There are 2 popular statues.
THE UNICORN GUNDAM is located in Odaiba お台場 Tokyo.
THE GREAT BUDDHA is at a temple in Kamakura 鎌倉 City Kanagawa 神奈川 Prefecture next to Tokyo.
They wish they could chat together.

Actually, you can enter the interior of the Great Buddha statue. It additionally costs 20 yen. (Temple admission: 200 300 yen)
* The interior is temporally closed as of August 2020. However, the temple is available.

Hey! Buddhay!
We are ready to fly into space using rocket engines!
Your rocket engines look larger than mine. I envy you.
It's very old style, though.
The Life Sized UNICORN GUNDAM Statue 実物大ユニコーンガンダム立像 is in front of a shopping mall DiverCity Tokyo Plaza.

Temple name
The Great Buddha and Kotoku-in 鎌倉大仏殿高徳院
The conservation and repair work on the Great Buddha completed in March, 2016. These photos were taken in 2011 - 2012 before the repair work took place.
The photos of Gundam were taken in 2018.
By the way. Check out another popular temple in Kamakura 鎌倉 City.

Another sightseeing place in Odaiba お台場 Tokyo

My favorite beach in Kamakura

Buddha: I'm 13.35m (43.8ft) tall including on the base. I'm sitting though...