All-You-Can-Eat Natto at SENDAIYA in Tokyo せんだい屋・納豆食べ放題

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA Food
納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

If you like natto, I highly recommend you go to a natto shop SENDAIYA せんだい屋 in Tokyo. They offer all-you-can-eat natto.

They specializes in natto and have own natto factory in Yamanashi 山梨 Prefecture located next to Tokyo. They sell many kinds of natto products at the shop.

Natto is fermented soybeans, and popular traditional food in Japan.

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All-You-Can-Eat Natto

This photo above is

All-You-Can-Eat Natto Set Meal 850 935 yen
納豆食べ放題定食 Natto Tabehoudai Teishoku

When you want another pack of natto, please feel free to ask the wait staff.

This set meal includes rice, side dish, miso soup, pickles but these are not for all-you-can-eat except natto.
You can choose the rice size below for free when ordering your first order. (It is not free refills.)

  • 200g (0.44lb)
  • 270g
  • 400g
  • 600g

To order 400g or 600g is a bad idea, if you want to try all kinds of natto below.

9 kinds of natto are available below for all-you-can-eat.

  1. Natto of Domestically Produced Small Soybeans
    国産小粒 Kokusan Kotsubu
  2. Natto of Domestically Produced Large Soybeans
    国産大粒 Kokusan Ootsubu
  3. Natto of Domestically Produced Crushed Soybeans
    国産ひきわり Kokusan Hikiwari
  4. Green (Edamame) Beans Natto
    えだ豆納豆 Edamame Natto
  5. Natto Mixed with Sesame
    ごま納豆 Goma Natto
  6. Natto Mixed with Sea Vegetable WAKAME
    わかめ納豆 Wakame Natto
  7. Natto Mixed with Sea Vegetable HIJIKI
    ひじき納豆 Hijiki Natto
  8. Natto Mixed with Millet
    きび納豆 Kibi Natto
  9. Natto of Hokkaido Grown Japanese Brand Soybeans SODEFURI
    北のそでふり Kita-no-sodefuri
納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

When you arrive at the eat-in space in the shop, please write your name, the number of people on the waiting sheet. A staff member will take you to your table.

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

1. Natto of Domestically Produced Small Soybeans
国産小粒 Kokusan Kotsubu

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

4. Green (Edamame) beans Natto
えだ豆納豆 Edamame Natto

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

5. Natto mixed with Sesame
ごま納豆 Goma Natto

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

6. Natto mixed with Sea Vegetable WAKAME
わかめ納豆 Wakame Natto

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

7. Natto mixed with Sea Vegetable HIJIKI
ひじき納豆 Hijiki Natto

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

8. Natto mixed with millet
きび納豆 Kibi Natto

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

You can mix mustard, soy sauce, special sauce with natto, mixed hot pepper.

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The Other Natto Meals

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA
Natto and Salmon Set Meal 790 870 yen
納豆鮭定食 Natto Sake Teishoku
Natto Set Meal 690 760 yen
納豆定食 Natto Teishoku
Udon or Soba Topped with Natto 480 530 yen
納豆ぶっかけそば・うどん Natto Bukkake Soba, Udon
Udon or Soba Topped with Natto Set Meal 690 760 yen
納豆ぶっかけそば・うどんセット Natto Bukkake Soba, Udon Set
* Choose from
Plum and Whitebait Rice (梅ちりめんご飯 Ume Chirimen Gohan) or
Minced Meat Rice (そぼろご飯 Soboro Gohan)
Natto, Pork and Kimch on Rice Bowl 890 980 yen
納豆豚キムチ丼 Natto Buta Kimuchi Don
Natto and Vegetables on Rice Bowl 850 980 yen
納豆ビビンバ丼 Natto Bibinba Don

All-you-can-eat natto is available when you order ONLY

All-You-Can-Eat Natto Set Meal 850 935 yen
納豆食べ放題定食 Natto Tabehoudai Teishoku

If you order the other kinds of natto meals, all-you-can-eat is NOT available.

You can see their main menu on their official website. (in Japanese)

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

They sell straw natto わら納豆. About straw natto:

Straw NATTO わら納豆 is Japanese traditional healthy food.
Hopefully, you already know about Natto 納豆 (Fermented soybeans). It is a popular Japanese food and known as a healthy food, but some people don't like the strong smell and sticky taste.
納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

There are many kinds of natto items.

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

Natto Snacks

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

Tofu, pudding and so on

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA
納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

Natto doughnuts

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

Plain プレーン, English Tea 紅茶

納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA
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納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

SENDAIYA Ikejirioohashi branch
せんだい屋 池尻大橋店

Business hours
11:00 am - 7:00 pm
Eat-in space (All-you-can-eat natto) 11:00 am - 3:00 pm
There is no regular holiday.


店舗紹介 | 納豆工房せんだい屋
  • Tax is includes in the price.
  • No service fee / No cover charge
納豆工房 せんだい屋 池尻大橋店 Natto SENDAIYA

Natto vending machine 24/7

Photos were taken in 2016. Prices are current as of November 2019 of Ikejirioohashi branch 池尻大橋店.