Let's go Hiking in Mt. Oyama 大山 in Kanagawa Prefecture. You can see Mt. Fuji 富士山 from the top of Mt. Oyama. You can stop by Oyama Afuri Shrine 大山阿夫利神社 and Oyama-dera Temple 大山寺.
Access (Train)
First, go to Isehara 伊勢原 Station on the Odakyu Odawara Line.
小田急 小田原線 伊勢原駅

Walk to the North Exit 北口 of the station.
Access (Bus)

There is some bus stops in front of the North Exit.

Find bus stop No.4. There are a few destinations at the bus stop.
Your destination is for Oyama Cable 大山ケーブル 行.
The bus numbers for Oyama Cable are 伊09, 伊10 or 伊11.
Bus fare: 310 320 yen
It takes about 30 minutes.

Get off at Oyama Cable Bus Stop 大山ケーブル.

There is an Information Center and bathrooms near the bus stop.

This is another Information Center.

Next, get on a cable car.
It takes 15 minutes on foot from the bus stop to Oyama Cable Station 大山ケーブル駅.

Look over the map to the top of Mt. Oyama 大山山頂.

There are cafes, restaurants and souvenir shops on the way to Oyama Cable Station 大山ケーブル駅.

Access (Cable Car)
When you see the sigh ケーブルカーのりば, Turn right to Oyama Cable Station 大山ケーブル駅.

There are 3 cable cars every hour between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm
Fare between Oyama Cable Station 大山ケーブル駅 and Afuri Shrine (Afuri-jinja) Station 阿夫利神社駅:
One way: 630 640 yen
Round trip: 1100 1120 yen (Peak season 1240 1270 yen)
* You can stop over at Oyama Temple Station 大山寺駅.

Website (in Japanese)

Mt. Oyama Hiking Map and Time

I found face-in-the-hole photo board in front of the station.

View from Afuri-jinja Station 大山阿夫利神社駅

Start Walking

There are some restaurants near the station.

らーめん Ramen
甘酒 Amazake: It is a sweet hot drink prepared from fermented rice. About Amazake
大山とうふ Tofu

おしるこ Oshiruko: Sweet red bean soup
とん汁 Tonjiru: Pork miso soup
あんみつ Anmitsu: A kind of Japanese sweets including the agar jelly, fruits, red bean paste and so on.
もつ煮 Motsuni: Organ meat stew
ところ天 Tokoroten: About Tokoroten
甘酒 Amazake:
とうふ(温、冷) Tofu (Hot. Chilled)

そば Soba: Buckwheat noodles
うどん Udon noodles
カレーライス Curry rice
ラーメン Ramen
おでん Oden: A type of Japanese hot pod / boiled cuisine

This place is entrance of Miharashidai Viewpoint trail 見晴台 (見晴台ハイキングコース) .
When you climb to the top of Mt. Oyama yon can choose between the two trails.
- via Fujimidai Viewpoint 富士見台 *You can see Mt. Fuji 富士山.
- via Miharashidai Viewpoint 見晴台 (見晴台ハイキングコース) *I didn't walk this trail.

Oyama Afuri Shrine 大山阿夫利神社

No admission

Oyama Afuri Shrine 大山阿夫利神社

Oyama Afuri Shrine 大山阿夫利神社

Tonjiru Pork miso soup 100 yen

I choose the trail via Fujimidai Viewpoint 富士見台.

Entrance of the Trail

This place is entrance of the trail via Fujimidai Viewpoint 富士見台. I made a round trip to the top via this trail.
No admission

Fujimidai 富士見台
You can see Mt. Fuji.

The highest mountain in Japan, Mt. Fuji 富士山 (3776m).

The top of Mt. Oyama 大山


There is only one store (rest house) on the top of the mountain. They offer canned, plastic bottled drinks and various kinds of food.

- Canned Beer 500 yen
缶ビール Kan-biru - Sake 500 yen
お酒 Osake - Shochu (mixed with water or hot water) 400 yen
焼酎 (水・お湯割り) Shochu (Mizuwari or Oyuwari) - Hot Coffee 300 yen
ホットコーヒー - Green Tea 300 yen
お茶 Ocha - Water 300 yen
水 Mizu - Isotonic Drink 300 yen
スポーツドリンク Sports Drink - Canned Coke 250 yen
缶コーラ - Amazake 300 yen
甘酒 * About Amazake - Oshiruko 300 yen
おしるこ - Curry Rice 800 yen
カレーライス - Rice Balls 400 yen
焼きおにぎり Yaki-onigiri - Cup Noodles 300 yen
カップ麺 - Oden 600 yen
おでん - Octopus Dumplings 300 yen
たこ焼きTakoyaki - Pork Miso Soup 500 yen
とん汁 Tonjiru - Buckwheat Noodles topped with vegetables 500 yen
山菜そば Sansai-soba Good Choice! - Shaved Ice (Strawberry or Melon) 500 yen
かき氷 Kakigori (イチゴ Ichigo、メロン Melon)
Menu and prices might be changed.

The top of Mt. Oyama 大山 (1252m 1408ft)

You can see Enoshima 江の島 (Small island).

You can see TOKYO SKYTREE 東京スカイツリー.

There is bathroom.