Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Ramen and Chinese Food Restaurant Chain in Japan ラーメン・炒飯

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー Food
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将

Are you tired of eating Japanese food during traveling in Japan?
If so, I recommend this Chinese food restaurant chain Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将.

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Spicy Ramen of Chinese Medical Cooking Flavors

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 辣菜麺 ラーサイメン Ramen

This is a spicy miso ramen which has really unique flavors such as Chinese medical cooking.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 辣菜麺 ラーサイメン Ramen

Now on sale (from July 2022) It might be time limited item.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 辣菜麺 ラーサイメン Ramen
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 辣菜麺 ラーサイメン Ramen
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 辣菜麺 ラーサイメン Ramen
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Chilled Chinese Noodles (Summer Only)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 メニュー 冷やし中華
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Main Dishes

Sauteed Pork Liver and Garlic Chives ニラレバ炒め

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Sauteed Pork Liver and Garlic Chives ニラレバ炒め
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Sauteed Pork Liver and Garlic Chives ニラレバ炒め

Sauteed Pork Liver and Garlic Chives ニラレバ炒め Nirareba-itame
(The picture above is) Regular Size 561 yen including ta
This is my favorite one. That flavor of grated garlic is irresistible!

If you like this food I also recommend another restaurant below.

Delicious Liver Meat Dish in Tokyo: Sauteed Pork or Chicken Liver and Chive ニラレバ定食 (レバニラ)
If you like eating liver meat I highly recommend 2 restaurants below in Tokyo. They offer great food!
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Pork Fried Rice 炒飯 Sauteed Pork Liver and Garlic Chives ニラレバ炒め

GYOZA Pan-fried Pork Dumplings 餃子

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Gyoza: Pan-fried Pork Dumplings 餃子

Pan-fried Pork Dumplings 餃子 Gyoza
Ginger Gyoza (Garlic-free)
Both are the same price.
6 pieces 286 yen, 3 pieces 154 yen
I highly recommend this restaurant's gyoza! Delicious!

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Gyoza: Pan-fried Pork Dumplings 餃子

GYOZA Pan-fried Pork Dumplings with Extra Garlic にんにく激増し餃子

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Gyoza with Extra Garlic にんにく激増し餃子 Pan-fried Pork Dumplings

Pan-fried Pork Dumplings with Extra Garlic
にんにく激増し餃子 Ninniku Gikimashi Gyoza
6 pieces 319 yen, 3 pieces 176 yen
If you like strong garlic flavor I recommend this.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Gyoza with Extra Garlic にんにく激増し餃子 Pan-fried Pork Dumplings
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Gyoza with Extra Garlic にんにく激増し餃子 Pan-fried Pork Dumplings

Champon Noodles with Seafood, Pork, and Vegetables in Soy Sauce Pork Bone Based Broth チャンポン

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Champon Noodles with Seafood, Pork, and Vegetables in soy sauce pork bone based broth チャンポン

Champon Noodles with Seafood, Pork, and Vegetables in Soy Sauce Pork Bone Based Broth チャンポン 715 yen

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Champon Noodles with Seafood, Pork, and Vegetables in soy sauce pork bone based broth チャンポン

When I ate this, squid, scallop, prawn, quail egg, pork and vegetables were in it. Taste good.
If you like richer pork bone soup than this, check out another champon below.

A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan
I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.I will give you a ...

Miso Ramen (Eastern Japan) 味噌ラーメン

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

Miso Ramen 715 yen

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

It is used selected miso which has a good flavor.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

The Chinese restaurant GYOZA OHSHO in Japan has more than 700 branches across Japan.
There are locations in Eastern and Western Japan as well as the Kyushu region. Each respective region has differing menu items and prices.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

One of these differences is miso ramen. Miso ramen, offered in the Eastern region of Japan, has a strong garlic flavor. OHSHO’s special and original miso is used to flavor a variety of vegetables.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

Miso Ramen (Western Japan) 味噌ラーメン

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

Miso Ramen 605 yen

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

In the Western region, OHSHO offers another miso ramen. This dish is made using a milder miso and a simpler assortment of vegetables. However, the price is 110 yen cheaper!

