Good morning! Are you ready to climb Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳?
Walk to the right from the entrance of the lodge.
Starting point for Mt. Tsurugidake. 剱岳登山口
There is the trail behind the lodge.
Avoid slipping from the snow steps!
Kenzanso Lodge 剣山荘
You will get to a ridge path.
2nd Chain Point
Long chains have been installed to help to people climb these tricky areas.
Be careful to walk. Some parts of the trails are icy and slippery, even though in summer.
View of Toyama City
Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 2813m (9229ft) above sea level
Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳
Farther away from this place through Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 is an accident area, because there are loose rocks and falling rocks. Be careful when walking there.
Note You have to shout an alarm when there's a rock falling around the hikers. In Japan, we shout "RAK !!". It is an abbreviated word of "RAKUSEKI" that means "Falling rock".
A few sections of the trails are quite steep.
I recommend you bring gloves which have non-slip rubber instead of wearing normal gloves or using your bare hands so you can have a good grip while handling the chains.
4th Chain Point
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Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱
The peak of Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱頂上 2813m (9229ft) above sea level
You will see Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 from the peak of Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱.
View from Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 Can you look at Kenzanso (Lodge)?
This is Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 that located between Kenzanso 剣山荘 (Lodge) and Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳.
View from the peak of Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱
View from the peak of Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱
View from the peak of Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱
View from the peak of Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱
This is Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳.
Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳
Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱 → Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳
View of Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 from the peak of Mt. Maetsurugi 前剱
Note For the peak of Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳頂上 Climbing up only 登り専用
Around the peak of the mountain, sometimes you'll come across sections where there are two separate trails that you either climb up or down.
Near the section down the trail to the next chain, there are a lot of loose rocks. Be careful when walking there. There are also two separate trails that lead up and come back. The trail that leads back is under the same trail with loose rocks, so please take precaution.
5th chain is one of the most adventurous and exciting points.
Be careful on this bridge!
I was nervous and excited.
What an adventurous trail! Do you like it?
6th Chain Point
Take the trail marked with a O(Circle) on the rocks. In Japan, O(Circle) means OK and Good.
Trun the left to Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳.
行き止まり DEAD END
There are two separate trails that you either climb up or down. You shouldn't climb the trail marked by an X(Cross) on the rocks. Instead, please take the trail marked with an O(Circle). In Japan, X(Cross) means No good and Bad.
7th Chain Point: Climb up this cliff.
You walk down really steep trail for a while.
8th Chain Point
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9th Chain Point: Kani-no-tatebai カニのたてばい
9th Chain Point Kani-no-tatebai カニのたてばい (Cliff)
Kani-no-tatebai (cliff) is the most dangerous and exciting points around this area.
There is a steep ascent with about 17m (56ft) long chains at 9th Chain Point Kani-no-tatebai カニのたてばい.
9th Chain Point Kani-no-tatebai カニのたてばい
ONE-WAY TRAIL ONLY FOR TREKKERS CLIMBING UP Creep up on the cliff carefully!
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Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳
The top of Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳 2999m (9839ft) above sea level
There are some warning signs on the top.
Look at the bottom right photo above.
北方稜線:この先キケン 一般登山者は入らないでください Hoppo Ridge : DANGER BEYOND THIS POINT ADVANCED CLIMBERS ONLY
This board says
源次郎尾根:この先キケン 一般登山者は入らないでください Genjiro Ridge : DANGER BEYOND THIS POINT ADVANCED CLIMBERS ONLY
Good morning! Are you ready to climb Mt. Tsurugidake 剱岳?