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A cafe bar chain PRONTO in Japan offers tasty deep fried burdock root sticks. プロント

Octopus dishes are popular in Japan. Are you interested in eating fresh octopus?

Standing Izakaya Bar NEW KAYABA in Tokyo 立ち飲み 焼鳥 居酒屋 ニューカヤバ

This place is an amusument style bar for adults. You can grill chicken on a skewer yourself. It's fun!

A Japanese Brand of Chicken Called HYUGADORI 日向鶏

This is free-range chicken produced in Miyazaki 宮崎, Japan. It is more tender and much more delicious than typical broiler chicken.This is a from takeout shop located in Tokyo, and they offer many types of food prepared with this chicken.When you are travel...

Octopus Dumplings TAKOYAKI たこ焼き

Takoyaki is octopus dumplings and it is a popular snak like a junk food but tasty.

Standing Tempura Bars in Tokyo 天ぷら - KIKUYA 喜久や, TACHITENMARU 立天○ (Permanently Closed)

There are many kinds of standing bars in Japan, but standing tempura bars are rare.I will introduce 2 tempura bars in Tokyo that uses high quality ingredients such as seafood and oil.If you have the same quality tempura at a seating style luxury restaurant...

KIRIN ICHIBAN FROZEN BEER is instragrammable in Japan キリン一番搾りフローズン・インスタ映え

This is draft beer topped with somethingfrozen. It looks like ice cream, but it is not soft serve ice cream or normalfroth.Actually, it is icy froth which is also made of beer.

All-You-Can-Eat Deep Fried Skewered Meat and Vegetables / KUSHIKATSU 串カツ - KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語

A restaurant chain KUSHIYA MONOGATARI 串家物語 specializes in deep fried skewered meat and vegetables. (Breaded, deep fried skewers)They offer all-you-can-eat, and optional all-you-can-drink.

Conveyor-belt Sushi Restaurant (Sushi Go Round) KURASUSHI くら寿司 in Downtown Tokyo and all over Japan

One of my favorite conveyor-belt sushi restaurant chains is KURA くら (also called KURASUSHI / KURAZUSHI くら寿司). I usually go there every second month.

Emblem Hostel in Nishiarai Tokyo エンブレムホステル 西新井 東京

This reasonable hostel has clean, nice rooms and facilities.Just make yourself at home in the lounge (on the picture above) and Cafe&Bar (on the 2nd floor).You can meet with friendly guests there.The lounge on the 3rd floor is for hostel guests only.

Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in Tokyo - Izakaya 居酒屋・Reasonable Japanese Food

Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in TokyoThis bar is still unknown spot for international tourists.BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 is really popular with local people.Most of the dishes cost between 130 and 310 yen. Only a few kinds of dishes are 490 yen.

Deep-Fried Food on a Skewer at KUSHIKATSU TANAKA 串カツ田中 all over Japan 串揚げ

Deep-fried foodon a skewerA restaurant chain Kushikatu Tanaka 串カツ田中 which is good for non-smokers.

Tempura Restaurant Chain TENDON TENYA in Japan - 天丼てんや・天ぷら

TENDON TENYA 天丼てんや is a chain tempura restaurant, and offers a large variety of inexpensive tempura foods. Taste very good!Tendon is a bowl of rice topped with several pieces of tempura with a special sauce.

Discover Small Aliens in Japan

The aliens were caught and preserved by canning in Japan.Why don't you get the can?
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