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

To be honest, I prefer Eastern one to Western one.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Miso Ramen 味噌ラーメン

Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice
中華飯 Chuukahan 583 yen
It includes egg soup.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

When I had this, the ingredients were pork, squid, scallop, shrimp, quail egg, wood ear mushrooms, Chinese cabbage, bamboo shoot, carrot, garlic chive...

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

Cost effective!

If you would like extra sticy sauce (soup), you can say this sentence when you order it.

Tare oome de onegaishimasu
Can I have extra sauce, please?

You can enjoy the dish more juicy and with sweeter rice than the standard bowl. It is free of charge.

(as pictured below)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯

Extra sauce

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯
including 10% tax

タレ多め Extra Sauce
550 → 583 yen

Horumon: Sauteed Pork Intestines with Miso Sauce ホルモンの味噌炒め

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Horumon: Sauteed Pork Intestines with Miso Sauce ホルモンの味噌炒め

Sauteed Pork Intestines with Miso Sauce 550 yen
ホルモンの味噌炒め Horumon-no-misoitame

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Horumon: Sauteed Pork Intestines with Miso Sauce ホルモンの味噌炒め
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Horumon: Sauteed Pork Intestines with Miso Sauce ホルモンの味噌炒め
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Horumon: Sauteed Pork Intestines with Miso Sauce ホルモンの味噌炒め

Crab Flavored Omelette on Fried Rice 天津炒飯

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Tenshin-Chahan: Crab Flavored Omelette on Fried Rice 天津炒飯

Crab Flavored Omelette on Fried Rice
天津炒飯 Tenshin-chahan 671 yen
It includes egg soup.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Tenshin-Chahan: Crab Flavored Omelette on Fried Rice 天津炒飯

When you order this you can choose the sauce from Sweet and sour sauce 甘酢 Amazu, Salt-based sauce 塩ダレ Shio-dare, Soy sauce Japanese style broth 京風ダレ Kyoufuu-dare.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Tenshin-Chahan: Crab Flavored Omelette on Fried Rice 天津炒飯

This sauce is Sweet and sour sauce 甘酢 Amazu. It tastes like ketchup.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Tenshin-Chahan: Crab Flavored Omelette on Fried Rice 天津炒飯

Fried rice is in it. Good taste!

Kimchi Fried Rice キムチ炒飯

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Kimchi Fried Rice キムチ炒飯

Kimchi Fried Rice 550 yen
キムチ炒飯 Kimchi Chahan
It includes egg soup.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Kimchi Fried Rice キムチ炒飯

Sweet and Sour Pork 酢豚

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Sweet and Sour Pork 酢豚

Sweet and Sour Pork
Subuta 605 yen

This dish has pork, onions, carrots, green pepper, and potato. I think potato is unusual for this type of dish and it doesn't match well. I prefer this type of dish without potato.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Sweet and Sour Pork 酢豚

Deep Fried Chicken Breast 鶏の唐揚

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Kara Age: Deep Fried Chicken Breast 鶏の唐揚

Deep Fried Chicken Breast
Tori-no-kara-age 594 yen

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Kara Age: Deep Fried Chicken Breast 鶏の唐揚

It is tender and not fatty.

I like
Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏
more than
Deep Fried Chicken Breast 鶏の唐揚
because chicken thigh is more juicy, and it is served with the tasty sauce.

If you really like Japanese Karaage (deep fried chicken), I recommend a chicken restaurant chain below.

Karaage KARAYAMA からあげ からやま / YUKARI 縁 - Deep Fried chicken Shop in Japan 唐揚げ
Some international tourists whom I met said that their favorite Japanese food is Karaage.I wonder if fried chicken is well known around the world. Some say that the Japanese fried chicken tastes different from other ones. Also Japanese Karaage is more deli...


Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Seasonings 調味料
  • Gyoza Dumplings Sauce 餃子のタレ
  • Gyoza Dumplings Sauce with Yuzu Citron Flavor ゆず風味餃子のタレ
    * This sauce also matches fried chicken very well.
  • Vinegar 酢
  • Black Pepper ブラックペッパー
  • Ohsho Magic Powder (Original Salt and Pepper) 王将マジックパウダー
  • Chili Oil ラー油
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - マジックパウダー・餃子のタレ

They also sell Ohsho Magic Powder and Gyoza Dumplings Sauce with Yuzu Citron Flavor at the cash desk.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Seasonings 調味料

Deep Fried Noodles 揚げそば

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Deep Fried Noodles 揚げそば (皿うどん)

Deep Fried Noodles 693 yen
揚げそば Agesoba

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Deep Fried Noodles 揚げそば (皿うどん)

When I had Agesoba, deep-fried noodles were covered with squid, scallop, prawn, quail egg, pork, wood ear mushrooms, some kinds of vegetables and very starchy soup.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Deep Fried Noodles 揚げそば (皿うどん)

The crispy noodles will get softer. At other Chinese restaurants in Japan, this type of food (Agesoba) is also called Saraudon.

A Type of Noodles - NAGASAKI CHAMPON 長崎ちゃんぽん at a Restaurant Chain RINGERHUT リンガーハット in Japan
I know there are many kinds of noodles in the world. When someone asks me what my favorite is, I choose Japanese CHAMPON ちゃんぽん.If you love eating ramen and haven't yet heard of or tried CHAMPON, you should try it while traveling in Japan.I will give you a ...

Steamed Chicken with Sesame Sauce 棒々鶏 (蒸し鶏)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Steamed Chicken with Sesame Sauce 棒々鶏 (蒸し鶏)

Steamed Chicken with Sesame Sauce 605 yen
棒々鶏 (蒸し鶏) Bambanji (Mushidori)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Steamed Chicken with Sesame Sauce 棒々鶏 (蒸し鶏)

Fried Noodles with Soy Sauce 焼そば (醤油)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Shoyu Yakisoba: Fried noodles with soy sauce 焼そば (醤油)

Fried Noodles with Soy Sauce 528 yen
焼そば (醤油) Yakisoba (Shoyu)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Shoyu Yakisoba: Fried noodles with soy sauce 焼そば (醤油)

Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce
Regular Size 598 yen (as pictured)
Just Size (Half Size) 346 yen
油淋鶏 ユーリンチー Youlinji

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

This is called Youlinji, and Chinese style deep fried chicken with sweet vinegar sauce.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

A lot of sweet vinegar sauce is poured over deep-flied chicken while it's still sizzling hot.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

I prefer this Youlinji 油淋鶏 to their standard Deep Fried Chicken Breast 鶏の唐揚.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

Pepper Steak: Sauteed Sliced Beef and Pepper チンジャオロース

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Pepper Steak: Sauteed Sliced Beef and Pepper チンジャオロース

Pepper Steak: Sauteed Sliced Beef and Pepper 660 yen
*It is available in the Western region.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Pepper Steak: Sauteed Sliced Beef and Pepper チンジャオロース
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 - Pepper Steak: Sauteed Sliced Beef and Pepper チンジャオロース
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Karatama Ramen

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Karatama Ramen Noodles with Egg and Hot Soup 辛玉ラーメン

辛玉ラーメン 473円
Ramen noodles with egg and Hot soup
*It is available in the Western region.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Karatama Ramen Noodles with Egg and Hot Soup 辛玉ラーメン
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Karatama Ramen Noodles with Egg and Hot Soup 辛玉ラーメン
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Karatama Ramen Noodles with Egg and Hot Soup 辛玉ラーメン
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Half Size Dishes

Half size servings are good when you have a meal alone and want to eat several kinds of dishes.
When you are looking over the menu, find the page for Just Size Menu (ジャストサイズメニュー).
There are many kinds of half size dishes available. However, they cost a little more than half the price of the regular size ones, but I think they are still cost effective. Most half size servings are about 300 yen.

