The Thickest Ramen Noodles at a Ramen Shop JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 in Tokyo (Permanently Closed)

JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン Food

Specialty: Here is a ramen shop. Their specialty is tasty miso flavor broth and very thick and chewy noodles. I think that the ramen noodles are one of the thickest in Japan. They use MSG-free miso. You should try this very unique ramen.

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Miso Ramen

JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン

Ramen shop name
It means that Jonny's miso ramen.
Permanently Closed

JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン
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Classic ramen

  • Miso flavor ramen JONNY-NO-MISO 780 yen
    ジョニーの味噌 (as pictured)
  • Spicy miso flavor ramen KARA-MISO-RAMEN 830 yen
  • Shrimp miso flavor ramen EBI-MISO-RAMEN 860 yen
JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン

Thick noodles were very good in texture. They use 100% domestically produced wheat.

JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン

This shop uses the meal ticket system. Maybe it is unlikely to include any English information. A picture menu (in Japanese) can be found at the below website. It would be a good idea to check it out before going there. There is no menu on the website as of May, 2021. Instead, take a look at Google Maps.

If you want the same ramen, touch the button that appears at the upper left corner on the touch screen. Next, find the picture of the same ramen.

The boiling time of the very thick noodles cause around a fifteen-minute waiting time to be prepared your food.

JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン

Putting rice in the broth after eating the noodles is just perfect. You can get a half a cup of rice for free. Please take it from the electric rice jar yourself. They might run out of free rice at night.

Water is self-service and free of charge.

You want to come back to the shop again because their miso ramen is delicious.

JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン
JONNY-NO-MISO ジョニーの味噌 Ramen ラーメン
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When you finish your meal, please return your empty bowl and glass to above the counter.

Self-service ramen shop

Website (in Japanese)

Business hours
Monday - Saturday
11:30 am - 2:30 pm
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Sunday, holiday
11:30 am - 3:00 pm
6:00 pm - Last call 8:15 pm

When the noodles and soup are sold out, the shop will close.

  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • Tax is included in the prices.
  • Picture menu in Japanese is available on the ticketing machine.
  • No smoking

Photos were taken in 2015 - 2019.

A recommended guest house "toco." near this ramen shop. Check it out.

Hostel, Guest house, Backpackers in Tokyo Japan
This blog page introduces international tourists to recommended accommodation in central Tokyo.

Another recommended miso ramen shop

A Restaurant Do-Miso Specializes in Miso Ramen in Nishiarai Tokyo みそらーめん専門店 ど・みそ 東京 西新井
They offer several kinds of miso ramen. There are many types of ramen in Japan. If your favorite type is miso ramen, Do-Miso is worth trying.