Deep Fried Squid at LAWSON

ローソン イカから揚げ LAWSON Fried Squid Food

When you are a bit hungry during your trip in Japan, it would be good to stop by a convenience store LAWSON and buy Deep Fried Squid.

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Deep Fried Squid Rings ☆ Recommended

ローソン イカから揚げ LAWSON Fried Squid

A cup of Deep Fried Squid is 200 yen including tax.

ローソン イカから揚げ LAWSON Fried Squid

About 100g (3.53oz) contains cup

It comes with a toothpick on the side of the cup.

Probably, the staff will ask you if you want to heat the food with microwave.

ローソン イカから揚げ LAWSON Fried Squid

There are 3 different parts of the squid in the cup such as rings, tentacles and so on.

ローソン イカから揚げ LAWSON Fried Squid

Think that because recently the price of squid has been rising, 200 yen is reasonable price.

ローソン イカから揚げ LAWSON Fried Squid


Recommended Squid Restaurant in Tokyo

Eat the Moving Squid Arms at a Bar Restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター in Tokyo - Calamari 烏賊
A Japanese bar restaurant IKA CENTER イカセンター specializes in fresh squid sashimi. (Squid is called IKAin Japanese.)Some squids are kept alive in the fish tank of the restaurant.Immediately after the customer orders, it is sliced as sashimi.I have been to 2 r...
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3 Kinds of Fried Chicken

ローソン からあげ3種盛合せ LAWSON Fried Chicken

3 Different Parts of the Deep Fried Chicken
1 portion 220 yen
2 portions 440 yen

* This photo above is 2 portions.

100 Yen OFF until April 18, 2022

1 portion
220 → 120 yen

ローソン からあげ3種盛合せ LAWSON Fried Chicken

1 portion
About 50g (1.76oz) contains cup

ローソン からあげ3種盛合せ LAWSON Fried Chicken
ローソン からあげ3種盛合せ LAWSON Fried Chicken
  • Chicken Breast
  • Chicken Gizzard
  • Chicken Cartilage
ローソン からあげ3種盛合せ LAWSON Fried Chicken


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Ham Cutlet

Thick Ham Cutlet of LAWSON ローソンの贅沢厚切りハムカツ

Deep Fried Thick Ham Cutlet
150 yen

Thick Ham Cutlet of LAWSON ローソンの贅沢厚切りハムカツ

* I prepared shredded cabbage myself at home.

Thick Ham Cutlet of LAWSON ローソンの贅沢厚切りハムカツ
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Limited Time, Discontinued Food

Large Yakitori

ローソン でか焼鳥 LAWSON Grilled Chicken

Large Grilled Chicken on a Skewer (which is called Yakitori)
1 skewer: 127 yen including tax
* This photo of the chicken dish was taken in 2017.

This convenience store chain LAWSON several times offered tasty Yakitori as a seasonal item which is larger size and more inexpensive than general ones.

They sells regular size one for 100 yen now. (in 2022)

ローソン でか焼鳥 LAWSON Grilled Chicken

When you buy skewer food, if you need free Shichimi which is mixed with 7 kinds of spices, mainly red pepper and so on. I like eating Yakitori with Shichimi.

Shichimi is also called Nanami in the US.

ローソン でか焼鳥 LAWSON Grilled Chicken

It was 18cm (7.09inch) .

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LAWSON is one of the large scale convenience store chains in Japan. You may often find the stores all over Japan.

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Other Chicken Shops

Karaage KARAYAMA からあげ からやま / YUKARI 縁 - Deep Fried chicken Shop in Japan 唐揚げ
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Deep Fried Chicken Chain KARAAGE-NO-TENSAI から揚げの天才
I have been to this fried chicken shop once, for now. I will definitely come to the shop repeatedly, because it was delicious.
Deep Fried Squid at LAWSON
When you are a bit hungry during your trip in Japan, it would be good to stop by a convenience store LAWSON and buy Deep Fried Squid.