Firefly Squid ホタルイカ at Japanese Restaurants / Bars

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ Food

Firefly squid is a common food at Japanese eating places such as Japanese sushi / restaurants / bars (called IZAKAYA). It is known as the sparking squid in the ocean.
I sometimes eat it. It is called ホタルイカ(ほたるいか)Hotaruika in Japanese.

Hotaru means firefly. Ika means squid.
The dishes as shown in this page cost usually from 100 to 300 yen.
It is usually eaten boiled, marinated or raw.

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Boiled Firefly Squid

Boiled fire fly squid is popular and easy to find at supermarkets, Japanese restaurants and bars in Japan.

SUZUDEN 鈴傳 Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

Vinegared miso is good sauce for boiled firefly squid.

Standing Bar 立飲みたきおか Tachinomi-Takioka in Ueno 上野

Putting soy sauce and ginger is also good.

SUSHIRO スシロー Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

This is boiled firefly squid sushi.

Preparation for Firefly Squid

Marinated Firefly Squid

This is a cooking method called 沖漬け Okizuke that means marinating really fresh squid or fish in soy sauce and some seasonings.

HAMAZUSHI はま寿司 Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

Marinated Firefly Squid Sushi

Sushi Restaurant - KURASUSHI くら寿司

Sashimi Firefly Squid

Sashimi (raw) firefly squid is rare and difficult to find at eating places because distributing it fresh is very costly.
It is called...
ホタルイカの刺し身 Hotaruika-no-sashimi
ホタルイカ刺し Hotaruika-sashi

Banpaiya 晩杯屋 Firefly squid sashimi ホタルイカ刺し

When I find a raw one at restaurants, I will definitely order one for me.

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

Dried Firefly Squid

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

A pack of domestically produced (日本海産) dried firefly squid is only 100 yen. (108 yen including tax) This is really cost effective.
It is sold at a convenience store LAWSON STORE 100.

Lawson Store 100 ローソンストア100

Convenience store chains LAWSON and LAWSON STORE 100 are different. Please find LAWSON STORE 100. They sell a lots of items for 100 yen.

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ
Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

6 pieces are in the pack.

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

You can eat this without cooking but I recommend you grill it with lighter.

Some sake bars offer this as well.

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

It is served with lighter at some bars. You can cook yourself.

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ
Firefly Squid ホタルイカ

Other Information

Many Japanese style bars (called Izakaya) offer firefly squid.

Firefly Squid ホタルイカ Sake 日本酒
Firefly Squid ホタルイカ Sake 日本酒

By the way. My favorite squid restaurant is this.

Eat the Moving Squid Arms at a Bar Restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター in Tokyo - Calamari 烏賊
A Japanese bar restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター specializes in fresh squid sashimi. (Squid is called IKAin Japanese.)Some squids are kept alive in the fish tank of the restaurant.Immediately after the customer orders, it is sliced as sashimi.I have been to 2 r...

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