AMAZAKE 甘酒 is a sweet, fermented rice drink.

Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu Food

Ama-zake: Ama 甘 means sweet. Zake 酒 means sake, but it is non-alcoholic drink.
Amazake is well-known in Japan because it is a nutritious drink. Because of that, many supermarkets prepare many different kinds of Amazake 甘酒.

There are 2 types of Amazake 甘酒:

  • Kome-koji Amazake 米麹甘酒: This form of Amakaze is made from Kome-koji 米麹, which is steamed rice combined with rice malt. It is non-alcoholic and naturally a slightly sweet drink.

  • Sake-kasu Amazake 酒粕甘酒: This form of Amakaze is made from sake lees called Sake-kasu 酒粕. Some kinds of Amazake which is available on the market, such as Sake-kasu Amazake, contain less than 1% alcohol. Some sugar is added to it because Sake-kasu is not sweet.
    In Japan, drinks that have less than 1% alcohol are counted as non-alcoholic beverages.
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Kome-koji Amazake 米麹甘酒

Amazake 甘酒
Amazake 甘酒
Amazake 甘酒
Amazake 甘酒
Amazake 甘酒
Amazake 甘酒
Amazake 甘酒
Amazake 甘酒

Search by keywords "篠崎 あまざけ" to find the products.

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Sake-kasu Amazake 酒粕甘酒

Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu

This is Japanese sake lees called Sake-kasu 酒粕. You can buy it at supermarkets.
Sake-kasu contains fermented rice and a certain amount of alcohol that is leftover from the process of making the sake.
For this reason, Amazake made with Sake-kasu had a little bit of alcohol. If the Amazake is boiled enough, it then contains less than 1% of alcohol.

Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu

Water, Sake-kasu 酒粕, Sugar or Honey (If you want, you can also add grated ginger, salt, fruit juice and so on.)

Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu

Boil and stir the ingredients.

Amazake 甘酒 Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu

Hot Amazake

Amazake 甘酒 Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu
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Mixed type of Amazake

Amazake 甘酒

These blue and red cans are made from Kome-koji and Sake-kasu. (Less than 1% alcohol)
Pink one is made from Kome-koji. (0.00% alcohol)

Amazake 甘酒
ニュース | 伊藤園 企業情報サイト

These websites are in Japanese.

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In Japan, people use Sake-kasu (sake lees) for Japanese traditional food and so on.

Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu

きゅうりの粕和え Kyuri-no-sake-kasu-ae
Seasoned Cucumber and Sake-kasu

Japanese sake lees 酒粕 Sakekasu

数の子わさび漬け Kazunoko-wasabi-zuke
Wasabi pickles mixed with Sake-kasu and Herring Roe.

Fish Egg and Soft Roe (Milt) of Japanese Food - Cod, Salmon, Herring しらこ・いくら・たらこ・かずのこ
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