Vegetable Ramen at a Restaurant FUKUSHIN 福しん in Tokyo

Vegetable Ramen 国産野菜タンメン - Fukushin 福しん Food

FUKUSHIN 福しん is inexpensive Chinese restaurant.
I often used to go there when I was tired after a busy day in my twenties. After many years, I made an impromptu visit back because I wanted to reminisce by eating this restaurant's tasty food.

Fukushin 福しん
Fukushin 福しん
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Vegetable Ramen 野菜タンメン

Vegetable Ramen 国産野菜タンメン - Fukushin 福しん

Vegetable Ramen 500 yen
野菜タンメン Yasai Tanmen (as pictured on this page)

Double Vegetable Ramen 620 yen
ダブル野菜タンメン Double Yasai Tanmen

Miso Vegetable Ramen 620 yen
みそ野菜タンメン Miso Yasai Tanmen

Vegetable Ramen 国産野菜タンメン - Fukushin 福しん

They offer many kinds of ramen but my favorite one is this vegetable ramen. Yummy and healthy!

Vegetable Ramen 国産野菜タンメン - Fukushin 福しん

There are lots of vegetables in it such as cabbage, onion, garlic chive, beansprouts, Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoot, carrot, wood ear mushroom, and goji berry (and pork). Sometimes, the ingredients might be changed.
It is not vegetarian meal.

Vegetable Ramen 国産野菜タンメン - Fukushin 福しん
Vegetable Ramen 国産野菜タンメン - Fukushin 福しん

It is used domestically produced vegetables.

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Gyoza Dumplings ギョウザ

Gyoza Dumplings ギョウザ - Fukushin 福しん

Gyoza Dumplings ギョウザ
6p 200 yen
12p 390 yen

Gyoza Dumplings ギョウザ - Fukushin 福しん
Beer and Gyoza Dumplings 500 yen 生ビールセット 500円 - Fukushin 福しん

A set of draft beer and gyoza dumplings (6p) cost 500 yen!

Gyoza Dumplings Campaign on the 29th of Every Month 毎月29日 餃子祭 - Fukushin 福しん

On the 29th every month only!
6 pieces of dumplings are half price, from 200 yen to 100 yen.
Order as many as you like.

* Only in December 2019, this campaign is held on December 24th.

Fukushin 福しん

Seasonings: Mustard, Black pepper, Garlic paste, Chili pepper, Chili oil, Soy sauce, Vinegar

They usually prepare garlic paste on the tables, but sometimes they have it in a refrigerator to keep it fresh in the summer or if there are no customers.

If you want them, don't hesitate to ask.
Ninniku kudasai
Can I have garlic please?

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Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives Set Meal レバニラ炒め定食

Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives Set Meal レバニラ炒め定食 - Fukushin 福しん

Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives Set Meal 650 yen
レバニラ炒め定食 Rebanira-itame Teishoku

Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives Set Meal レバニラ炒め定食 - Fukushin 福しん

Hot green tea is for free if you order. (as pictured above)

Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives レバニラ炒め - Fukushin 福しん

Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives (A la cart) 460 yen
レバニラ炒め (単品) Rebanira-itame (Tanpin)

Do you like live dishes?
Another restaurant in Tokyo offers great liver dishes.

Delicious Liver Meat Dish in Tokyo: Sauteed Pork or Chicken Liver and Chive ニラレバ定食 (レバニラ)
If you like eating liver meat I highly recommend 2 restaurants below in Tokyo. They offer great food!
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Half Size Ramen 100 yen おともラーメン

Half Size Ramen for Set Meal おともラーメン - Fukushin 福しん

If you order a set meal, rice bowl type food or fried rice (except half size fried rice), you can order half-size-ramen (おともラーメン Otomo Ramen) for only 100 yen.

Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives Set Meal with Ramen レバニラ炒め定食 おともラーメン - Fukushin 福しん

I highly recommend you order this 100 yen ramen when you order a food such as a set meal, rice bowl type food or fried rice.

For 100 yen, the quantity of this ramen is larger than I expected. It tastes delicious and worth more than 100 yen.

Stir Fried Pork Liver and Garlic Chives Set Meal with Ramen レバニラ炒め定食 おともラーメン - Fukushin 福しん

These are 650 + 100 = 750 yen including tax.
(I got this almond jelly for free because I used a coupon.)

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Fukushin Sour 福しんサワー

Fukushin Sour 福しんサワー

Fukushin Sour 福しんサワー 290 yen
It includes pickles.

Fukushin Sour 福しんサワー

It is mixed with healthy citric acid. Very sour!!

Fukushin Sour 福しんサワー
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Restaurant name

  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • Tax is included in the prices
  • No smoking
  • Picture food menu is available.
  • Credit card is not accepted.
  • You can buy food for to go.
Menu in September 2019 - 2019年12月メニュー - Fukushin 福しん
Menu in September 2019 - 2019年12月メニュー - Fukushin 福しん
Menu in September 2019 - 2019年12月メニュー - Fukushin 福しん
Menu in September 2019 - 2019年12月メニュー - Fukushin 福しん

Very good prices!
If you are traveling on a budget, it would be a good idea to go to FUKUSHIN 福しん. You can save money.

Website (in Japanese)

手もみラーメン 福しん オフィシャルサイト
Fukushin 福しん
Coupon クーポン - Fukushin 福しん

When I went there in September 2019 a coupon ticket クーポン券 was printed on the receipt.
Next time, you can choose one for free.

  • 定食ライス大盛り分
    Increase rice size to large if you order a set meal called 定食 Teishoku
    100 yen
    Say "Rice Oomori" ライス おおもり
  • 麺大盛り分
    Increase noodles size to large 100 yen
    Say "Men Oomori" めん おおもり
  • 味玉
    Seasoned Boiled Egg 110 yen
    Say "Aji-tama" あじたま
    Almond Jelly 杏仁豆腐 - Fukushin 福しん
  • ミニ杏仁
    Mini Size Almond Jelly 160 yen
  • 冷奴
    Chilled Tofu 110 yen

有効期限 Expiration Date
Example: (2019年11月30日) November 30, 2019

  • 1枚で4名まで使用できます
    Limit 4 people.
  • 他券併用不可、350円以上の注文で使用できます
    Not valid with any other (coupon / discount) offer.
    Minimum order of 350 yen.
  • 店内専用になります
    Dine-in only.
  • 注文時に券をお渡しください
    Present coupon upon ordering.

There are about 30 restaurants in Tokyo.

They are located all in Tokyo, I introduce some restaurants around popular sightseeing places in downtown Tokyo.

Check out Google Maps below!

Kitasenju 北千住 *


Ikebukuro 池袋

Shinjuku 新宿 *

Fukushin 福しん

Asakusa 浅草 *

* Fukushin sour is available.

Prices and information are as of January 2020.

Another similar type of restaurant

Reasonable Ramen Restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋
I have often had food at a chain restaurant HIDAKAYA 日高屋.You can choose from a variety of reasonable foods such as ramen, gyoza (dumpling), and many kinds of stir-fried foods.