Cute Maid Cafe and Bar OTOGIYA in Kochi (Shikoku Island) Japan
When you visit a downtown in Kochi 高知 City of Shikoku 四国 Island, Japan. Let's get a drink and talk with pretty maid girls and local customers at a bar OTOGIYA.
TOKYO GAME SHOW 2019 東京ゲームショー
Sorry, it has already closed in 2019.Tokyo Game Show is held once a year in Japan. Many video game software and hardware companies attend this event.You can also see a lots of cute staff and cosplayers.
Solo Karaoke in a Spaceship Capsule at 1 KARA
Are you traveling Japan?Do you want to go to karaoke?Two recommended karaoke establishments are below.
COMIC MARKET (Comiket) in Tokyo 東京 コミックマーケット(コミケ)- Festival for Anime Comic Manga Geeks
Comic Market is held twice a year at an exhibition hall Tokyo Big Site. Comic Market is like Comic Con in the US.May 2 - 5, 2020 is canceledNext, December ? - ?, 2020
Samurai Cosplay at a Museum in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo サムライミュージアム
If you have a samurai spirit, you can be samurai in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo.