on the dumplings is good taste.
* It is green paste in the photo above. When you order the dumplings it is served with this paste.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Gyoza Dumpling 餃子 ぎょうざ

3 pieces of dumplings 180 yen (ぎょうざ3個 Gyoza-san-ko)
5 pieces of dumplings 280 yen (ぎょうざ5個 Gyoza-go-ko)

Ringerhut リンガーハット

Their dumplings don't contain any garlic. This is good for people who mind the garlic smell. However, if you like garlic dumplings, maybe you are not satisfied with such a simple taste.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Fried rice チャーハン

Stir Fried Rice (Half size) 290 yen (半チャーハン Han-cha-han)

Ringerhut リンガーハット Snack Saraudon スナック皿うどん

Small Saraudon 小さい皿うどん 500 yen (as pictured)
Nagasaki (Regular size) Saraudon 長崎皿うどん 680 yen

Saraudon is deep-fried noodles covered with vegetables and very starchy soup.
Eating crispy noodles with very starchy soup is good.

Ringerhut リンガーハット スナック皿うどん Snack Saraudon スナック皿うどん

This picture is small size. Vegetables 127g

Another type of Saraudon is below.

太めん皿うどん Champon Noodles Saraudon - リンガーハット RingerHut

Futomen Saraudon 太めん皿うどん 840 yen
Champon Noodles Saraudon

太めん皿うどん Champon Noodles Saraudon - リンガーハット RingerHut

Instead of the deep fried noodles, Futomen Saraudon 太めん皿うどん is used normal (thick and soft) champon noodles, and 255g of vegetables.

太めん皿うどん Champon Noodles Saraudon - リンガーハット RingerHut
リンガーハット RingerHut
  • ギョウザのタレ Gyoza Dumplings Sauce
  • 皿うどんのソース Saraudon Sauce
  • ラー油 Chili Oil
  • 酢 Vinegar
  • こしょう Pepper
  • からし Mustered

First, I eat saraudon without any sauces and seasonings. 
Next, I ususally put vinegar on saraudon.
Then, I put a little bit saraudon sauce on it.

長崎ちゃんぽん きくらげ Champon with Wood Ear Mushrooms - リンガーハット RingerHut

They use 100% domestically produced wood ear mushrooms.
The wood ear mushrooms made in Japan are really rare, Most restaurants use imported one from China.

Wood Ear Mushrooms きくらげ 木耳
Wood Ear Mushrooms きくらげ 木耳 刺身

Two photos of wood ear mushrooms were not taken at RingerHut.

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Main Menu

リンガーハット メニュー RingerHut Menu

Reasonable set menu is also available during all business hours.

ぎょうざ定食 Gyoza Dumplings Set Meal 薄皮ぎょうざ - リンガーハット RingerHut

Gyoza Dumplings Set meals
ぎょうざ定食 Gyoza Teishoku
It includes dumplings, rice, soup and pickles.
7 pieces 400 yen
10 pieces 540 yen
15 pieces 570 yen

Ringerhut リンガーハット Gyoza Dumpling 餃子 ぎょうざ

3 Pieces of Gyoza Dumplings
A la cart 180 yen
with set meal 170 yen

ぎょうざ定食 Gyoza Dumplings Set Meal 薄皮ぎょうざ - リンガーハット RingerHut

5 Pieces of Gyoza Dumplings
A la cart 280 yen
with set meal 270 yen

When you are ordering the set meal, please feel free to ask for a large serving of rice which is no extra charge.

You should order large size for free, because their large size of rice is smaller than usual regular size at some other restaurants.

Gohan oomori ご飯大盛 (Large rice)

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食べるミルクセーキ Crunchy Milk Shake Ice Cream - リンガーハット RingerHut

Crunchy Milk Shake Ice Cream
Taberu Milk Shake
Small (a la cart 160 yen) as pictured
Regular (a la cart 270 yen)

食べるミルクセーキ Crunchy Milk Shake Ice Cream - リンガーハット RingerHut

This restaurant offers a tasty ice cream. It is a milk shake ice cream which has some of the tiny shaved ice mixed in.

I have eaten this a few times during my meals there. One of these times, I had the ice cream without ordering any food. I only stopped by this restaurant to eat the ice cream.

Tastes good! You should try it!

食べるミルクセーキ Crunchy Milk Shake Ice Cream - リンガーハット RingerHut
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Takeout Menu

リンガーハット テイクアウトメニュー RingerHut Takeout Menu
Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Saraudon 長崎皿うどん テイクアウト

Nagasaki Saraudon (for to go) 700 yen

Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Saraudon 長崎皿うどん テイクアウト

When you buy a noodle dish to go, the noodles and soup are packed separately as in the picture above.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Saraudon 長崎皿うどん テイクアウト

The black bowl is microwave-safe, because the printed instructions on the bowl say that.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Saraudon 長崎皿うどん テイクアウト

The instructions don't mention the white bowl. I guess it is not microwave-safe.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Saraudon 長崎皿うどん テイクアウト
Ringerhut リンガーハット Nagasaki Saraudon 長崎皿うどん テイクアウト

1 pack each of sauce and mustard was in the takeout bag. Because these were tiny little packs, I actually wanted a few packs of each!
I should have asked if I could get more.

