A Hot Spring "Hikawago Asahanoyu at Mikawaya Ryokan" in Okutama Tokyo 東京 奥多摩 氷川郷麻葉の湯 三河屋旅館(Onsen 温泉)

温泉 Hot spring - 三河屋旅館 氷川郷麻葉の湯 Hikawago Asahanoyu, Mikawaya Ryokan - 東京 奥多摩 Sightseeing

I present you a Tokyo ryokan hot spring. A ryokan 旅館 is a type of Japanese style inn. Mikawaya Ryokan 三河屋旅館 has a good hot spring. The use of the hot spring in this ryokan is not limited to ryokan guests.

If you want to go hiking in Tokyo for a day. I would recommend the Okutama 奥多摩 area because there are several tracks for beginner hikers. After a day of hiking, you can take the hot spring at the ryokan located near Okutaka 奥多摩 Station.

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About this hot spring

温泉 Hot spring - 三河屋旅館 氷川郷麻葉の湯 Hikawago Asahanoyu, Mikawaya Ryokan - 東京 奥多摩

Good things about this hot spring

  • It takes only 5 minutes walk from Okutama 奥多摩 Station.
  • When I went there it wasn't crowded with hikers. Maybe, this hot spring is not well known to hikers. However, I went there on weekday.
  • There was no chlorine smell. They officially says that they add it to the water, but I think they do only slightly.
  • It is not open-air bathroom but there is a beautiful river view.
温泉 Hot spring - 三河屋旅館 氷川郷麻葉の湯 Hikawago Asahanoyu, Mikawaya Ryokan - 東京 奥多摩

The bathtub (bathroom) is not large, but I was really relaxed. When I was staying in the bathroom for about 1 hour only two more people came in, and they quickly finished bathing. I spent most of the time with no other customers. So I was able to take these pictures.

If you are embarrassed to take Japanese style bath, this place would be good for you, because maybe there are less people than other popular hot springs. 

温泉 Hot spring - 三河屋旅館 氷川郷麻葉の湯 Hikawago Asahanoyu, Mikawaya Ryokan - 東京 奥多摩

The bathrooms are separated for men and women.

温泉 Hot spring - 三河屋旅館 氷川郷麻葉の湯 Hikawago Asahanoyu, Mikawaya Ryokan - 東京 奥多摩
  • It's mixed hot water comes from a hot spring and a normal water supply.
  • The water is heated.
  • The water in the bath is filtered and reused.
  • Some chlorine is added for sanitary reasons.

I think the quality of this hot spring water is clean and good. They also have good facilities such as shower, hair dryer and so on.

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温泉 Hot spring - 三河屋旅館 氷川郷麻葉の湯 Hikawago Asahanoyu, Mikawaya Ryokan - 東京 奥多摩
温泉 Hot spring - 三河屋旅館 氷川郷麻葉の湯 Hikawago Asahanoyu, Mikawaya Ryokan - 東京 奥多摩

Accommodation name
Hikawago Asaha no Yu, Mikawaya Ryokan
氷川郷麻葉の湯 三河屋旅館

  • Admission to the hot spring
    1000 yen
    It doesn't include a towel. (Optional fee) You can bring yours.
  • Shampoo and body soap are free in the bathing room.
  • Business hours for non-guests
    11:30 am - 4:00 pm (It is irregularly changed.)
  • There are English instruction sheets about the hot spring at the front desk.
  • There is no locker in the changing room. You can leave your valuables at the front desk.


東京の奥座敷、多摩川清流をのぞむ大自然に囲まれた創業200年の古き良き日本の湯宿 三河屋旅館へようこそ。当宿はかつては皇室や文人も足を運んだ奥多摩の老舗旅館。四季折々の自然を望む「氷川郷麻葉の湯」、旬の山幸を活かした、自然を味わう季節会席。清流のせせらぎ、鳥達のさえずり、虫の声に包まれ、都会の喧騒から離れた温泉宿で、ゆっくりとお過ごしください。

Oktama 奥多摩 Information Website
(There is information center in front of Oktama Station.)

一般社団法人奥多摩観光協会 奥多摩町観光案内所

Sightseeing Maps and Hiking Maps

一般社団法人奥多摩観光協会 奥多摩町観光案内所

I walked this trail from Kori 古里 Station to Okutama 奥多摩 Station.
Ohtama Walking Trail 大多摩ウォーキングトレイル

This hiker walked from Okutama 奥多摩 Station to Kori 古里 Station. (opposite way)

Photos were taken in September 2019.

Please look over other hot springs and public bath in Japan.

Low Priced and Popular Hot Spring / SPA RYUSENJINOYU near Tokyo 竜泉寺の湯 草加谷塚店
I have been to this hot spring a few times. It is still unknown to international tourists. I recommend you go there on weekdays. On weekends and during holiday season, probably it is crowded in the bathing rooms and restaurant.
Day-3 Climbing Down: Trekking to Mt. Tsurugidake in the Northern Japan Alps 北アルプス 剱岳
Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 → 10th Chain Point Kani-no-yokobai カニのよこばい → Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 → Kenzanso 剣山荘 (Lodge) → Raichozawa Hyutte 雷鳥沢ヒュッテ (Lodge)
2/2 Yakushima Island National Park, World Natural Heritage in Japan 世界自然遺産 屋久島
At last we arrived at Jomon-sugi Ceder 縄文杉.
Retro Public Bath MATSUNOYU in Tokyo - 銭湯 (Sento) 松の湯 Permanently Closed
They closed their business on 29 February, 2020MATSUNOYU 松の湯 in Tokyo is a public bath (not hot spring). It has old retro baths. Japanese people feel nostalgic atmosphere there.This type of public bath is getting rarer and rarer these days.

How to Use a Japanese Hot Spring
(This video is not recorded in Mikawa Ryokan.)