BBQ Cheetos are Addictive and Can Be Found In Japan

フリトレー チートスBBQ味 - Frito-Lay Japanese BBQ Cheetos Food

I rarely buy junk food, but after an American friend of mine recommended me BBQ Cheetos, eating BBQ Cheetos has become habitual.

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BBQ Cheetos

フリトレー チートスBBQ味 - Frito-Lay Japanese BBQ Cheetos

Because BBQ Cheetos have a distinct, savory taste and are absolutely delicious, I highly recommend them! Every time I buy them, I can't stop eating them until they're gone. It's a cheap addiction!

フリトレー チートスBBQ味 - Frito-Lay Japanese BBQ Cheetos

I poured a small portion of the Cheetos from the bag into a glass bowl. There are many more left in the bag.

フリトレー チートスBBQ味 - Frito-Lay Japanese BBQ Cheetos
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Contents of a pack of Cheetos

Note that there are a few different sizes of BBQ Cheetos for sale and all are priced differently.

I have seen BBQ Cheetos sold in 3 different sizes: 75g (2.65oz), 98g (3.46oz), and 135g (4.76oz).

At some supermarkets in Japan, they cost between 74 and 99 yen, including 8% tax.

フリトレー チートスBBQ味 - Frito-Lay Japanese BBQ Cheetos

今だけ 30%増量
Now Includes 30% More Cheetos

フリトレー チートスBBQ味 - Frito-Lay Japanese BBQ Cheetos

内容量 98g
Contents 3.46oz
(This size is for limited time promotion.)

フリトレー チートスBBQ味 - Frito-Lay Japanese BBQ Cheetos

内容量 135g
Contents 4.76oz

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Flavors of Cheetos in Japan

There are 3 varieties in Japan as of October 2020. Standard lineups are below.

  • BBQ
  • Cheese

Limited items are often changed and discontinued. One item is now on sale.

  • Smoked Cheese

Please take a look at their Japanese website for information on the latest Cheetos selections. In the limited items section, almost all of the items are marked 販売終了, which means that the product is discontinued.

Website in Japan

チートス|OUR BRANDS|ジャパンフリトレー株式会社

Website in the US

Home | Cheetos
CHEETOS® snacks are the much-loved cheesy treats that are fun for everyone! You just can’t eat a CHEETOS® snack without licking the signature “cheetle” off your fingertips. And wherever the CHEETOS® brand and CHESTER CHEETAH® go, cheesy smiles are sure to ...
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Where to buy BBQ Cheetos

Supermarkets / Stores in Japan

  • OK オーケー

I got a-135g BBQ Cheetos for 99 yen including 8% tax at a location of OK オーケー.

オーケー株式会社 | ディスカウントスーパーマーケット
『高品質・Everyday Low Price』の経営方針のもと、関東を中心にディスカウントセンター及びディスカウントスーパーマーケットを展開するオーケー株式会社(神奈川県横浜市)の公式サイトです。

  • Don Quijote ドン・キホーテ

98g 69 yen (not including 8% tax)

Don Quijote [store information]
This is the official website of Don Quijote, the biggest discount store in Japan. This website provides information about our stores, the tax-free process and our newly opened stores. Store search is also available. Don Quijote global shopping site.Our pro...

Convenience stores in Japan
I will update later.

Online Shopping in the US
The friend who recommended me BBQ Cheetos ordered them from a website called Napa Japan. Five bags were about $20 USD, including shipping. They look to be more expensive now. Sometimes other websites, such as Japan Haul and OMGJapan have them for sale, but they are all sold out currently.

He told me that some Asian grocery stores sell BBQ Cheetos in the US, but there are the Korean version. It is too sweet and different taste from Japanese BBQ Cheetos.


Website of Frito-Lay

Home | FritoLay
From summer barbecues to family gatherings to time spent relaxing at the end of a long day, Frito-Lay snacks are part of some of life's most memorable moments. And maybe even brightens some of the most mundane. We invite you to learn more.

This YouTuber is not the friend who recommended me BBQ Cheetos.