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Seasonal or Discontinued Menu

The sale of these champon items below are ending.

Champon with Scallops and Asari Clams

Champon with Scallops and Asari Clams ほたてとあさりのちゃんぽん - リンガーハット RingerHut

Champon with Scallops and Asari Clams

Regular 890 yen with tax (as pictured)
Small 690 yen

Champon with Scallops and Asari Clams ほたてとあさりのちゃんぽん - リンガーハット RingerHut

This item was available from April 12, 2021 for a while.

Champon with Scallops and Asari Clams ほたてとあさりのちゃんぽん - リンガーハット RingerHut

When I had this there were 3 scallops and 11 Asari clams on it.

Champon with Scallops and Asari Clams ほたてとあさりのちゃんぽん - リンガーハット RingerHut

Champon in Cold Soup with Spicy Miso Topping

冷やしちゃんぽん Champon in Cold Soup - リンガーハット RingerHut

Champon in Cold Soup with Spicy Miso Topping
Hiyashi Champon
Small 500 yen (as pictured)
Regular 600 yen
This seasonal dish is available from April 23, 2020 until summer.

冷やしちゃんぽん Champon in Cold Soup - リンガーハット RingerHut

When I had this dish, these cold ingredients were noodles, soup, shrimp, chicken, tomato, corn, carrot, bean sprouts, wood ear mushrooms, mizuna greens, boiled fish paste and maybe takana pickles.

冷やしちゃんぽん Champon in Cold Soup - リンガーハット RingerHut

Spicy oil (Not too spicy)

使い捨てエプロン - リンガーハット RingerHut

A disposable apron was served together when I ordered this cold noodles.
It is good for women especially, who don't want their clothes to get dirty with the red oil.

冷やしちゃんぽん Champon in Cold Soup メニュー Menu - リンガーハット RingerHut

Oyster Champon (Miso Flavor Soup)

メニュー Menu - リンガーハット RingerHut

Oyster Champon (Miso Flavor Soup)
かきちゃんぽん みそ味スープ Kaki Champon

Tom Yum Goong Champon 2019

トムヤムクンちゃんぽん Tom Yum Goong Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

Tom Yum Goong Champon 2019 (Small size) トムヤムクンちゃんぽん (スモール) 500 yen
* Noodles only 100g (0.22lb)
* There was no regular (larger) size.The service of extra soup was not available.

Delicious, I will repeat this!
This was less spicy than real Thai style tom yam goong soup.
It was available from August 22, 2019 to maybe until September.

トムヤムクンちゃんぽん Tom Yum Goong Champon - リンガーハット RingerHut

It was topped with 3 large shrimps.
You can see 2 kinds of chopped green leaves on the noodles, but they were not cilantro (coriander). There was no cilantro in it.
However, The restaurant's website said that this Tom Yum Goong soup was flavored with cilantro and lemongrass.
I wish the soup contained real cilantro because I like it.

Tom Yum Goong Champon 2020

トムヤムクンちゃんぽん2020レギュラー Tom Yum Goong Champon 2020 Regular - リンガーハット RingerHut

Tom Yum Goong Champon 2020 (Regular size) 690 yen
トムヤムクンちゃんぽん 2020 (レギュラー)

Tom Yum Goong Champon トムヤムクンちゃんぽん was available again. It was seasonal item from September 3, 2020. This time, it contained cilantro (coriander). Good!

* You should bring a towel if you sweat easily.

トムヤムクンちゃんぽん2020レギュラー Tom Yum Goong Champon 2020 Regular - リンガーハット RingerHut

When I had this, it contained 2 large shrimps,1 small shrimp, cilantro, pork, cabbage, bean sprouts, green onion, corn, carrot, onion, cooked fish paste, deep-fried squid paste.

トムヤムクンちゃんぽん2020レギュラー Tom Yum Goong Champon 2020 Regular - リンガーハット RingerHut

A lot of Wood Ear Mushrooms with Salt Soup Champon

Ringerhut リンガーハット A lot of Wood Ear Mushrooms with Salt Soup Champon きくらげたっぷり塩ちゃんぽん

A lot of Wood Ear Mushrooms with Salt Soup Champon
きくらげたっぷり塩ちゃんぽん Kikurage Tappri Shio Champon
710 yen

Ringerhut リンガーハット A lot of Wood Ear Mushrooms with Salt Soup Champon きくらげたっぷり塩ちゃんぽん

I hope it is available around winter season.

Ringerhut リンガーハット A lot of Wood Ear Mushrooms with Salt Soup Champon きくらげたっぷり塩ちゃんぽん

To be honest, I prefer standard champon soup to this salt soup.

