Ginkgo Tree Festival in Meiji Jingu Outer Garden in Tokyo 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Enjoy Japanese Food!

Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri Event

November 15 - December 1, 2019

It is a good place to see the autumn leaves of lots of ginkgo trees. Many food booths are available at 2 sites in the garden. You can enjoy Japanese food, craft beer and so on.

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Photos of Ginkgo Tree Festival

All photos were taken on November 24, 2017.

Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri

いちょう祭り Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival

Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri
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It is held once a year in the place.
November 15 - December 1, 2019
This event will go on, rain or shine.

No admission

Website (in Japanese)


Business hours
Many food booths are available at 2 sites in the garden.

  • 権田原会場 Gondawara Site
    10:00 am - 5:30 pm
  • にこにこパーク会場 Nikoniko Park Site
    10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Ginkgo Tree Festival 神宮外苑いちょう祭り Jingugaien Icho Matsuri

明治神宮外苑 Meiji Jingu Gaien
Meiji Jingu Outer Garden

This place is not Meiji Jingu Shrine 明治神宮. However, this shrine is one of the most popular sightseeing places in Tokyo.
About Meiji Jingu Shrine

There are some stations around this area.
信濃町 Shinanomachi, 千駄ヶ谷 Sendagaya, 外苑前 Gaienmae (Gaiemmae), 青山一丁目 Aoyama-Icchome (Aoyama-Itchome), 国立競技場 Kokuritsu-Kyogijo

I wonder why they don't sell ginkgo nuts since it is Ginkgo Tree Festival.
Roasted or deep-fried ginkgo nuts are tasty and I sometimes eat them.

Ginkgo [Gingko] nuts ぎんなん - Kigurajyaya きぐら茶屋 - Izakaya 居酒屋

Roasted Ginkgo Nuts with Salt (in the photo avobe)
Roasted one is delicious!

Kigurajyaya きぐら茶屋 - Izakaya 居酒屋 located 2 stations away from Oshiage 押上 Station (Tokyo Skytree) in Tokyo
ThisJapanese style bar restaurant (called Izakaya) offers great seafood, especially sashimi.Their grilled chicken on a skewer is also tasty.This Izakaya is kind of unknown for tourists, because it is not situated in downtown Tokyo.
Deep Fried Ginkgo Nuts 銀杏揚げ - Otonba (Higashi Ueno Branch) おとんば 東上野店

Deep Fried Ginkgo Nuts 280 yen
銀杏揚げ Ginnanage

Grilled Pork Organ Meat on a Skewer at an Izakaya Bar OTONBA in Ueno Tokyo - 肉maroおとんば・やきとん・もつ焼き・東京上野
They specializes in inexpensive grilled pork organ meat.
Banpaiya 晩杯屋 Ginko nuts 揚げ塩ぎんなん

A standing bar below seasonally offer tasty ginkgo nuts. When I find this on the menu, I often order it.
Deep Fried Ginkgo Nuts with Salt 150 yen
揚げ塩ぎんなん Ageshio-ginnan

Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in Tokyo - Izakaya 居酒屋・Reasonable Japanese Food
Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in TokyoThis bar is still unknown spot for international tourists.BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 is really popular with local people.Most of the dishes cost between 130 and 310 yen. Only a few kinds of dishes are 490 yen.
HIDAKAYA Ginkgo Nuts 日高屋 銀杏

Ginkgo nuts marinated in olive oil are not my favorite taste. It was too soft. I recommend the roasted one and deep fried one.

Another event in Tokyo in November and December

A Winter Festival AONODOKUTSU Shibuya - 青の洞窟 SHIBUYA・Blue Cave Illumination in Shibuya Tokyo 東京 渋谷
This event is the best place to take your girl out to in winter (especially Christmas).