Salmon Roe Bowl Costs Only 500 yen at a Seafood Shop UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草のいくら丼 500円

Salmon Roe Rice Bowl of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 いくら丼 Food

I will definitely repeat this standing bar. Oyster and crab are also inexpensive.

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Salmon Roe Bowl いくら丼

Salmon Roe Rice Bowl of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 いくら丼

Salmon roe on rice bowl costs only 500 yen including 10% tax.

Salmon Roe Rice Bowl of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 いくら丼

I asked a staff member if customers can order only this dish (salmon roe bowl), which was the bar's special, without ordering drinks or or other menu items.

They told me that it wouldn't be a problem.

Salmon Roe Rice Bowl of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 いくら丼

This is one of the most cost effective salmon bowls in Japan.

Salmon Roe Rice Bowl of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 いくら丼
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3 Kinds of Today's Special 本日のあて3種盛り

3 Kinds of Today's Special of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 本日のあて3種盛り

3 kinds of seafood (sashimi) and a glass of alcoholic drinks (sake, wine, beer) cost 1000 yen

3 Kinds of Today's Special of UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 本日のあて3種盛り

Today's special was striped marlin, soft cod roe (milt) seasoned with ponzu soy sauce and marinated tuna.
マカジキ刺し、 白子ぽんず、漬けマグロ
Three kinds of seafood used in this today's special change daily.

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Unfiltered / Cloudy Sake at UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 にごり酒

You can choose sake from more than 16 kinds.
I choose Unfiltered / Cloudy Sake にごり酒 Nigori-zake above.

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Sapporo Beer at UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 サッポロ生ビール黒ラベル

There are soy sauce 醤油 and ponzu soy sauce ぽん酢 on the tables. It would be a good idea to put some sauce on the seafood.

Sapporo Beer at UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草 サッポロ生ビール黒ラベル

Small bottle of beer is 350 yen

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UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草
UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草

It opens onto a street called AMEYOKO アメ横 and has no door like an open air shop.

UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草

Shop name

Business Hours
Weekdays 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Saturday, Sunday and National Holiday 11:00 am - 19:00 pm

Website (in Japanese)

アメ横魚草/魚塚 powered by BASE
2013年9月 アメ横に「呑める魚屋 魚草」オープン。2022年2月 闇市より続く老舗「いぬづか商店」様の意志を引き継ぐ形で「魚塚 うおつか」オープン。オンラインショップでは卸問屋様、生産者様のご協力のもと、当店が扱う厳選食材を惜しみなくお届けします。
UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草
UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草

A glass of sake is 500 yen.

UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草

本日のあて3種盛り Honjitsu-no-ate
Today's special including 3 kinds of seafood and one drink. Choose from beer, sake or white wine.
1000 yen

UOKUSA in Ueno Tokyo 東京 上野 魚草

1000 Yen

  • Oyster 2p + Drink
    生かき2p + 酒
  • Today's Special 3 Kinds of Seafood + Drink
    あて3種盛り + 酒
  • Crab + Salmon Roe + Drink
    かに + いくら + 酒
  • Oyster 3p
  • Crab (Large)
  • No service fee / No cover charge
  • 10% tax is included in the prices.
  • Standing style bar and open air small booth
  • There is English menu.
  • Cash on

Information is as of February 2020.

Bar Hopping in Ueno 上野 Tokyo

Grilled Pork Organ Meat on a Skewer at an Izakaya Bar OTONBA in Ueno Tokyo - 肉maroおとんば・やきとん・もつ焼き・東京上野
They specializes in inexpensive grilled pork organ meat.
Standing Bar: Tachinomi-Takioka 立飲み-たきおか in Ueno 上野 Tokyo
I went to a standing bar with a friend in Ueno 上野 Tokyo. We had a good time and spent only 4100 yen for the both of us. l will write about the food and drinks that we had in this blog below.
Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in Tokyo - Izakaya 居酒屋・Reasonable Japanese Food
Standing Bar BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 in TokyoThis bar is still unknown spot for international tourists.BANPAIYA 晩杯屋 is really popular with local people.Most of the dishes cost between 130 and 310 yen. Only a few kinds of dishes are 490 yen.