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A beef bowl chain YOSHINOYA 吉野家 also offers pork bowl, curry rice and veggie meal 牛丼・豚丼・カレー・ベジ定食

This beef bowl chain has more than 1200 restaurants all over Japan. It could be easy for international tourists to find the restaurant, if you walk around downtown of big city like Tokyo 東京, Osaka 大阪 and so on.

2/2 Yakushima Island National Park, World Natural Heritage in Japan 世界自然遺産 屋久島

At last we arrived at Jomon-sugi Ceder 縄文杉.

1/2 Yakushima (Island) National Park, World Natural Heritage in Japan 世界自然遺産 屋久島

4 nights 5 days trip in Yakushima Island 屋久島to see ancient Jomon ceder 縄文杉!!

teamLab: Digitized Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城 光の祭

Next ScheduleNovember 8, 2019 - January 13, 2020Place: Kochi Castle in Kochi City 高知市

Samurai Cosplay at a Museum in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo サムライミュージアム

If you have a samurai spirit, you can be samurai in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo.

Low Priced Lunch at SAKURASUISAN さくら水産 in Shinjuku 新宿, Ginza 銀座, Harajuku 原宿 of Tokyo

SAKURASUISAN さくら水産 is Japanese bar restaurant chain. They amazingly low priced lunch!

Discover Small Aliens in Japan

The aliens were caught and preserved by canning in Japan.Why don't you get the can?

Fishing Restaurant ZAUO ざうお within a Building - Sashimi, Seafood さしみ・海鮮料理

Don't worry about sinking this ship and seasickness.Youcan catch the fish yourself, and eat really fresh seafood on the ship in this building.Enjoy fishing and eating sashimi!

Prepaid SIM Card, Free Wi-Fi, Internet in Japan プリペイドSIMカード・フリーWi-Fi・インターネット

I recommend that international tourists useprepaid SIM card than free Wi-Fi in Japan.In Japan, free Wi-Fi is getting popular inside buildings such as hotels, cafes, train stations and so on.However, it is still not so very useful since I think tourists oft...

Field Trip to a Sake Brewery SUIGEI in Kochi Pref. 高知の「酔鯨」で酒蔵見学

SUIGEI built new sake brewery TOSA-KURA 土佐蔵 in Tosa City 土佐市 Kochi Prefecture 高知県. This brewery looks like a modern factory.I attended their field trip.

Mameshiba Dog Cafe "momoca" in Kochi Prefecture of Shikoku 四国 高知 豆柴ドッグカフェ

Mameshiba Dog Cafe momoca in Kami City Kochi 高知 Prefecture of Shikoku 四国, Japan.This cafe opened in September 2018. It is still unknown to many people. Right now, you should go there by car.

Note お知らせ

The website of Japan Course was relaunched in November 2018.2018年11月、ジャパンコースのウェブサイトはリニューアルされました。
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