Cutting Performance of Really Large Size Tuna at a Fish Supermarket SAKANAYA-SHUN in Tokyo

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun Food

This place is not a restaurant or a sightseeing place. It is a supermarket, and they completely specialize in selling many kinds of seafood in a large space. The space is much larger than the seafood section in general large supermarkets in Japan.

All photos on this page were taken in 2015. The information contained on this page is current as of 2015. Maybe, some information has been changed.

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Cutting Performance of Really Large Size Tuna

Looking around about Japanese seafood culture would be fun for international tourists. It is not just a supermarket anymore, because they have seafood events several times a month.

The supermarket is an interesting place to see many kinds of Japanese food. Of course it is a shopping center, not a place for sightseeing so you should not go there with a large group.

You should go to the supermarket on the day of the tuna cutting performance!

Even in Tokyo it is still an unknown spot for international tourists. I recommend you go there instead of the local fish market Toyosu (fish) market 豊洲市場.

English | ザ・豊洲市場【公式】
魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

A recommended event is a cutting performance of really large size tuna. Usually this event was held once or twice a month, but it is very rare during the pandemic.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

When I went there, the weight of the tuna was 95.6kg (210.7lb) like in the picture above. This is a rare experience to watch the performance of such big tuna. Although it depends on purchasing from an actual fish market.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

One of the kitchens is centrally-placed in the supermarket, and the tuna is displayed there on the day of the event.

Before the beginning of the performance, a chef asks people if they would like to walk into the kitchen and take pictures of the large tuna closely for a while. However, keep out of the kitchen except that time!

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

Why not take a memorable picture with the large tuna?

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun
魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun
魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

Why don't you buy really fresh tuna sashimi.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

You can find the event schedule on the top page or the news (最新情報) of the website, but the information is in Japanese. So please find the event which is named マグロ解体 (The tuna cutting performance) in Japanese. Then, please check the date and time of the event. Usually it starts at 3:00 pm (15:00), if the time schedule is not changed.

They sell fresh red sea cucumber.
Do not touch it by your fingers.

Sea Cucumber is Common Food at Sushi Restaurant and Izakaya (Japanese Style Bar) in Japan なまこ
Sea cucumber is called Namako なまこ / ナマコ in Japanese.Thinly sliced fresh (raw) sea cucumber is used for a kind of Japanese vinegared food. It is usually served with ponzu sauce (citrus-flavored soy sauce).
魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

You can buy reasonably fresh sushi, sashimi, tempura, fried food, and more to go.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun
魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun
魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

You can take some tiny packs of soy sauce and wasabi. These are free of charge and prepared around the food items at the sashimi section.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

If you need disposable chopsticks, you can ask the staff at the cash desk when you pay the bill. It is free of charge.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

At the supermarket there is a centrally placed kitchen where you can watch the chefs prepare food.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

Smoking area is available in the parking space. There is no eating-in space in the supermarket, so you can eat the food at the smoking area.

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Shop Information

Shop Name
魚屋シュン (旬)

Website (in Japanese)

魚屋シュン | 練馬にある日本最大級の粋な魚屋

Business Hours
10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Open 7 days a week (except January 1, 2)

I recommend you buy anything whole fish. Look over the pro tip below.

When you buy a whole fish you can ask the chef to filet it for sashimi. (No fee)
You may even be able to watch them filet it. It would be fun to watch if you are interested in skillful knife work.

Sahimi-ni shite kudasai.
Can you filet this for sashimi please?

* Remember to get soy sauce, wasabi and chopsticks if you don't have them.

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You can walk to the supermarket for 21 minutes from Shakujiikoen 石神井公園 Station.
1.7km (1.06mile)

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

Turn right at Kowashogakko Ent. 光和小学校入口.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

Turn left when you see this convenience store 7-Eleven セブンイレブン.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

Turn left and soon turn right like this red arrow at Yawara Shogakko Ent 谷原小学校入口.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

At last, you will arrive at the supermarket Sakanaya-Shun.

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Let's go to a park Shakujiikoen 石神井公園 after shopping at the supermarket!
You can bring your food in the park.

魚屋 旬 シュン 東京 Shun

Free admission
There are some tables and bathrooms in the park.

Website of the park
