An Elegant Wild Animal in Japan

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird News
Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

I saw a strange wild animal from far away. What is that?

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird
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Finding the animal

It noticed me and got into a squatting position in the grass.

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

I slowly walked toward with a 2-meter distance, but it didn't run away.

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

It probably thought it was hiding perfectly but I could still see its whole body.

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

Suddenly, it stood up. When the bird and I looked at each other, he ran away without flying.

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

The animal in the photo is the Japanese Pheasant, Japan's national bird. (きじ Kiji)

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

The male adult pheasants are in showy plumage, while the female ones have simple brown plumage.

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

I wonder why he didn't fly.

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

See you one day!

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Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird
Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan's national bird

These birds were printed as design on the back of old Japanese 10,000 yen bills. Currently, a phoenix design is printed on 10,000 yen bills.

Despite being the national bird of Japan, it is legal to hunt for wild animals such as pheasant, duck, deer or boar in designated hunting grounds in Japan. Yet, the restaurants and shops that offer pheasant meat in Japan is rare. I haven't tried eating it.

I had Japanese Pheasant Dishes.

Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird
Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird
Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird
Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird
Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird
Japanese Pheasant 雉 キジ - Japan’s national bird
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Kounan City Native Color Theater

天然色劇場 Tennenshoku-gekijo

Monkey bars 雲梯 うんてい

This place is good for picnic.

  • 香南市天然色劇場 Kounan City Native Color Theater 高知県
  • 香南市天然色劇場 Kounan City Native Color Theater 高知県
  • 香南市天然色劇場 Kounan City Native Color Theater 高知県

I saw the Japanese Green Pheasant around a park Tennenshoku-gekijo 天然色劇場 in Kochi 高知 Prefecture.
Google Maps

Monkey bars 雲梯 うんてい

There are really long monkey bars in the park.

Monkey bars 雲梯 うんてい

The monkey bars have 400 bars in 102 meters.

Monkey bars 雲梯 うんてい

They are in the Guinness Book of World Records.

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Yoshikawa Observatory

吉川展望台 高知県香南市
吉川展望台 高知県香南市
吉川展望台 高知県香南市

Free admission, Open 24 hours

吉川展望台 高知県香南市
  • 吉川展望台 高知県香南市
  • 吉川展望台 高知県香南市
  • 吉川展望台 高知県香南市
  • 吉川展望台 高知県香南市

This beach is dangerous for swimming. It gets deep suddenly and can experience large waves.

A recommended local food nearby

The Best Whitebait Bowl is in Kochi 高知 Prefecture (Chirimen-don ちりめん丼 / Shirasu-don しらす丼 / Dorome どろめ)
Chirimen-don 620 yen (including tax)ちりめん丼with half boiled egg 720 yen(It is Yuzu citron flavor egg.)This set meal of Whitebait (Baby sardine) Bowl is only 620 yen. Super low price and delicious!