teamLab: Digitized Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城 光の祭

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November 8, 2019 - January 13, 2020

Place: Kochi Castle in Kochi City 高知市

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Photos were taken in January 2019.

This exhibition was held until January 6, 2019 at Kochi Castle 高知城.
What a fantastic art piece!
My recommended event.

Outside the castle

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

A lots of large and small eggs

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Sound effect is also good.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

By the way. I went to the exhibition that was held outdoors and I expected to get some food there, but, unfortunately there weren't any of the usual food booths.
Maybe it's because I went on a weekday or maybe they just don't serve food, I guess.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Some people might want to buy the egg.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Animals that designed with flowers are moving in the stone wall.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Maybe this is tiger.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城


teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城


teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

White one might be deer / reindeer.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

This event's ticket was 1500 yen which includes admission for not only the exhibition but also the top floor of the castle tower. Usually, admission to the castle tower costs 420 yen.

Inside the castle

You should take off your shoes when you enter the castle tower.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Moving wave

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Very steep steps

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Where is the princess of this castle?

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

Where is samurai people?

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

View from the top floor.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

You can get a 360 degree view walking through all sides.
It is often crowded with many people who are taking photos.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

You can make a circuit of the balcony.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城

The balcony is crowded with many people who are taking photos.

teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城


teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
teamLab, Kochi Castle チームラボ 高知城
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teamLab: Digitized Kochi Castle
チームラボ 高知城 光の祭

November 22, 2018 - January 6, 2019
November 8, 2019 - January 13, 2020

17:00〜21:30(Last admission is at 21:00)
Adult 1500 yen
* You can go into the castle tower and walk up to the top floor to see the great view.

teamLab's website about Kochi Castle in 2019

チームラボ 高知城 光の祭

About Kochi Castele (in Japanese) 高知城管理事務所

高知城 公式ホームページ

Recommended ramen near Kochi Castle

Shijimi Freshwater Clam Ramen in Kochi 高知 Shikoku 四国 - 呑兵衛屋台 しじみラーメン
When you are drunk, a bowl of fresh water clam ramen will sober you up.

Other information about teamLab

EPSON teamLab Borderless in Odaiba Tokyo

The similar event was held at Hiroshima Castle 広島城.
February 8 - April 7, 2019

teamLab: Digitized Hiroshima Castle
teamLab transforms Hiroshima Castle, one of Japan’s top three flatland castles originally built in 1589, into an interactive art space. Hiroshima prefecture, Japan.

There are 2 exhibitions in Tokyo such as teamLab Planets and teamLab Borderless.

teamLab Planets and Borderless are Artistic Light Museums in Tokyo: Produced by teamLab チームラボ
When I ask foreign tourists where they want go in Tokyo many people say that they plan to go to the museum of teamLab.