AOYAMA CEMETERY (Aoyama-bochi 青山墓地 or Aoyama-reien 青山霊園) is one of the biggest cemeteries in Tokyo, where a considerably large number of gravestones are built on the extensive grounds.
They look like mysterious and holy remains of stones. AOYAMA CEMETERY is an unknown spot for international tourists.

- No admission fee is required.
- This cemetery is always open.
- Zombies are allowed to visit here. 😮
The nearest stations are Gaien-Mae 外苑前 Station, Aoyamaicchome 青山一丁目 Station and 乃木坂 Nogizaka Station.
I am a person with no religious faith. The same goes for my brother and sister.
However, when our family, for example my grandfather and grandmother, died, we held the funeral in Shinto style (Shintoism). Then, we buried them in our Shinto-styled grave. During the funeral, We behaved in accordance with the customs of Shinto, even though We don't follow any religion.
People like us are very common these days in Japan.

Gravestones dealer

These two photos were not taken in the cemetery.
There are gravestones in a beautiful temple.

Another Japanese traditional culture