I will introduce 2 types of deep-fried breaded cutlets. These are pork cutlet TONKATSU and ham cutlet HAMUKATSU.
Pork Cutlet TONKATSU
I will honestly show you a recommended tonkatsu chain with average price level and delicious food.
That is TONKATSU WAKO とんかつ 和幸.
Hopefully, you already know about tonkatsu. It is one of the most popular foods in Japan and it is cooked like deep-fried breaded pork cutlet, then you are interested in eating and want to know where to go.

In Japan, there are many restaurants specializing in tonkatsu. Usually they offer some kind of tonkatsu set meals such as pork loin tonkatsu and pork fillet tonkatsu.
Japanese style set meals often include rice, miso soup, pickles and the main dish. At lunch time, some WAKO restaurants also offer dinner menu.
General prices of tonkatu set meal
- Inexpensive restaurant: 500 – 850 yen
- Average price restaurant: 850 – 2000 yen ←WAKO is this price level.
- High grade restaurant: 2000 yen to more
Restaurant name

The set meal picture above is WAKO-GOHAN 和幸御飯 (Pork loin tonkatsu) from lunch menu and it costs 880 yen (including tax) at lunch time.
However, I am not sure if all WAKO restaurants are the same prices / menu or not.
All WAKO's ingredients are high quality. Of course, their pork is much more delicious than in an inexpensive restaurant.
- There is a very usable picture menu. English picture menu is available on their website. Before going, it would be a good idea to read their information and menu in English on the website.
- The lunch menu is a little more reasonable than dinner menu. The two menus are not the same though.
- Free refills of cabbage, rice and Japanese tea (Maybe some branches don't offer Japanese tea.
Please don't hesitate to ask for refills, but you shouldn't leave food.
You say,
“Excuse me.” “Sumimasen すみません。”
“Cabbage, please” “Kyabetsu kudasai キャベツください。”
“Rice, please” “Gohan kudasai ごはんください。”
“Half size of rice, please” “Gohan hanbun kudasai ごはん半分ください。”
“Miso soup, please” “Miso-shiru kudasai 味噌汁ください。”
Google Maps of WAKO restaurants in downtown Tokyo
Ikebukuro 池袋 3F of a building (shopping mall) Sunshine City alpa.
Shinjuku 新宿 B1F of a book store KINOKUNIYA 紀伊國屋
Shibuya 渋谷 1F of a building METRO PLAZA メトロプラザ
Tokyo 東京 Station B1 of a shopping mall 八重洲地下街
Hamu-katsu ハムカツ is cheep and good for drinking beer. Many Izakaya (Japanese) style bars and a convenience store offer Hamu-katsu ハムカツ. It is ham cutlet that is cooked like deep-fried, breaded ham.
In Japan, some restaurants and bars that are open in the evening and offer alcohol beverages have low priced foods as nibbles. Many places offer Hamu-katsu ハムカツ.
Convenience Store LAWSON ローソン

Thick Ham Cutlet 150 yen including tax

About 7 cm (2.76 inch) in diameter, About 2 cm (0,78 inch) thick
It has a bit more salt taste than typical ones but soft in texture. Yummy!

There are so many LAWSON convenience stores all over Japan, but some shops don't offer this ham cutlet. It is displayed beside the cash desk.
Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋

Thickly sliced hamu-katsu (極厚ハムカツ Gokuatsu-hamu-katsu)
310 yen (including tax) at a standing bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋

Thinly sliced hamu-katsu (ハムカツ Hamu-katsu)
290 yen (not including tax) at a bar BEEF KITCHEN STAND

Standing Bar TAKIOKA たきおか

You already know about Japanese style food Tonkatsu (pork) / Gyukatsu (beef). These are popular foods in Japan and these are cooked like deep-fried breaded pork / beef cutlet.