Tasty Japanese Food at a Staindig Bar/Izakaya KAMIYA in Umejima Tokyo 東京 梅島 【立ち呑み かみや】居酒屋 和食

Grilled Squid するめイカ姿焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや Food

I highly recommend that you try their daily specials, such as sashimi, grilled, simmered, deep-fried foods and so on. They are delicious and cost around 100 - 400 yen.

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Food Photos


Sashimi 刺身 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Sashimi (Daily Specials)
What kinds of sashimi (seafood) items are available and their prices vary daily based on what the bar has purchased.

Sashimi 刺身 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

3 Kinds of Sashimi 400 yen (Daily Specials)
刺身三種盛 Sashimi-sanshu-mori

Sashimi 刺身 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Marinated (with vinegar) Mackerel
Marinated (with soy sauce) Tuna

These seasonings are ginger, wasabi and garlic.

Fresh Mackerel Sashimi Plate 刺身三種盛 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

3 Kinds of Sashimi 400 yen (Daily Specials)
刺身三種盛 Sashimi-sanshu-mori

Fresh Mackerel Sashimi Plate 刺身三種盛 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Whitebait, Mackerel, Marinated Tuna

Fresh Mackerel Sashimi Plate 刺身三種盛 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Chicken Cooked Rare and Wasabi とりわさ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Chicken Cooked Rare and Wasabi 250 yen (Daily Specials)
とりわさ Toriwasa

Chicken Cooked Rare and Wasabi とりわさ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Chicken Cooked Rare and Wasabi とりわさ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Sea Pineapple (Sea Squirt) Sashimi ホヤ刺身 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Sea Pineapple (Sea Squirt) Sashimi 300 or 350 yen (Daily Specials)
ホヤ刺身 Hoya-sashimi

Sea Pineapple (Sea Squirt) Sashimi ホヤ刺身 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Sea Pineapple (Sea Squirt) Sashimi ホヤ刺身 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや


Grilled Squid するめイカ姿焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Grilled Whole Squid Filled with WATA Sauce 350 or 400 yen (Daily Specials)
(WATA is like cooked liver paste of squid.)
するめイカ姿焼 Surumeika-sugata-yaki

Grilled Squid するめイカ姿焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや


Grilled Squid するめイカ姿焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Fried Chicken Thigh Cooked with Miso 鶏もも味噌漬焼き - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Fried Chicken Thigh Cooked with Miso 250 yen (Main Menu)
鶏もも味噌漬焼き Tori-momo-miso-yaki

Fried Chicken Thigh Cooked with Miso 鶏もも味噌漬焼き - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Chicken thigh marinated in miso is used.

Fried Chicken Thigh Cooked with Miso 鶏もも味噌漬焼き - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Scrumptious 🤤

Grilled Rice Ball 焼きおにぎり - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Grilled Rice Ball 150 yen (This dish is not available from the main menu)
焼きおにぎり Yaki-onigiri

Grilled Rice Ball 焼きおにぎり - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

It is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. It has okaka (bonito flakes) and soy sauce taste.

Yellowtail Teriyaki ぶり照焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Yellowtail Teriyaki 300 yen (Daily Specials)
ぶり照焼 Buri-teriyaki

Yellowtail Teriyaki ぶり照焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

I thought it was pre-cooked food, but immediately after I had ordered Yellowtail Teriyaki ぶり照焼, they started cooking.
So that you can always have good tasting teriyaki fish.

Yellowtail Teriyaki ぶり照焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Natto Beans Wrapped in Deep Fried Tofu きつね納豆 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Natto Beans in Thin Fried Tofu 250 yen (Main Menu)
きつね納豆 Kitsune-natto

Natto is fermented soybeans, and popular traditional food in Japan.

This food is...
natto beans and seasonings are wrapped in thin deep fried tofu.

Natto Beans Wrapped in Deep Fried Tofu きつね納豆 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Shark Teriyaki サメ照焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Shark Teriyaki 300 yen (Daily Specials)
サメ照焼 Same-teriyaki

Shark Teriyaki サメ照焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

This shark is called Salmon Shark in English.

