Are you looking for rare figures and retro video games?
Check out recommended stores below.
Sofmap AKIBA #1 Subculture&Mobile
ソフマップAKIBA①号店 サブカル・モバイル館
It is located in Akihabara 秋葉原 Tokyo.

Store name
Sofmap AKIBA #1 Subculture&Mobile
ソフマップAKIBA①号店 サブカル・モバイル館
- 8F Event
- 7F Temporally Closed
- 6F Temporally Closed
- 5F PC Video Game
- 4F PC Video Game
- 3F Figure
- 2F Video Game, Anime, Music CD
- 1F Smartphone, SIM Card
Website (in Japanese)
Hobby OFF

I recommend a second-hand toys chain.
Store name
Hobby OFF ホビーオフ
If you are international tourists looking for Japanese toys for cheaper prices, you should take a look in the stores.
What kinds of items does Hobby OFF sell?
product category:
- Collectable Card
- Miniature Toy
- Girls Toy
- Boys Toy
- Gun, Military goods
- Radio control car
- Figure
- Plastic model
- Minicar
- Model railway
- Toys
- Video game (Retro game)
Website (in Japanese)

Hobby OFF Kitasenju Store 北千住店
The nearest station is Kitasenju 北千住 Station
on Tokyo Metro 東京メトロ
on JR
on TSUKUBA EXPRESS つくばエクスプレス
on Tobu 東武
Hobby OFF Kameidotenjinmae Store 亀戸天神前店
The nearest stations are
Kameido 亀戸 Station on JR
Kameidosuijin 亀戸水神 Station on Tobu 東武
These stores business hours is 10:30 am - 8:00 pm, open every day.
You can walk to the stores for 7 - 10 minutes from the stations.
Maid Bar in Akihabara 秋葉原 Tokyo