I recommend you order "standerd champon" and a topping "wood ear mushrooms" because you can choose the quantity of noodles for free.

Wood Ear Mushrooms Topping

長崎ちゃんぽん きくらげ追加トッピング Champon with Wood Ear Mushrooms added - リンガーハット RingerHut

Domestically Produced Wood Ear Mushrooms 100 yen
I heard that they stopped serving this additional topping. I hope they put it back on the menu. It was delicious. (Updated September 2019)

長崎ちゃんぽん きくらげ追加トッピング Champon with Wood Ear Mushrooms added - リンガーハット RingerHut

Nagasaki Champon 長崎ちゃんぽん Regular 590 yen
Wood Ear Mushrooms Topping きくらげ Kikurage 100 yen

Total: 745 yen including 8% tax
I ordered double size noodles (400g).

長崎ちゃんぽん きくらげ追加トッピング Champon with Wood Ear Mushrooms added - リンガーハット RingerHut

Starchy Soup Champon

Ringerhut リンガーハット Starchy Soup Champon あんかけちゃんぽん

Starchy Soup Champon
Ankake Champon あんかけちゃんぽん (500 yen)
This champon is out of sale. (Updated September 2019)

Ringerhut リンガーハット Starchy Soup Champon あんかけちゃんぽん

It was champon with starchy soup. It was priced amazingly lower than the restaurant's other noodle items.
The difference between this and the others was a lot more sprouts were used instead of other vegetables to save on the cost. Nevertheless, it was still rather tasty and I was satisfied after eating it.

Ringerhut リンガーハット Starchy Soup Champon あんかけちゃんぽん
Ringerhut リンガーハット Starchy Soup Champon あんかけちゃんぽん

This paste is Yuzu citron pepper (ゆずこしょう Yuzukoshou). Putting it in the soup is good taste.

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Online Shopping

You can buy champon online.

The website below is in Japanese.

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Ringerhut リンガーハット
リンガーハット RingerHut

Restaurant name
RingerHut リンガーハット

This website can be translated to English by automated translation service.


長崎ちゃんぽん リンガーハット
  • No cover charge / No service fee
  • Prices are included 10% tax.
  • Their food lineup and list prices vary. The menu of some of their restaurants include an 10% tax depending on the respective restaurants. However, they are managed by the same champon chain.
  • At some of the RingerHut restaurants (especially Tokyo area and so on), when you come there after 10:00 pm, you need to pay 10% late-night charge. A late-night charge at Japanese fast food shops is not common though.
  • English picture menu is available at the restaurant and on the website.
  • They use the meal ticket system or the table order system.
  • No Smoking
  • You can also order food to go, but the take-home boxes cost additional money.

There are more than 600 branches in Japan.

リンガーハット RingerHut

Some restaurants are located around popular sightseeing areas in downtown Tokyo.

Ikebukuro 池袋
* B1 of a building (shopping mall) Sunshine City ALTA.

Shinjuku 新宿

Shibuya 渋谷

Shinbashi 新橋
* Premium Restaurant: Menu and prices are a little different.

Odaiba お台場
*at the food court on the 1F of AquaCity Odaiba アクアシティお台場

Nakano 中野

Nishiarai 西新井
* at the food court on the 1F of Ario Nishiarai アリオ西新井 

アンケートレシートクーポン Coupon リンガーハット RingerHut

They ended this coupon.

After you you paid the bill and the waitress gives you a receipt which is printed with a coupon on the bottom.

When you use it next time, you can choose from 3 pieces of gyoza dumplings or a glass of non-alcoholic drink for free.
Ringerhut リンガーハット Gyoza Dumpling 餃子 ぎょうざ

Before using it you need to answer an online questionnaire of this restaurant. When you finish all questions 4 digits code will be displayed on the website.
Write the code on the coupon.

https://www.ringerhut.jp (in Japanese)

Expiration Date - February 29, 2020 

  • It is valid next day.
  • You need to order a main dish such as set meal or noodles. (Dumplings set meal 餃子定食 is also OK.)
  • Dine-in only
  • Not valid with any other (coupon / discount) offer.
  • Don't cut off the coupon from the receipt.
  • Present coupon upon ordering.
July 2013 - リンガーハット RingerHut

This champon above that was offered at this restaurant in 2013. It was my favorite because it was cheaper and had higher quality ingredients. Unfortunately, they stopped using thick slices of squid and a large shrimp for it. I know, these days, seafood prices are getting expensive. Anyway, they still keep the quality of the tasty champon soup.

Check out another restaurant's champon!

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Ramen and Chinese Food Restaurant Chain in Japan ラーメン・炒飯
Are you tired of eating Japanese food during traveling in Japan?If so, I recommend this Chinese food restaurant chainGyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将.
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Champon Noodles with Seafood, Pork, and Vegetables in soy sauce pork bone based broth チャンポン

Are also interested in ramen?
Check it out below!

Articles of "Ramen".