All of the pictures below are half size dishes called
Just Size Menu ジャストサイズメニュー
at OHSHO restaurants.

Gyoza no Ohsho Ramen 餃子の王将ラーメン

Gyoza no Ohsho Ramen (Soy sauce, Pork Bone-flavored) Just Size 餃子の王将ラーメン ジャストサイズ

Gyoza no Ohsho Ramen

Just Size ??? yen as pictured
Regular 572 yen
It is their classic ramen which is soy sauce and pork bone-flavored.

Gyoza no Ohsho Ramen (Soy sauce, Pork Bone-flavored) Just Size 餃子の王将ラーメン ジャストサイズ
Gyoza no Ohsho Ramen (Soy sauce, Pork Bone-flavored) Just Size 餃子の王将ラーメン ジャストサイズ

Pork Fried Rice 炒飯

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Pork Fried Rice 炒飯

Pork Fried Rice 炒飯 Chahan
Just Size 289 yen as pictured
Regular 528 yen

When you order the just size one, there are only 3 Chinese spoons of the fried rice. 😥

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Pork Fried Rice 炒飯

Stir-fried Shrimp in Chili Sauce 海老のチリソース

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Stir-fried Shrimp in Chilli Sauce 海老のチリソース

Stir-fried Shrimp in Chili Sauce 海老のチリソース Ebi-no-chili-sauce
Just Size 383 yen as pictured
Regular 715 yen
Good taste! Don't worry. It's not spicy.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Stir-fried Shrimp in Chilli Sauce 海老のチリソース

Pork and Kimchi Stir Fry 豚キムチ

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Pork and Kimchi Stir Fry 豚キムチ

Pork and Kimchi Stir Fry 豚キムチ Buta-kimuchi
Just Size 330 yen as pictured
Regular 550 yen
It tastes strong and matches rice or beer very well.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Pork and Kimchi Stir Fry 豚キムチ

Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 (ユーリンチー)

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 (ユーリンチー) Youlinji
Just Size 346 yen as pictured
Regular Size 598 yen
It's crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. I like this sauce and I wanna repeat this next time.

Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将 Deep fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 ユーリンチー

My Best 3 Dishes!

1st Pan-fried Pork Dumplings 餃子 Gyoza

2nd Cantonese-style Eight Treasure Stir-fry on Rice 中華飯 Chuukahan

3rd Deep Fried Chicken Thigh with Sweet and Sour Sauce 油淋鶏 Yuurinchi

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Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将

Restaurant name
Gyoza OHSHO 餃子の王将


Official GYOZA OHSHO website | OHSHO FOOD SERVICE Corporation
Welcome to the official website of GYOZA OHSHO! From our extensive Chinese cuisine menu and our commitment to gyoza, to information on events and fairs – Our site is full of information that makes Japan more delicious.
  • No cover charge / No service fee
  • Prices on the menu are included 10% tax. (eat in)
    8% tax to go
  • English picture menu is available at the restaurants and on the website.
  • Smoking are not allowed at about 600 branches.
    Find non-smoking branches (in Japanese)

There are more than 700 branches in Japan.

I introduce some restaurants around popular sightseeing places in downtown Tokyo.
Check out Google Maps below!

Most of the restaurants open about 11:00 am or 11:30 am.

Ueno 上野

Ikebukuro 池袋

Shibuya 渋谷

Shinbashi 新橋

Akihabara 秋葉原
Open 6:00 am, Different menu, Standing restaurant
If you want to eat normal food of Ohsho, you shouldn't choose Akihabara branch.

Nishiarai 西新井

Shimokitazawa 下北沢

Prices and information are as of Kanto District (around Tokyo area), December 2020.

Other similar restaurants

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Vegetable Ramen at a Restaurant FUKUSHIN 福しん in Tokyo
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