This is a maid bar, where the female bartenders wear maid costume.
I have been to several maid cafes or maid bars in Tokyo.
To be honest, this place is the best maid cafe and bar in my life because all maids wear amazingly cute, lovely and attractive costume and offer friendly conversation service, and all-you-can-drink a few kinds of alcoholic drinks.
NEW! They move to another location on May 23, 2021
However, they are still in Akihabara Tokyo.
9th floor in the building
Photos of maids

I highly recommend this bar for guys!
You must be happy and excited to see and talk with them!
It is affordable prices and worth trying!
Don't miss this bar when you traveling in Tokyo, if you are interested in Japanese maid cafes!

The Latest Maid Members


Website (in Japanese)

Business hours
4:00 pm - (Irregular closing time)
Open Every Day
Live TwitCasting is often available in the evening. (in Japanese)

In the early business hours around 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, there are some maids and only a few to no customers. Later, some more maids start working.
If the bar is quiet, the bartenders often make Live TwitCasting to introduce the bar and the maids.
You can see their pretty faces and chat online.
If you log into TwitCasting, you can also send messages to them through text chat. (They sometimes answer for your messages through voice instead of text chat.)
Although, when the bar gets busy with customers, the Live TwitCasting is closed.
After watching their TwitCasting, you might get an urge to meet and talk with such cute maids.
If you are interested in this bar, I first recommend watching their TwitCasting.
Then, if you like it, let's go to the bar to meet your favorite maid!
Cafe & Bar Mermaid is on the 3rd floor in the building.
Price System
This bar offers all-you-drink which includes alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and their simple system is below. (Food and special drinks are optional.)
- The base cost is 3000 yen for 40 minutes.
(It includes a cup of finger food such as cracker and so on.) - Every 40 minutes, your allotted time with the maids is automatically extended (without notice) and an additional 3000 yen charge is added to your bill.
- There is also 10% service fee and 10% tax.
(No cover charge. It is included in total cost.)
If you're worried about this automatic extension, you can choose a preset amount of time for how long you want to stay with the maid when you enter the bar. This way, the maid can remind you when your allotted time is almost up.
At the entrance, you can say or point the sentence on your smartphone to the staff.
- Only 40 minutes
At least 3700 yen + Option - Only one hour and 20 minutes
At least 7300 yen + Option - If you want to extend for 40 minutes more,
you say "More 40 minutes please".

When I went there in November 2019, I was going to end it at only 40 minutes to save money.
I asked the staff if they could remind me when my time was almost up. Actually, this request is available upon ordering.
To be honest.
When my 40 minutes was up, the maid reminded me but I couldn't end it because the conversation with friendly maids who wears attractive costume was exciting and I wanted to chat with them more.
Eventually, I had extended the time a few times.
I had a really great time, and get drunk!
All-You-Can-Drink Menu
- Beer 生
- Shochu 焼酎
(On the rocks / Mixed with water or soda.) - Whiskey ウイスキー
(On the rocks / Mixed with water or soda.)
- Green Tea 緑茶
- Oolong Tea ウーロン茶
- Orange オレンジ
- Grapefruit グレープフルーツ
- Acerola アセロラ
- Coffee コーヒー
- Calpico カルピス
- Coke コーラ
- Ginger Ale ジンジャエール
- Straight Tea ストレートティー
- Lemon Tea レモンティー
- Jasmine Tea ジャスミンティー
- Pickled Plum 梅干し 100 yen
- Cut Lemon カットレモン 100 yen
(These plum and lemon are good toppings for drinking shochu.) - Grilled Rice Ball 焼きおにぎり 500 yen
- Karpas カルパス 500 yen
- Pocky ポッキー 500 yen
- Green Soybeans (Edamame) 枝豆 500 yen
- Korean Dried Seaweed (Nori) 韓国のり 500 yen
- Omelette Stuffed with Rice (Omu-rice) オムライス 1000 yen
- Carbonara カルボナーラ 1000 yen
This menu has been a little bit changed.

I should have bought a maid a-1000-yen drink.
Next time, I'm going to try it.
These photos are officially given by Cafe & Bar Mermaid for this blog.
Actually this place is not typical maid cafes. This place is a type of a bar called girl's bar in Japan. Please look over this information below.

If you don't speak Japanese, don't worry too much, probably the maids will try their best to communicate in English. Even though, they can't speak fluently.