When you keep visiting shrines and temples in Japan many times to collect their seals in an accordion book as shown the above will become into your treasure which is mysterious and artistic book like ancient manuscripts.
Goshuin 御朱印 is a seal that is historically given if you wrote and submitted sutra copies at a shrine or a temple a long time ago, but after some time, instead of performing the ritual you can donate... actually buy the seal at many shrines and temples.
Each shrine or temple has their unique seal.

Kotohira-gu Shrine 金刀比羅宮
(It is also called Konpirasan.)
Website (in Japanese)

Sugimoto Shrine 椙本神社

You can choose from 5 colors below.


Todai-ji Betsuin Amida-ji 東大寺別院阿弥陀寺

Japanese websites

Zentsu-ji 善通寺
Shiromine-ji 白峯寺
Website (in Japanese)

Goshuin-cho of Kotohira-gu Shrine 金刀比羅宮
Website (in Japanese)

It looks good!
In Tokyo, this shrine is good for sightseeing.

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