Grilled Semi-dried Fish is a Japanese Traditional Food - 3 Recommended Restaurants in Tokyo ひもの屋、越後屋八十吉、居酒屋八丈島

越後屋八十吉 Food

Sakana-no-himono 魚の干物 is semi-dried fish that is a traditional Japanese food. Grilled himono ひもの is popular in Japan. We often put a bit of soy sauce on it.
I introduce 3 restaurants that offer himono in Tokyo.

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Menu and prices might be changed now.


A chain bar restaurant HIMONOYA ひもの屋 specializes in semi-dried fish. They use a charcoal grill.

The photo above was grilled horse mackerel. 590 yen
Toroaji-no-hiraki トロアジの開き


Grilled Collar of Yellowtail 590 yen
Burikama ブリカマ


Grilled Sardine with Seasoned Cod Roe 490 yen
Iwashi-menta イワシ明太


Seasoned cod roe is put in the sardine.


Grilled Long and Thick Leek 290 yen
Naganegi-no-ipponyaki 長ネギの一本焼き


Rice with Green Tea 390 yen
Ochazuke お茶漬け
* Pour a cup of tea over the rice. Put the pickles and wasabi in it.


Draft Beer
Large: Dainama 大生 730 yen
Medium: Chunama 中生 580 yen


Lotus Root, Okra

Cover charge is 400 yen per person, which includes an appetizer. The food is sometimes changed.


Draft Beer 200 yen
Nama-biru 生ビール

Sandfish ハタハタ Grilled Semi-dried Fish 干物 - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Grilled Slightly-dried Sandfish 390 yen
Hatahata-ichiyaboshi ハタハタ一夜干し

Charcoal Grilled Yam 皮つき山芋炭火焼 - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Charcoal Grilled Yam 390 yen
Kawatsuki-yamaimo-sumibiyaki 皮つき山芋炭火焼

Butterflied Kinmedai (Splendid alfonsino) 金目鯛の開き - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Butterflied Kinmedai (Splendid alfonsino) 1190 yen
Kinmedai-no-hiraki 金目鯛の開き

Butterflied Kinmedai (Splendid alfonsino) 金目鯛の開き - HIMONOYA ひもの屋
Charcoal Grilled Enoki Mushroom エノキ炭火焼 (えのきだけ) - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Charcoal Grilled Enoki Mushroom 390 yen
Enoki-sumibiyaki エノキ炭火焼

Charcoal Grilled Enoki Mushroom エノキ炭火焼 (えのきだけ) - HIMONOYA ひもの屋
Grilled Squid イカの丸焼 - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Grilled Whole Squid 690 yen
Ika-no-maruyaki イカの丸焼

Grilled Rice Ball with Shrimp Miso 海老味噌焼おにぎり - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Grilled Rice Ball with Shrimp and Miso Paste 330 yen
Ebi-miso-onigiri 海老味噌焼おにぎり

Sake 日本酒 KIRINZAN 麒麟山 - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Sake: KIRINZAN 麒麟山 350 yen

Sake 日本酒 YUMEGOKORO 夢心 - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Sake: YUMEGOKORO 夢心 350 yen

Sake 日本酒 KIKUYOI 喜久酔 - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Sake: KIKUYOI 喜久酔 350 yen

Sake 日本酒 UMEICHIRIN 梅一輪 - HIMONOYA ひもの屋

Sake: UMEICHIRIN 梅一輪 300 yen


Picture menu has English information.


Food Menu


Beverage Menu


Bar Restaurant Name

Website (in Japanese)
* Their official website is broke or deleted.

  • Cover charge is 400 yen per person, which includes an appetizer as shown by the photo above.
  • No service fee
  • Picture food menu is available.
  • Tax is not included in the prices.

Google Maps of HIMONOYA in Tokyo near popular sightseeing places

Ueno 上野

Ikebukuro 池袋

Shibuya 渋谷

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ECHIGOYA-YASOKICHI 越後屋八十吉 in Ginza 銀座 Tokyo

They specialize in reasonable charcoal grilled semi-dried fish.
At dinner time, they also offer sashimi (fresh seafood).

You can walk to this restaurant from a popular sightseeing place (previous fish market / seafood restaurant area) Tsukiji 築地.
I think many restaurants located main streets in Tsukiji are not so reasonable.
If you want to save money and eat grilled fish, it is a good idea to go to ECHIGOYA-YASOKICHI 越後屋八十吉.


At lunch time, they offer reasonable set meals when compared to what is served at other restaurants. (790 yen to more)


Set meals of grilled food at lunch time
あじ開き定食 790 Horse mackerel
さば文化干し定食 790 Mackerel
さばみりん干し定食 790 (Seasoned) Mackerel
さんま開き定食 790 Pacific saury
にしん開き定食 890 Herring
しまほっけ半身定食 890 Okhotsk atka mackerel (Half size)
しまほっけ一尾定食 1300 Okhotsk atka mackerel (Whole size)
サーモンハラス干し定食 890 Fatty salmon belly
銀鮭塩焼き定食 890 Salmon
あこう鯛定食 A type of sea bream
銀だら西京漬け定食 990 Cod
いさき開き定食 Grunt
太刀魚一夜干し定食 Scabbard (Cutlass)
上鰻蒲焼き定食 Unagi (Eel)
関さば開き定食 1200 Mackerel (High quality)
のどぐろ開き定食 2000 Shore dotterel (High quality)
金目鯛開き定食 2200 A type of sea bream (High quality)
炙り旨みベーコン定食 990 Bacon (High quality)
大山鶏もも香味炙り定食 990 Chicken thigh (High quality Japanese chicken)
岩中豚肩ロース塩焼定食 990 Pork loin (High quality Japanese pork

The menu and prices might be changed.


