A strawberry and red bean rice cake ICHIGO DAIFUKU いちご大福

A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福 Food
A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福
A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福

This is a Japanese confectionery called Ichigo Daifuku. Sweet red bean paste and a whole strawberry is coated with a sticky rice cake.

It is mainly sold in certain seasons as strawberries grow from January to May in Japan.

A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福

This a 2-pack of Ichigo Daifuku いちご大福 was 300 yen at a shop.

A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福

You can find it at supermarkets, department stores and confectionery stores.

Anko あんこ is sweet red bean paste. There are 2 types of Anko.
Tsubuan つぶあん is mushed Anko containing pieces of red beans skin.
Koshian こしあん is really smooth Anko. It likes cream in texture.
I prefer Ichigo Daifuku of Koshian (smooth red bean paste) as shown below.
A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福

Sticky rice cake is soft and a bit sweet. Yummy!

A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福

Originally a whole strawberry would be inside.

A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福 ICHIGO DAIFUKU

This Ichigo Daifuku was 270 yen. (including tax)

These days many shops put the strawberry on the rice cake because the shops and people think that when the strawberry is on top, it is more instragrammable.

If your purpose is not for taking an Instagrammable photo, I highly recommend you eat an original one where the strawberry is inside, because when you bite the original one, the strawberry changes like jam mixed with sweet been paste and rice cake in your mouth. It tastes very good.
A strawberry and red bean rice cake いちご大福 ICHIGO DAIFUKU
When the strawberry is on it, you will taste strawberry and red bean rice cake separately. I think this is not real Ichigo Daifuku and it doesn't taste as good.
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Japanese Orange Mikan Daifuku みかん大福

A Japanese orange and red bean rice cake まるごとみかん大福 MIKAN DAIFUKU
A Japanese orange and red bean rice cake まるごとみかん大福 MIKAN DAIFUKU
A Japanese orange and red bean rice cake まるごとみかん大福 MIKAN DAIFUKU
A Japanese orange and red bean rice cake まるごとみかん大福 MIKAN DAIFUKU
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Salt & Cream Daifuku 塩クリーム大福

Cream and red bean rice cake 伯方の塩クリーム(純生入り)大福 Daifuku
Cream and red bean rice cake 伯方の塩クリーム(純生入り)大福 Daifuku
Cream and red bean rice cake 伯方の塩クリーム(純生入り)大福 Daifuku
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Mango Daifuku マンゴー大福

Mango and red bean rice cake マンゴー大福 安田の白い夢 Daifuku
Mango and red bean rice cake マンゴー大福 安田の白い夢 Daifuku
Mango and red bean rice cake マンゴー大福 安田の白い夢 Daifuku
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A Cafe "Mantennohoshi" 菓子工房【満天の星】

Soybean Japanese mugwort powder - Roasted green tea (Houji) Daifuku

Soybean Japanese mugwort powder - Roasted green tea (Houji) Daifuku きなこよもぎ ほうじ茶 大福 満天の星

This cafe is located in Kochi Japan.

Soybean Japanese mugwort powder - Roasted green tea (Houji) Daifuku きなこよもぎ ほうじ茶 大福 満天の星

Roasted green tea (Houji) Daifuku
ほうじ茶大福 Houji-cha Daifuku

Soybean Japanese mugwort powder
きなこよもぎ大福 Kinako Yomogi Daifuku

Soybean Japanese mugwort powder - Roasted green tea (Houji) Daifuku きなこよもぎ ほうじ茶 大福 満天の星
Roasted green tea (Houji) Daifuku ほうじ茶 大福 満天の星

Green Tea Chocolate Daifuku

Green tea chocolate daifuku 白星大福 しらほしだいふく 満天の星

Green Tea Chocolate Daifuku
緑茶生チョコ大福 白星大福(しらほし)
Ryakucha Nama-choko Daifuku (Shirahoshi Daifuku)

津野町 四万十源流点のまち 満天の星
高知県 津野町のアンテナショップ「満天の星」のホームページです。ほうじ茶大福をはじめ、津野町産の厳選素材を利用した満天の「食」をお楽しみ下さい。

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