Day-4 Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳

Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 Sightseeing

Raichozawa Hyutte 雷鳥沢ヒュッテ (Lodge) → Murodo 室堂 → Daikanbo 大観峰 → Kurobedaira 黒部平 → Kurobeko (Lake Kurobe) 黒部湖 → Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム → Ogizawa 扇沢 → Shinjuku 新宿 of Tokyo


Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route
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Murodo 室堂

Day-2 Into the Wild: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳
Let's go into the adventurous wilderness!

Please refer to the view around Murodo 室堂 above.

Murodo 室堂 Tayeyama 立山
Murodo 室堂 Tayeyama 立山
There were many tourists.
Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus 立山トンネルトロリーバス
Tateyama Tunnel Trolley Bus 10 min 立山トンネルトロリーバス 10分
(Murodo 室堂 - Daikanbo 大観峰)
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Daikanbo 大観峰

Daikanbo 大観峰 Tayeyama 立山
Daikanbo 大観峰
Daikanbo 大観峰 Tayeyama 立山
Tateyama Ropeway 立山ロープウェイ
Tateyama Ropeway 7 min 立山ロープウェイ 7分
(Daikanbo 大観峰 - Kurobedaira 黒部平)
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Kurobedaira 黒部平

Kurobedaira 黒部平 Tayeyama 立山
Kurobedaira 黒部平 Tayeyama 立山
Kurobedaira 黒部平
Kurobedaira 黒部平 Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Cable Car 黒部ケーブルカー Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Cable Car 5 min 黒部ケーブルカー 5分
(Kurobedaira 黒部平 - Kurobeko 黒部湖)
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Kurobeko (Lake Kurobe) 黒部湖

Kurobe 黒部湖 Kurobeko, Tayeyama 立山
Lake Kurobe 黒部湖 Kurobeko
Lake Kurobe 黒部湖 Kurobeko, Tayeyama 立山
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Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム


(in Japanese)

Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム
Kanden Tunnel Electric Bus 関電トンネル電気バス

The bus was Kanden Tunnel Trolley Bus 関電トンネルトロリーバス but now it is Kanden Tunnel Electric Bus 関電トンネル電気バス from 2019.

Kanden Tunnel Electric Bus 16 min 関電トンネル電気バス 16分
(Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム - Ogizawa 扇沢)

Kanden Tunnel Bus 関電トンネルバス
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Ogizawa 扇沢

There are Ogizawa 扇沢 Station and Bus Terminal.

Kurobe Dam 黒部ダム Tayeyama 立山
Ogizawa 扇沢
Ogizawa 扇沢 Station

There are a restaurant and souvenir shops on the 2F.

Ogizawa 扇沢
Ogizawa 扇沢
Ogizawa 扇沢
Ogizawa 扇沢
Ogizawa 扇沢
Ogizawa 扇沢
3 kinds of local sake
Ogizawa 扇沢
Ogizawa Station 扇沢駅 Bus Stop
(Ogizawa 扇沢 - Shinjuku 新宿 of Tokyo)
Ogizawa 扇沢

Bus Reservation

高速バスのハイウェイバスドットコム 全国の高速バスを簡単予約
日本全国の高速バス・夜行バスを簡単予約。 運行時刻、空席照会、早期割引などおトクな運賃もサポート。

English is available on the website. Change the language from Japanese 日本語 to English.

Example when you search the bus
Departing from: Nagano (Ogizawa 扇沢 is in Nagano 長野 Prefecture.)
Arriving at: Tokyo

Select Shinjuku - Hakuba Line (Ogizawa Bus Stop is on this line.)

Click Reverse Direction
Departing from: Ogizawa
Arriving at: Shinjuku Expressway Bus Terminal

It was really adventurous trekking.
Let's go back to Tokyo!


Around this mountain is a high accident area because the trails are not for beginner hikers. Sometimes people get injured or sick due to an accident, or they have accidentally slipped to the bottom.

In fact, every year a few people died around this mountainous area. If your stamina, skills and equipment such as crampons are not sufficient for this sort of challenge, you shouldn't go there. If you are a foreigner and are not used to trekking on that type of route in Japan, you should go there with an experienced person.

The end of the trekking information.
Have a nice trip!

Let's go to another mountain!

Hiking Day-1: Mt. Shiroumadake (Mt. Shirouma) 白馬岳 in the Northern Japan Alps - Enjoy Trekking!
Mt. Shiroumadake is 2932m (9619ft) above sea level, and a popular mountain for walking on the largest snowy gorge in Japan.I will introduce you to Japanese wilderness for 4 days trekking that starts from Tokyo buy bus.