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Red Peppers and Sichuan Oil into Rich Miso Ramen of a Sushi Chain SUSHIRO

This spicy miso ramen is limited time offer until February 12th, 2023. Delicious soup!

Cutting Performance of Really Large Size Tuna at a Fish Supermarket SAKANAYA-SHUN in Tokyo

This place is not a restaurant or a sightseeing place. It is a supermarket, and they completely specialize in selling many kinds of seafood in a large space. The space is much larger than the seafood section in general large supermarkets in Japan.

A sushi chain SUSHIRO スシロー in Japan

Don't miss special dishes!

Conveyor Belt Sushi KAPPASUSHI in Japan かっぱ寿司

Kappasushi is one of the largest scale sushi chains in Japan. They have more than 300 locations across Japan. Most sushi items cost 100 or 180 or 280 yen.

100 or 150 yen Conveyor-belt Sushi Chain HAMASUSHI (HAMAZUSHI) はま寿司 in Japan

I recommend 2 seasonal items. "Cod Milt Sushi" and "Unsweetened Egg Custard with Matsutake Mushroom" are delicious.

Sushi Go Round CHOUSHIMARU in and around Tokyo 回転寿司 すし銚子丸

At lunch time until 2:00 pm on weekdays, their fish miso soup is free, You can also get free refills.

Sushi Go Round KAISEN MISAKIKO 回転寿司 海鮮三崎港 Conveyor Belt Sushi Restaurant in Tokyo

Kaisen Misakiko 海鮮三崎港 is a sushi restaurant chain in Japan.Their sushi prices are 120, 210, 290, 330, 430, 540 or 650 yen per 1 dish. (including 10% tax)

All 160 Yen Sushi at a Conveyor-belt Sushi Restaurant OOEDO 大江戸 in Shinjuku 新宿 and Okachimachi 御徒町 Tokyo - 回転寿司

There is a 160-yen sushi restaurant where you can buy everything for 160 yen including tax.160 yen foods usually have two pieces of sushi on a dish, but high quality sushi foods have one piece of sushi on a dish. They are still inexpensive.

Inakazushi (Inaka-Sushi) in Kochi is Good for Vegetarian and Vegan. 高知 田舎寿司

Inakazushi (Inaka-Sushi) 田舎寿司 is Kochi Prefecture's traditional local sushi. The sushi toppings are usually used vegetables. This sushi is healthy and tasty.

Sea Cucumber is Common Food at Sushi Restaurant and Izakaya (Japanese Style Bar) in Japan なまこ

Sea cucumber is called Namako なまこ / ナマコ in Japanese.Thinly sliced fresh (raw) sea cucumber is used for a kind of Japanese vinegared food. It is usually served with ponzu sauce (citrus-flavored soy sauce).

My Best Mackerel Sushi is "Mackerel with Leaf Mustard Sushi さば高菜巻 Saba-takana-maki". 鯖寿司・サバ鮨

I will rank the different kinds of mackerel sushi you can inexpensively get in and around Tokyo. This mackerel is usually marinated in vinegar, and tasty.

Japanese Sea Vegetables - Nori, Wakame, Tokoroten, Mozuku, Mekabu, Aosanori, Tororo Konbu, Hijiki 海苔・わかめ・ところてん・もずく・めかぶ・あおさ海苔・とろろ昆布・ひじき

Nori, a sea vegetable, is getting more common around the world these days because it is used in sushi.In Japan, we eat many kinds of sea vegetables other than nori.In this blog post, I will introduce some other popular sea vegetables to tourists in Japan.I...

Sushi Making Experience at UOGASHI-SUSHI in Tokyo 東京 魚がし寿司 寿司握り体験

Emblem Hostel エンブレムホステル in Tokyo sometimes organizes sushi making experience event for the guests of the hostel.You will walk to a nostalgic Japanese style sushi bar near the hostel.You must enjoy making sushi and the bar's atmosphere.

Conveyor-belt Sushi Restaurant (Sushi Go Round) KURASUSHI くら寿司 in Downtown Tokyo and all over Japan

One of my favorite conveyor-belt sushi restaurant chains is KURA くら (also called KURASUSHI / KURAZUSHI くら寿司). I usually go there every second month.

Traditional Festivals and Japanese food from Various Places of Japan - ふるさと祭り東京 Furusato Matsuri Tokyo

FURUSATO MATSURI TOKYO ふるさと祭り東京 is organized once a year in a ballpark Tokyo Dome.Each region has unique festival and food. You can enjoy watching the festival shows and tasty local food.January 10 - 19, 2019Admission: 1300, 1400 or 1800 yen
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