Shark Teriyaki サメ照焼 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Squid Capelin Salmon Plate - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Squid Capelin Salmon Plate 300 yen (Daily Specials)
酒肴三点盛 Sake-sakana-santen-mori

Squid Arms with its Liver Paste いかゲソ肝和え - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Cooked Squid Arms with its Liver Paste (Sauce)
いかゲソ肝和え Ika-geso-kimo-ae

Capelin with Roe 子持ちシシャモ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Grilled Capelin with Roe
子持ちシシャモ Komochi-Shishamo

Simmered Salmon Soft Roe (Milt) さけ白子煮 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Simmered Salmon Soft Roe (Milt)
さけ白子煮 Sake-shirako-ni

Grilled Pacific Saury and Tempura さんま塩焼と天ぷら - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Grilled Pacific Saury and Tempura Set 350 yen (Daily Specials)
さんま塩焼と天ぷら Sanma-shioyaki-to-tempura

Grilled Pacific Saury and Tempura さんま塩焼と天ぷら - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Grilled Pacific Saury and Tempura さんま塩焼と天ぷら - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Grilled Pacific Saury and Tempura さんま塩焼と天ぷら - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Grilled Pacific Saury and Tempura さんま塩焼と天ぷら - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Grilled Pacific Saury and Tempura さんま塩焼と天ぷら - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや


Simmered Flounder カレイ煮付 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Simmered Flounder 300 yen Daily Specials
カレイ煮付 Karei-nitsuke

Simmered Flounder カレイ煮付 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Seasoned Soft Boiled Egg and Tofu 煮卵入り肉豆腐 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Seasoned Soft Boiled Egg, Meat and Tofu 300 yen (Main Menu)
煮卵入り肉豆腐 Ni-tamago-iri-tofu

Seasoned Soft Boiled Egg and Tofu 煮卵入り肉豆腐 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Seasoned Soft Boiled Egg and Tofu 煮卵入り肉豆腐 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Simmered Fish
魚の煮付け Sakana-no-nitsuke

Simmered Fish Head of Japanese Amberjack いなだかぶと煮 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Simmered Fish Head of Japanese Amberjack 200 yen (Daily Specials)
いなだかぶと煮 Inada-kabutoni

Simmered Egg Plant なす煮浸し - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Simmered Egg Plant 200 yen (Daily Specials)
なす煮浸し Nasu-nibitashi
This food is cooked with Japanese style broth.
When I went there in summer, it was chilled. It tested mild soy sauce. Yummy!

Simmered Egg Plant なす煮浸し - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

First I enjoyed original flavor. Then I put mixed chili peepers (七味 Shichimi) on it.

Simmered Mackerel in Miso さば味噌煮 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Simmered Mackerel in Miso 200 yen
(Daily Specials)

Simmered Mackerel in Miso さば味噌煮 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Simmered Mackerel in Miso さば味噌煮 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Simmered Mackerel in Miso さば味噌煮 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Simmered Chicken Skin 鶏皮煮込み - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Simmered Chicken Skin
(Irregular Item)
When I went to the standing bar I was given this complimentary dish as a gift to celebrate their one year anniversary.

Simmered Chicken Skin 鶏皮煮込み - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Edamane Green Soybeans えだまめ Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Edamame Green Soybeans 100 yen (Wall Menu)
枝豆 Edamame

Edamane Green Soybeans えだまめ Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Edamane Green Soybeans えだまめ Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Puffer Fish (Blowfish) Hot Pot - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Puffer Fish (Blowfish) Hot Pot 800 yen (Daily Specials)
ふぐ鍋 Fugu-nabe

Rice Porridge (Japanese Zosui) +200 yen
雑炊 Zosui

Puffer Fish (Blowfish) Hot Pot - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

This is puffer fish hot pot. The dish can feed 1 (or near 2 people), and costs 800 yen.

Puffer Fish (Blowfish) Hot Pot - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Puffer Fish (Blowfish) Hot Pot - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Puffer Fish (Blowfish) Hot Pot - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Puffer Fish (Blowfish) Hot Pot - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

After finishing the main ingredients, the leftover soup can be used to cooked rice porridge for an additional 200 yen.

Zosui ni shite kudasai.

Deep Fried

Deep Fried (Puffer) Blowfish ふぐ唐揚 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried (Puffer) Blowfish 400 yen (Daily Specials)
ふぐ唐揚 Fugu-karaage

Deep Fried (Puffer) Blowfish ふぐ唐揚 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Deep Fried (Puffer) Blowfish ふぐ唐揚 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

When I had this, it had some bones which were too hard to eat. If smaller puffer fish are used, its tiny bones are crispy and edible.

Deep Fried (Puffer) Blowfish ふぐ唐揚 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Chicken Namban チキン南蛮 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables あじ南蛮漬 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables
300 yen (Daily Specials)
あじ南蛮漬 Aji-namban

Deep Fried Horse Mackerel Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables あじ南蛮漬 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

When I went therr, this bar used small size of horse mackerel which was about 10 - 15 cm (3.04 - 5.91 inch).

