Shibainu 柴犬 is traditional Japanese dog. (It is also called Shibaken)

It is good weather for a walk.

Will you give me tasty food?

Japanese Pet Shop

Some pet shops in Japan sell puppies and cats this way as seen in the picture. They are kept and displayed in these transparent cases.

I heard that some countries don't allow selling them this way. Pet shops are not meant to be places for sightseeing. However, if you are interested in pets and animals, visiting the pet shops can be a valuable experience when you are traveling in Japan. It would be fun to learn about Japanese pet culture.
Pet shop name
Website (in Japanese)
Nishiarai 西新井 branch , Shinjuku 新宿 branch in Tokyo
Mameshiba Cafe in Harajuku 原宿 Tokyo
Mameshiba Cafe in Kochi 高知 Prefecture of Shikoku 四国

By the way. Do you like cats?