HOTEICHAN has 4 branches around Ueno 上野 Station in Tokyo.
I went to the bar June 12, 2021.
Highly Recommended Food Items
are Tsuna Sashimi and Simmered Beef below.

Premium Chopped Tuna Sashimi 390 yen (excluding 10% tax)
本まぐろブツ Hon-maguro-butsu

This bar has mouth watering fatty tuna.
You must order this!

Simmered Beef 380 yen
自慢の牛煮込み Jiman-no-gyu-nikomi

They use tasty beef instead of pork.
I really like this dish.

Crab Butter 190 yen
かにみそ Kanimiso

Grained Tuna Mixed with Ume Plum Paste 290 yen
まぐろ梅水晶 290円

Grilled Asparagus Bacon 290 yen
アスパラベーコン焼き Aspara Bacon yaki

Croquette 130 yen
まんぞくコロッケ Manzoku Croquette

Grilled Ray Fin 330 yen
エイヒレ炙り Ei-hire-aburi

Pickled Ginger Lemon Sour 360 yen
ガリレモンサワー Gari Lemon Sour
Soy Milk High 360 yen
豆乳ハイ Tounyu High

Fruit liqueur 460 yen
和の果のしずく れもん酒 Wa-no-shizuku Lemon-shu
This liqueur is mixed with domestically produced fruits and sake.

Salt Tomato Sour 330 yen
塩トマトサワー Shio Tomato Sour

Plum Wine 330 yen
梅酒 ロック Umeshu
Shochu 360 yen
焼酎 シングル ロック

Sake (Fuku-shogun) 390 yen
日本酒 副将軍 1合

Draft Beer (Sapporo) 430 yen
生ビール サッポロ黒ラベル Nama-biru

No Service Fee / No Cover Charge
Unfortunately these menu sheets are only written in Japanese. (as of June 2021)

Some seasonal specials are written on the wall.

HOTEICHAN Ueno 4th Branch
ほていちゃん 上野4号店 Ueno-yongo-ten
- Prices Do Not Include 10% Tax
- No Smoking
- No Service Fee / Cover Charge
- You must order at least 1 drink per person.
- Unfortunately, you can stay your table for only 2 hours, if it is very crowded.

HOTEICHAN Ueno 4th Branch is located on the 2nd floor in the building. The 2nd Branch is on B1 floor in the same building.