There were a head and some thin bones.
Don't worry so much about them . They were very soft because this food was well-simmered. I could eat the head, bones and the meat together.

A lot of sweet vinegar sauce was also good.

Deep Fried Fish Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables 南蛮漬 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Fish Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables 200 yen Daily Specials
南蛮漬 Namban-zuke

Deep Fried Fish Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables 南蛮漬 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

2 kinds of fishes are used. (It is not horse mackerel.)

Deep Fried Fish Marinated in Sweet Vinegar Sauce and Vegetables 南蛮漬 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Sweet sour taste. I like it!

Deep Fried Shrimps えび唐揚 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Shrimps (Daily Specials)
えび唐揚 Ebi-karaage
I put a bit of salt on it.

Deep Fried Thick Ham Cutlet ハムカツ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Thick Ham Cutlet 200 yen (Main Menu)
ハムカツ Ham-katsu

Deep Fried Thick Ham Cutlet ハムカツ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Deep Fried Flounder カレイ唐揚 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Flounder 350 yen (Daily Specials)
カレイ唐揚 Karei-karaage

Deep Fried Flounder カレイ唐揚 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Deep Fried Flounder カレイ唐揚 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Cheese 鶏ささみチーズフライ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Cheese 250 yen (Main Menu)
鶏ささみチーズフライ Tori-sasami-cheese-fry

Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Cheese 鶏ささみチーズフライ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Cheese 鶏ささみチーズフライ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Deep Fried Horse Mackerel アジフライ Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Horse Mackerel 200 yen (Main Menu)
アジフライ Ajifurai

Deep Fried Horse Mackerel アジフライ Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Have you ever seen this food?

You maybe think mackerel has too strong of a flavor.
Don't worry about it. In Japan, restaurants use good mackerel which has no strong of a flavor.

Deep Fried Horse Mackerel アジフライ Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Chicken Namban 300 yen (Daily Specials)

Chicken Namban チキン南蛮 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Stir Fried

Deep Fried Noodles Covered with Starchy Soup おつまみ皿うどん - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Deep Fried Noodles Covered withStarchy Soup
300 yen (Main Menu)
おつまみ皿うどん Otsumami-saraudon

Deep Fried Noodles Covered with Starchy Soup おつまみ皿うどん - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

There are several kinds of stir-fried ingredients.

Deep Fried Noodles Covered with Starchy Soup おつまみ皿うどん - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや


Tomato with Pickled Ginger がりトマト - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Tomato with Pickled Ginger 200 yen Daily Specials
がりトマト Gari Tomato

Tomato with Pickled Ginger がりトマト - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

I also had tomato juice together.

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Drink Photos

Temba Plum Chu-high 天羽のうめ酎ハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Temba Plum Chu-high 300 yen
天羽のうめ Temba-no-ume

Green Juice High 青汁ハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Green Juice High 300 yen
Green juice mixed with shochu
青汁ハイ Aojiru-hai

Pickled Ginger High ガリ酎 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Pickled Ginger High 300 yen
ガリ酎 Gari-chu
Pickled ginger Mixed with shochu and soda

Pickled Ginger High ガリ酎 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Cold Sake 冷酒 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Cold Sake 300 yen
冷酒 Reishu

Shochu 焼酎 - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Shochu 250, 300 yen (Main Menu)

Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

These are seasonal shochu.
Most of them cost 300 or 350 yen. Some of them are more expensive. 450 or 500 yen

Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
焼酎 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Rebunto Kombu Shochu 礼文島こんぶ 焼酎 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
White Wine 白ワイン - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Red / White Wine 300 yen
白ワイン Shiro-wine
赤ワイン Aka-wine

Red Wine 赤ワイン Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Green Tea Mixed with Shochu 緑茶割り - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Green Tea Mixed with Shochu 250 yen
緑茶割り Ryokucha-wari

Tomato High トマト酎ハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Tomato High 300 yen
Tomato juice mixed with shochu and soda

Soy Milk High 豆乳ハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Soy Milk High 300 yen (Wall Menu)
豆乳ハイ Tonyu-high

Soy Milk High 豆乳ハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Coffee High コーヒーハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Coffee High 300 yen (Wall Menu)

梅酒ロック Plum Wine (on the rock) - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Plum Wine
ソーダ with Soda 300 yen
ロック on the rock 300 yen (as pictured)
梅酒 Ume-shu

Plum Pickes High 梅干酎ハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Plum Pickes High 300 yen
梅干酎ハイ Umeboshi-chu-high

Plum Pickes High 梅干酎ハイ - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Ginger Lemon Sour ジンジャーレモンサワー - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Ginger Lemon Sour 300 yen

Highball ハイボール Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Highball (Whiskey Soda) 300 yen

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Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

This bar is located on the 2nd floor.

Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Bar Name
Tachinomi KAMIYA
立ち呑み かみや

Business Hours
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm (Last Call 9:30 pm)
Sunday and holiday are closed.

April 12 ~ May 11
7:00 pm Last Call
8:00 Closed

  • Prices Includes 10% Tax
  • No Smoking
  • No Cover Charge / No Service Fee
  • Cash Only
  • Self-Service
Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

There are some baskets. You can take it and put your bag in it. These baskets are not trash box.

This is a small standing bar, best for groups of one or two, but you can enjoy the friendly atmosphere of the staff and other customers, regardless.

Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Use the hand sanitizer when you stand at.

Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Menu April 2021 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや 2021年4月メニュー

Food Menu as of April 2021

Main Food Menu

鶏もも味噌漬け焼き 250
Chicken Thigh Cooked with Miso

きつね納豆 250
Natto Beans in Thin Fried Tofu

ベーコンエッグ 250
Bacon Egg

魚肉ソーセージ 100
Fish Meat Sausage

韓国のり 100
Kankoku Nori
Korean Nori

ポテトフライ 150
Potato Fry
French Fries

蟹クリームコロッケ 1p 150
Crab Cream Croquette

豚玉葱串カツ 150
Deep Fried Pork Onion on a Skewer

さばバケットチーズ焼 300
Saba Baguette Cheese Yaki
Mackerel and Cheese on Sliced Baguette

揚げ出し豆腐 250
Deep-fried tofu in Japanese with Japanese style broth

鶏から3個 250
Deep Fried Chicken 3p

鶏ささみチーズフライ 250
Deep Fried Chicken Breast Cheese

あじフライ 200
Deep Fried Horse Mackerel

ハムカツ 200
Deep Fried Thick Ham Cutlet

浅漬け 150

らっきょう漬け 100
Pickled Scallion

おつまみ皿うどん 300
Deep Fried Noodles Covered with Starchy Soup

Menu April 2021 Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや 2021年4月メニュー

Drink Menu as of April 2021

Drink Menu

  • Daily Specials 本日のおすすめメニュー Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Daily Specials 本日のおすすめメニュー Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
  • Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Daily Specials on the White Board

When you come to this bar with your friend, even if you can't read and figure out the food items, it would be a good idea to order all of the Daily Specials.

Usually, each item is different type of food. You will be satisfied and full.

(If you are alone, eating all items are maybe too much.)

They sometimes (not every day) tweet their Daily Specials in Japanese.

Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

There are no picture menu / no English menu.
(There is picture menu of the main menu only.)

If you don't read and speak Japanese, you should be there with someone who can read Japanese food names or Japanese person, because the workers probably don't speak English.

Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Japanese Orange Sour 350 yen
Barley Tea Mixed with Shochu 250 yen
Soy Milk High 300 yen
Corn Tea Mixed with Shochu 300 yen
Green Juice High 300 yen
Japanese Sudachi Lime Sour 350 yen

Fresh Yuzu Sour 生ゆずサワー Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Fresh Yuzu Citron Sour 350 yen (Wall Menu)
生ゆずサワー Nama-yuzu Sour

Fresh Yuzu Sour 生ゆずサワー Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
みかんサワー Orange Sour - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Japanese Orange Sour 350 yen (Wall Menu)
みかんサワー Mikan Sour

みかんサワー Orange Sour - Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや
Standing Bar KAMIYA 立ち呑み かみや

Self-Service and Cash on

At this bar, when you stand the bar counter (or at the standing table) and pay for your first drink, you will receive your change in a small dish, like in the photo above.

You should add more money to go toward the next drink and food.

By doing so, the staff will correct the payment automatically when you order drinks.
Don't worry. Nobody steal your money.

It is very helpful to the staff if you place your empty dishes and glasses on the ledge above the counter after finishing your meal.

Another standing bar around this area

Standing Bar DRUM-CAN Nishiarai Tokyo せんべろ立ち飲み ドラム缶 西新井店
This blog will be updated later.A standing bar chain DRUM-CAN opened a branch in Nishiarai 西新井 Tokyo.The chain use drum-cans as tables, and offer inexpensive food and drinks. The theme of Nishiarai branch is healthy and tasty food.