Rice Culture in Japan - Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machines コイン精米機・精米所

Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所 Culture

Japanese people like eating tasty rice. Some people buy brown rice. Then, when they cook it, they can bring the rice to the machine and polish it to their favorite rice such as well-polished brown or white rice. Actually, my mother sometimes do that to make fresh and healthy rice for our family.

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2 Types of Rice Polishing Machines

  • Brown Rice Only
  • Unhulled Rice and Brown Rice
    (This machine is rare.)

Some people get unhulled (chaffy) rice from rice stores or rice farmers.
But the machines which can polish unfulled rice are rare.
This blog will introduce the brown rice only machines.

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Instruction Sample-1

In Japan, we can easily find rice-polishing machines here and there in the suburbs.

Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所

These coin operated rice polishing machines look like a small booth or vending machine.

Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所

These machines don't sell rice, only offer polishing service. You should bring your rice to these places.

Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
  1. Insert the polishing service fee.
    This machine accepts only 100 yen coin. There is no bill exchanger.
No Rinsing Required
Normal White Rice
10kg, 22lb200 yen100 yen
20kg, 44lb300 yen200 yen
30kg, 66lb400 yen300 yen
Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
  1. Put in brown rice here 玄米投入口.


玄米 ○

  • Brown Rice is OK.

モミ ×
米 ×
白米 ×
Do not use these types of rice!

  • Unhulled Rice
  • Non-stranded / Uneven Size
  • White Rice
Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
  1. You can choose your favorite degree of polishing.
無洗米No Rinsing Required Rice
上白Well Polished White Rice
標準Stranded White Rice
7ぶBrown Rice
5ぶBrown Rice
3ぶBrown Rice
1ぶBrown Rice
The smaller the number, the less polishing it does.
Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
  1. Polished rice will come from here 白米取出口.
    Set your bag under the rice exit.
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Instruction Sample-2

Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所
Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machine コイン精米機・精米所

You can also get rice bran powder after polishing. However some machines don't offer this service.
The rice bran has many uses such as for cooking, as a fertilizer, and washing your face like a soap, and so on.

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Instruction Sample-3

Onigiri (Rice Ball) Restaurant BONGO ぼんご in Tokyo おにぎり・おむすび
This restaurant specializes in and serves only onigiri (rice balls). It is a good experience for foreign tourists to see a chef makes fresh rice balls right in front of the counter. (There is no table seats.)Their onigiri is bigger than usual one and use a...