Snow Corridor (Wall) Festival is held from April 15 to June 22, 2021 in Toyama 富山 Prefecture.
It is located in the Northern Japan Alps.
(The festival in 2020 is canceled because of the coronavirus.)

This is Murodo 室堂 Bus Terminal. It is the entrance of the snow corridor.

Trekking information of this area

Fridge Magnet

In April 2019, the highest snow wall is 16m (52.4ft).
In April 2014, 15m

Sightseeing place name
Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route 立山黒部アルペンルート
There are a few kinds of trails. Please look over Japanese walking map below, but it is outdated information as of April of 2020.
English website doesn't have useful walking map.

Photos were taken in April 2014.
Tateyama Kurobe Snow Corridor is a seasonal sightseeing place in spring. In summer, I recommend Kamikochi 上高地 around Japan Alps.