Specialty: RAMEN KAGETSU ARASHI らあめん花月嵐 is a ramen chain. It specializes in genkotsu broth, a type of tonkotsu (pork bone-based) broth.

Meal Ticket
Let's buy a meal ticket at the entrance!
The restaurant uses a meal ticket system. Thumbnail images of the menu items are displayed on the ticket machine buttons or touch screen.
I ordered their popular ramen Arashi Genkotsu Ramen 嵐げんこつらあめん.
It has 3 flavors. 720 yen (including tax)
If there is old ticketing machine (not touch screen):
When you have a seat and hand the meal ticket to the staff please order your flavor between soy sauce, miso or salt.
- Arashi Genkotsu Ramen
(Pork Soy Sauce Flavor and Minced Pork Backfat)
嵐げんこつらあめん - Arashi Genkotsu Ramen Miso
(Miso Soybean Paste Flavor and Liquid Lard)
嵐げんこつらあめん味噌 - Arashi Genkotsu Ramen Sio
(Pork and Salt Flavor)
An extra large helping of noodles costs an additional 180 yen. (大盛券)
Picture menu book has English information.

Toppings and Coupon

100 → 120 yen

Many kinds of toppings are available for 100 120 yen.
- Very Spicy and Hot Habanereo 激辛トッピング
- Sliced Boiled Eggs (2 pieces) スライスゆでタマゴ
- Nori Sea Vegetable (Dried Nori Seaweed) のり
- Wakame Sea Vegetable (Wakame Seaweed) ワカメ
- Shredded Fresh Green Onion (Crisp Sliced Green Onions) シャキネギ
- Bean Sproutsもやし
- Soft Boiled Egg とろ~り半熟味玉
- Original Sauce 秘伝の漬け込みダレ
- Spinach ホウレン草
- Corn コーン
- Bamboo sprout pickles メンマ
- Cabbage キャベツ
- Butter バター
- Chinese Cabbage (Winter season only) 白菜(冬季限定)

Spinach ホウレン草
I like spinach topping.

Seasoned Bamboo Shoots メンマ

Shredded Fresh Green Onion (Crisp Sliced Green Onions)
It's like a salad with sauce.

Cone コーン
I put all of the cone on the ramen. Very good topping!

Sample instruction to use the coupon with Android app:

Tap 次へ進む

Input information
- 性別 Sex
男性 Man 女性 Woman - ニックネーム Nickname (The maximum number of letters: 8 )
I inputted Course. - お気に入りの店舗 Your favorite branch
Area: I chose 東京都 (23区内) Tokyo (in 23 wards)
Branch name: 浅草雷門店 Asakusa
Tap 設定

Tap OK

Tap 画面TOPへ戻る

Tap ←
Open the front page below.

Tap マスタークーポン

Tap a coupon from
- トッピング1品無料
One of the toppings - ライス1杯無料
A cup of rice
Ramen Photos
Soy Sauce Ramen
Their soy sauce ramen has the minced pork backfat in the soup, the genkotsu broth and the noodles are very well matched and have a very nice flavor. This broth looks and feel fatty, but it is rich and easy to eat. Yummy!

Arashi Genkotsu Ramen ( Pork Soy Sauce Flavor and Minced Pork Backfat )
720 yen including tax

The restaurant's standard ramen and the most popular ramen it offers, featuring their original rich genkotsu broth topped with 2 slices of chashu (pork), some chopped negi (green onion), nori (sea vegetable), menma (bamboo shoots) and half of a boiled egg and a bit of spicy paste.

Above: Broth made of Soy Sauce with Minced Pork Backfat
Miso Ramen
Below: Liquid Lard Type (instead of Minced Backfat) with Miso

Arashi Genkotsu Ramen Miso (Pork Miso Soybean Paste Flavor)
720 yen inculuding tax

This is a type of miso ramen. The broth consists of both miso and genkotsu broth. The soup is thick, but incorporates a delicious miso flavor.
The toppings are almost the same as those provided with the standard ramen. (except the spicy paste)
Salt Ramen

Arashi Genkotsu Ramen Shio (Pork and Salt Flavor)
720 yen including tax

This is a type of shio (salt) ramen. The broth consists of both salt and genkotsu broth. This restaurant's salt broth is thick but smooth. This is the best choice if you want to try a more traditional, Japanese-style broth.
The toppings are almost the same as those provided with the standard ramen. (except the spicy paste)

When you hand the meal ticket to the staff at the counter or table, you can order some cloves of garlic, if you like, free of charge.
Really fresh squeezed garlic in the broth changes and enhances the flavor (if you're a garlic lover).

Press and squeeze the cloves as shown in this photo.

- Black Pepper 黒コショウ
- Yukari ゆかり (This is good for eating rice.)
- Chili Oil 辣油
- Chili Pepper 一味
- Toothpicks つまようじ
- Original Ramen Sauce 秘伝らあめんダレ
- Vinegar 酢
- Soy Sauceしょうゆ
- Garlic Chive and Bean Sprouts with Extremely Spicy Chili Paste 激辛壺ニラもやし

Garlic Chive and Bean Sprouts with Extremely Spicy Chili Paste 激辛壺ニラもやし

Once seated, you can get a complimentary glass of water. Refills are free. This is a common feature of ramen restaurant culture in Japan.
The quality of the water is very nice because this ramen chain uses special filtered water for drinking and cooking the broth. It is very smooth in flavor and has no chlorine odor. Try it!
Ramen restaurant name
- No service fee / No cover charge
- Tax is included in the prices.
- English picture menu is available on the official website and at the restaurants.
- No smoking

It is located in Soka 草加 City in Saitama 埼玉 Preference.

Kanda 神田 Branch in Tokyo is located near Kanda 神田 Station. You can also walk from Akihabara 秋葉原 area.
Some restaurants are located around popular sightseeing places in downtown Tokyo.
near Sumo Museum, Edo Tokyo Museum

Asakusa 浅草 branch is permanently closed.

You can collect points on your app when you scan this QR code on the table.

ポイント (Point) GET!
The prices and coupon on the application are current as of the time of writing in June 2021.
Check out other recommended ramen restaurants below!

Japanese sentence to point to:
“Ninniku kudasai”
“Can I have some garlic, please?”