One of my favorite conveyor-belt sushi restaurant chains is KURA くら (also called KURASUSHI / KURAZUSHI くら寿司). I usually go there every second month.
There are 3 restaurants around popular sightseeing areas in downtown Tokyo.
2 branches are located in Ikebukuro 池袋.
Another one is in Asakusa 浅草.

There are many 110 to 330 yen conveyor-belt sushi chains in Japan, but they are usually located in the suburbs, and are not easy to access on foot.
It is really rare to open 110 yen conveyor-belt sushi restaurant in downtown Tokyo.
Because rent in downtown Tokyo is very expensive so normally that's reflected in the cost on the menu for food and beverage.
However, KURA くら offers really inexpensive and good quality sushi in downtown Tokyo!
This sushi restaurant offers all sushi items for 110 or 220 yen including 10% dine-in tax.
Those sushi items have 1, 2 or 3 pieces on a dish.
Crab and Salmon Roe Festival from Dec. 3, 2021

Large Salmon Roe 220 → 110 yen

XL Crab Sushi 220 yen
A lot of Crab Flakes on Sushi Rice

Crab Mayo Roll 110 yen
Crab Flakes mixed with Mayonnaise

Crab Cream Croquette 110 yen

Information of the festival

Sea Urchin and Scallop 110 yen
4 Small Scallops with Sea urchin Sauce
Sushi Gallery 1

Sushi Gallery 2

Sushi Gallery 3

Sushi menu is often changed. Please look over the latest menu on the official website.

Other Foods except Sushi
Some of them such as noodles, desserts, drinks and so on cost 280 yen or 390 yen or even more!

Recommended Dishes and Useful Tips

Reception & Ticketing machine
First, please issue a number ticket from here when you get in the entrance.
Choose table テーブル or counter カウンター.
Input the number of people.

Upon entering please take a number at the ticketing machine and proceed to the table with your number.
Please note that due to recent circumstances wait staff will not guide you to your seat at this time.

English picture menu is available on the touch screen.

I frequently eat this creamy texture sushi (たら白子ジュレポン酢 Tara Shirako Jule Ponzu) as pictured above.
Cod Soft Roe (milt) with Ponzu (Venegared) Soy Sauce Jelly on Sushi Rice
Try it out!


I recommend blowfish (pufferfish) sushi (called ふぐ Fugu).
Don't worry about blowfish poison.
It is always cooked nonpoisonous by licensed manufacturer.

This item is not on the main menu on the website, but they sometimes offer this food on the touch screen and conveyor-belt.
It is 海鮮ユッケ Kaisen-yukke.
(Some different kinds of chunks seafood topped with egg and sauce)
When you find this, you should try!
It is really cost effective and tasty dish.

Raw Octopus Sushi (It is fresh and tasty, but chewy.)

Boiled Octopus Sushi

Octopus Tempura (Deep Fried)

Several seasonings are available for free on the table or conveyor-belt.
When you pour the sauce, tilt the bottle, and then push the rubber cap of the bottle.
You can pour it bit by bit on the food.
- 柚子ポン酢 Yuzu Citrus Flavored Soy Sauce
- わさび WASABI: Japanese Horseradish
- 甘だれ Sweet Sauce
- しょうゆ Soy Sauce
Salt is available as well.

- 甘だれ Sweet Sauce
- ポン酢 Citrus Flavored Soy Sauce
- 七味 Mixed Chili Pepper

They use much higher quality wasabi わさび (Japanese Horseradish) than the other conveyor-belt sushi chains. I always eat sushi with a lot of wasabi.

Kura Dashi くら出汁 110 yen
Dashi is one of important Japanese style ingredients. It is traditional broth.
If you are a chief or interested in Japanese food cooking, it is worth trying.
Dashi is often used for Japanese food.

かけうどん Kake-Udon
Warmed Dashi broth is in it.
This is only 160 yen. Really inexpensive but it is available only weekdays. Don't miss it!

You get to freely pick up your favorite dishes from the conveyor-belt or...
after you order food with the touch screen, sushi will come with a board from the kitchen like this picture!

特製茶碗蒸し Tokusei Chawanmushi 198 yen
Steamed Japanese dashi broth and egg
Dashi is in it. Tasty, you should try!

うなぎの茶碗蒸し Unagi-no Chawanmushi 280 yen → 330 yen including tax
Steamed Japanese dashi broth and egg with Unagi Eel and Scallops
This item is discontinued. (updated October 2021)

- Once you pick up the dish from the conveyor-belt, don't return!
- When you order 特製茶碗蒸し Tokusei Chawanmushi, please pick it up with the cup tray.

You can put your empty dishes into this hole.
Every 5 dishes, lottery starts on the touch screen.
Before you look over the touch screen menu and order, you need to choose ON or OFF for the lottery.

If it a hit, you can get a capsule comes out from the machine カプセルはここからお取り下さい.

I got this. Lucky!

When you finish the meal, touch the button 会計 for payment.
If you are a group and want to pay the bill separately, you shouldn't put the dishes in it before check respective bill.
Each person have to keep the empty dishes yourself on the table.
Then, you can enjoy the lottery at the table. Last of all, you pay the bill separately at the cash desk.

Don't throw away this receipt, because you should bring it to the cash desk when you pay the bill.

This is old type of the numbered card (receipt) above.

Some of their restaurants offer draft beer for 550 yen including tax, by self-service with beer server.
580 Yen Seafood Bowl

580 yen

These Ingredients of the mixed seafood are sometimes changed.

Put some soy sauce and wasabi. Citrus flavored soy sauce also matches well.

特製茶碗蒸し Tokusei Chawanmushi
Steamed Japanese dashi broth and egg
Lunch menu is below

You can place an order to go.

10 kinds of sushi set
10 pieces 550 yen
20 pieces 1100 yen (as pictured)

Bikkurapon! Popular Gunkan Set 680 yen
If you don't need Bikkurapon!, you should order the same gunkan by a-la-cart. 575 yen

5 kinds of salad set
Takeout Menu (in Japanese)

How to pick a dish from the conveyor-belt

Restaurant name

- No service fee / No cover charge
- No smoking
- There is English picture menu.
- 10% tax is included in the prices.
- You can also buy food for to go.
Around Ikebukuro 池袋 Station in Tokyo
There are 2 restaurants near Ikebukuro 池袋. You can walk the restaurants in 6 minutes from the station.

Ikebukuro Higashiguchi branch 池袋東口店 (on the B1F)
Ikebukuro Sunshine City 60 Dori branch 池袋サンシャイン60通り店 (on the 6F)
Around Asakusa 浅草 Station in Tokyo
Asakusa 浅草 is a popular sightseeing place.
Asakusa ROX 浅草ROX
Unfortunately, the reasonable lunch menu is not available at Asakusa ROX branch.
Around Shinagawa 品川 Station in Tokyo
Shinagawa-ekimae branch 品川駅前店
There are a lot of KURA restaurants all over Japan.
Aother reasonable conveyor-belt sushi restaurant in Tokyo