Toyama 富山

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Day-4 Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Raichozawa Hyutte 雷鳥沢ヒュッテ (Lodge) → Murodo 室堂 → Daikanbo 大観峰 → Kurobedaira 黒部平 → Kurobeko (Lake Kurobe) 黒部湖 → Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム → Ogizawa 扇沢 → Shinjuku 新宿 of Tokyo

Day-3 Climbing Down: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 → 10th Chain Point Kani-no-yokobai カニのよこばい → Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 → Kenzanso 剣山荘 (Lodge) → Raichozawa Hyutte 雷鳥沢ヒュッテ (Lodge)

Day-3 Climbing Up: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Kenzanso 剣山荘 (Lodge) → Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 → 9th Chain Point: Kani-no-tatebai カニのたてばい → Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳

Day-2 Into the Wild: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Let's go into the adventurous wilderness!

Day-1 Preface: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

PrefaceThe trip to Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 is my best memory of mountain trekking in Japan. However, I have experienced more dangerous and longer routes than Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 such as some high mountains around Japan Alps.I will introduce you to the recommende...

Tateyama Kurobe Snow Corridor (Wall) in Toyama Japan 富山 立山黒部 雪の大谷

Snow Corridor (Wall) Festival is held from April 15 to June 22, 2021 in Toyama 富山 Prefecture.It is located in the Northern Japan Alps.
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