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Bunkers of Historical Remains in Kochi Japan

There are 7 old bunkers near Kochi Airport. They were built during World War II.

Parking Curb Stops in Tokyo Japan

I found cute ones in Tokyo. It is really rare and uncommon.

Rice Culture in Japan - Coin Operated Rice Polishing Machines コイン精米機・精米所

Japanese people like eating tasty rice. Some people buy brown rice. Then, when they cook it, they can bring the rice to the machine and polish it to their favorite rice such as well-polished brown or white rice. Actually, my mother sometimes do that to mak...

Japanese Food Culture: WHALE MEAT Dishes at a Restaurant KUJIRASHOKUDOU 鯨食堂 in Saitama next to Tokyo くじら料理

Are you interested in eating whale meat such as steak, sushi, sashimi (raw) and deep fried whale?This restaurant is permanently closed.

Kimono and Sado (Matcha) Experience in Asakusa Tokyo 東京 浅草 着物と茶道(抹茶)体験

At this cafe, you can wear a high-quality kimono and enjoy drinking matcha in a traditional tea ceremony (Sado 茶道).

What has surprised you about Japan so far?

I often ask foreign tourists what has surprised them about Japan during their travels here.

Solo Karaoke in a Spaceship Capsule at 1 KARA

Are you traveling Japan?Do you want to go to karaoke?Two recommended karaoke establishments are below.

What do you want to buy as souvenirs when you leave Japan? How about TOKYO BANANA, Cute Magnet or Japanese Lantern?

Are you looking for souvenirs in Japan?

What do you want to buy as souvenirs when you leave Japan? How about Socks, Kimono, Replica Food?

I often heard that many tourists from foreign countries bought Japanese colorful socks, low priced kimono and replica food.

Japanese Dog SHIBAINU (SHIBAKEN) 柴犬 and Mameshiba 豆柴

Shibainu 柴犬 is traditional Japanese dog. (It is also called Shibaken)

Secondhand Anime Figures and Video Games Stores for Geeks (Otaku) in Tokyo 中古フィギュア・テレビゲーム

Are you looking for rare figures and retro video games?Check out recommended stores below.

Mysterious and Holy Site AOYAMA CEMETERY in Tokyo 青山墓地 青山霊園

AOYAMA CEMETERY (Aoyama-bochi 青山墓地 or Aoyama-reien 青山霊園) is one of the biggestcemeteries in Tokyo, where a considerably large number of gravestones are built on the extensive grounds.They look like mysterious and holy remains of stones. AOYAMA CEMETERY is ...

HAPPY ASSHOLE! - A Toilet Showroom of TOTO in Tokyo is Interesting - WASHLET Means Electrical Shower Toilet Seat (Bidet) ウォシュレット

A Japanese toilet company TOTO has a showroom in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo. Many recent model toilets are displayed there. This place is like a toilet museum. It is called TOTO Tokyo Center Showroom (TOTO東京センターショールーム).

Japanese Dyed Cloths Festival SOME-NO-KOMICHI 染の小道 in Tokyo

Around Nakai 中井 Station in Shinjuku 新宿 Tokyo, this area is decorated with a lot of traditional dyed cloths during the festival from February 25 through 27, 2022.

Traditional Dyeing Experience at a Dyeing Studio SOMENOSATO-OCHIAI in Tokyo 染の里おちあい(二葉苑)

One recommended dyeing studio SOMENOSATO-OCHIAI 染の里おちあい is in Tokyo. (It was called Futaba-en 二葉苑 before 2020.) They sell many kinds of traditional dyeing supplies, and you can get a few hours of hands-on experience there.

HANKO Seal Vending Machine はんこ自動販売機

HANKO is a personal name stamp.In Japan, HANKO is used instead of signature on Japanese official documents. HANKO is also called INKAN.Why don't you make your own HANKO for souvenir?Some types of personal seal vending machines are available in Japan. You c...

Collect Seals GOSHUIN 御朱印 of Shrines and Temples in Japan

When you keep visiting shrines and temples in Japan many times to collect their seals in an accordion book as shown the above will become into your treasure which is mysterious and artistic book like ancient manuscripts.Goshuin 御朱印 is a seal that is histor...

Retro Public Bath MATSUNOYU in Tokyo - 銭湯 (Sento) 松の湯 Permanently Closed

They closed their business on 29 February, 2020MATSUNOYU 松の湯 in Tokyo is a public bath (not hot spring). It has old retro baths. Japanese people feel nostalgic atmosphere there.This type of public bath is getting rarer and rarer these days.

Sushi Making Experience at UOGASHI-SUSHI in Tokyo 東京 魚がし寿司 寿司握り体験

Emblem Hostel エンブレムホステル in Tokyo sometimes organizes sushi making experience event for the guests of the hostel.You will walk to a nostalgic Japanese style sushi bar near the hostel.You must enjoy making sushi and the bar's atmosphere.

Watching a Sumo Practice at TAMANOI-BEYA in Tokyo 東京 玉ノ井部屋 相撲 稽古見学

SUMO 相撲When you attend this tour, you can get to see the sumo wrestlers on the sumo field very close from the seats.

Trial Lesson in Tokyo - Japanese Green Tea 緑茶

One lesson topic is how to serve Japanese green tea.A high quality green tea is recommended.When you use good tea leaves, you can make a few cups of tea, even up to three cups using the same leaves.

A Self-service Food Stand that Works on the Honor System in Japan 良心市、無人販売所

This is a sales place for vegetables, fruits, flowers and so on.It isusually just a shelf and a roof, without any doors or windows.

A Type of Bar in Japan Called a GIRL'S BAR (Girls Bar)

I'd like to introduce you to a type of bar that can be found in Japan called a GIRL'S BAR (Girls Bar), which is a kind of Japanglish.Rather than being a bar focusing on female customers, the bartenders (maid, waitress) are attractive younger women.All of t...

Traditional Festivals and Japanese food from Various Places of Japan - ふるさと祭り東京 Furusato Matsuri Tokyo

FURUSATO MATSURI TOKYO ふるさと祭り東京 is organized once a year in a ballpark Tokyo Dome.Each region has unique festival and food. You can enjoy watching the festival shows and tasty local food.January 10 - 19, 2019Admission: 1300, 1400 or 1800 yen

A Kotatsu is a Japanese traditional table used in during winter. こたつ

Many Japanese people use this traditional table which is called Kotatsu こたつ.The table is covered by a thick blanket like in the picture above.

Poop Kanji Workbook (Unko Kanji Drill) うんこ漢字ドリル

I recommend a great workbook for learning Kanji 漢字 to people who are learning Japanese 日本語.A unique thing about the workbook is that the sample sentences includes Kanji.All sentences are about poo-poo.
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