Charcoal grilled fish


Whole, and half-size grilled this fish is available.
It is a kind of mackerel, and cut open and semi-dried.

しまほっけ一尾定食 1300 yen (Shima-hokke-ichibi Teishoku)
Okhotsk Atka Mackerel Set Meal - Whole

しまほっけ半身定食 890 yen (Shima-hokke-hanmi Teishoku)
Okhotsk Atka Mackerel Set Meal - Half

I chose the whole size option. It was delicious, but it was too much fish to eat at once, I got tired of eating it. I think the half-sized fish would be the ideal portion.



サーモンハラス干し定食 890 yen (Salmon Harasu-boshi Teishoku)
Fatty Salmon Set Meal


Bar restaurant name

Business hours
Mon - Thu 11:00 am - 0:00 am
Fri and Pre-holiday  11:00 am - 4:00 am
Sat, Sun and Holiday 11:00 am - 11:00 pm

  • No cover charge at lunch time / Cover charge is maybe 290 or 250 yen per person at dinner time.
  • At lunch time, when you get into the entrance, first you need to order and pay the food at the cash desk.
Echigoya Yasokichi - Higashi Ginza/Izakaya (Tavern) | Tabelog
Check out Echigoya Yasokichi/エチゴヤヤソキチ (Higashi Ginza/Izakaya (Tavern)、Seafood、Meat dishes) on Tabelog! 東銀座駅徒歩スグ!古民家風定食屋◎干物と鮮魚を炭火焼でお手頃に。未体験のおいしさと出会う! Discover Japanese restaurants featuring detailed information such as menus and maps, along with user-posted...
越後屋 八十吉
銀座エリアの銀座×居酒屋、越後屋 八十吉のオフィシャルページです。お店の基本情報やメニュー情報などをご紹介しています。

This restaurant is situated between a shopping area Ginza 銀座 and a sightseeing place Tukiji 築地. You can walk around these areas.
Menu and prices might be changed now.

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Izakaya HACHIJO-JIMA 居酒屋 八丈島 in Ikebukuro 池袋 Tokyo

Japanese Food Delicacies in Tokyo - Stinky Food KUSAYA くさや
It is known as Japanese traditional food.

KUSAYA of Hachijo-jima くさや 八丈島

It smells like a beast and some people might even say like poo-poo.
KUSAYA くさや is a type of half-dried fish, that's eaten after being grilled.
This fish is a kind of horse mackerel, and it costs 650 yen at a bar restaurant.

Food name: MUROAJI KUSAYA むろあじくさや
(Flying fish Kusaya is also available. Tobiuo-kusaya とび魚くさや)

This is a local traditional food of Izu Islands 伊豆諸島 in Tokyo 東京 such as Hachijo-jima island 八丈島.
One reason for the smell is the way it's prepared.
The fish is soaked in fermented KUSAYA liquid. This makes the fish smelly but adds a good taste. After this, it's then dried.

KUSAYA くさや is a little drier and has more of a chewy texture than the usual semi-dried fish, but its smell is surprisingly the strongest.
Some experts of KUSAYA くさや say that it's great to drink with sake and I think so as well.

Shortly after my friend bit into it, he gave up eating, but I ate all of it. For me the taste was OK.
To be honest, it was worth trying and it was a good experience, however I won't order it again.

SHIMAZUSHI of Hachijo-jima 島寿司 八丈島

Shima-zushi 島寿司 680 yen
This is sushi. Seasoned white meat fish (sashimi) on sweet vinegared rice ball

* The leaf on the picture above is Ashitaba 明日葉 (Ashitaba leaf). It is originally Japanese vegetable of Izu Islands 伊豆諸島 and so on.
Scientific name : Angelica keiskei


Hachijo-jima pizza 八丈島ピザ 680 700 yen
A lot of chopped Ashitaba leaves are in it. Good taste!

あしたばハイ 八丈島

Ashitaba-hai あしたばハイ 370 450 yen
Shochu-based beverage mixed with Ahitaba leaf juice. It is like healthy green juice.

They also offer other food except local food.

かぶと焼 兜焼き

Kabuto-yaki カブト焼 500 yen
Grilled fish head : It is palm-size and still a lot of edible meat around the head.
I like it. Tasty!

Izakaya Hachijo-jima 居酒屋 八丈島

Bar restaurant name
Izakaya HACHIJO-JIMA 居酒屋 八丈島

They offer local food of the island.

Website (in Japanese)

居酒屋 八丈島

Business hours
10:00 am - 3:00 am
Sunday 10:00 am - 11:00 pm

  • Cover charge is 270 yen per person.
  • No service fee
  • Tax is not included in the prices.

The nearest station is Ikebukuro 池袋 Station in Tokyo.
Menu and prices might be changed now.

Another recommended seafood restaurant in Tokyo

Popular Sashimi Restaurants in Tokyo - YONPACHIGYOJOU 四十八漁場, KAPPOU SAITOU 割烹さいとう
I often go to seafood restaurants in Tokyo. I will introduce two recommended restaurants below.