Souvenir Fridge Magnets 4/5

Kamakura Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 鎌倉豊島屋の鳩サブレー Sightseeing

The Collection of Sightseeing Place Magnets in the World with Their Similar Scenery Photos (Japanese Non-polyresin Magnets)

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Japan - Non-Polyresin Fridge Magnets

The magnets on this page are collected across Japan.
In this page, we will introduce Japanese magnets that are supposed to be made of non-polyresin material such as wood, plastic, metal, rubber and so on.

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Tokyo Pref. (Mt. Takao) - 東京都 (高尾山)

Takao Tokyo Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 東京 高尾山
Takao Tokyo Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 東京 高尾山
Takao Tokyo Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 東京 高尾山

There are several trekking trails to the peak of the mountain. Cable car and lift are also available.
Why don't you go to a hot spring at Takaosanguchi 高尾山口 Station after the hike?

Keio Takaosan Onsen Gokurakuyu
京王高尾山温泉 極楽湯

Keio Takaosan Onsen  Gokurakuyu
Immerse Yourself in Mt. Takao’s Natural Hot Springs: A Quick and Easy Day Trip

Takao Tozan Railway 高尾登山電鉄


Information of Takao Area
京王電鉄 山ほど遊べるTAKAO
(in Japanese)
Mt. Mitake 御岳山 and Musashi Mitake-jinja Shrine 武蔵御嶽神社 in Tokyo 東京
Mt. Mitake 御岳山 (929m, 3047ft) is really popular sightseeing and hiking place for a day in Tokyo. I have been there a few times. It is called Mitakesan in Japanese.Hiking to Mt. Mitake is easy if you use bus and cable car from the bottom of the mountain.
404 NOT FOUND | Japan Course (English)
Sightseeing Foodie Guide in Japan (Language: English)
404 NOT FOUND | Japan Course (English)
Sightseeing Foodie Guide in Japan (Language: English)

These 2 websites are not available.

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Kanagawa Pref. (Enoshima Station) - 神奈川県 (江の島駅)

Enoshima Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 江の島駅
Enoshima Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 江の島駅
Enoshima Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 江の島駅

One-day train pass of Enoshima Electric Railway 江ノ島電鉄 is ”のりおりくん Noriorikun”, 600 yen.

Enoshima Electric Railway 江ノ島電鉄

Enoshima Electric Railway
Enoshima Electric Railway Co. Ltd.


Enoshima Electric Railway Co. Ltd.
Yuigahama Beach 由比ガ浜海水浴場 in Kamakura 鎌倉 City Kanagawa 神奈川 Prefecture near Tokyo
There are many beach houses and bars open on the beach in 2022.Because of the pandemic, there aren't any beach houses or bars open on the beach in the summer of 2020. However, there are no restrictions from going on the beach. Swimming is allowed. Toilets ...
Hasedera Temple 長谷寺 in Kamakura 鎌倉 City Kanagawa 神奈川 Prefecture
I have been to many temples and shrines in Japan for sightseeing or hiking.As far as in and around Tokyo, one of my best temples is Hasedera Temple 長谷寺 in Kamakura 鎌倉City.
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Kanagawa Pref. (Kamakura Toshimaya Hato-sablé) - 神奈川県 (鎌倉豊島屋の鳩サブレー)

Kamakura Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 鎌倉豊島屋の鳩サブレー
Kamakura Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 鎌倉豊島屋の鳩サブレー
Kamakura Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 鎌倉豊島屋の鳩サブレー
Kamakura Knagawa Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 神奈川 鎌倉豊島屋の鳩サブレー

Hato-sablé is a shortbread that is dove shaped and tastes like a butter cookie. Japanese tourists who go to the Tokyo 東京 or Kanagawa 神奈川 prefecture often buy it as a souvenir.
I found the souvenir Hato-sablé fridge magnets at 豊島屋 Toshimaya’s main store. I think the magnets are also a good souvenir.

Kamakura Toshimaya Hato-sablé
鎌倉 豊島屋 鳩サブレー
(in Japanese)

鎌倉の味 鳩サブレー 豊島屋

Head Store

Mysterious Mossy Garden of Tokeiji Temple 東慶寺 in Kamakura 鎌倉 Kanagawa 神奈川 Prefecture, Japan
They have been keeping the scenery of the garden and cemetery in a verytraditional and ancient style. It looks like a mysterious remains.This temple space is compact and simple but the garden is my favorite and I highly recommend this.
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Nagano Pref. (Kamikochi) - 長野県 (上高地)

Kamikochi Nagano Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 長野 上高地
Kamikochi Nagano Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 長野 上高地
Kamikochi Nagano Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 長野 上高地

Kamikochi is located about 1500 meters above sea level and around the bottom of mountainous area of Northern Japan Alps. The hiking trails in the park of Kamikochi are for beginner hikers, because the trails are well maintained, go along Azusa River (Azusa-gawa River) 梓川, and mainly flat in the forest. This park is also known for a sightseeing resort, a camping place and one of the entrances of tall mountains about 3000 meters.

My favorite spot is Tashiro Pond (Tashiro-ike Pond) 田代池. It has unusual color and beautiful water plants. You shouldn’t miss coming this place.

Japan Alps Kamikochi 上高地 in Nagano 長野 is wonderful hiking and camping place in Japan.
I introduces international tourists to Japan Alps Kamikochi 上高地 in Nagano 長野 Prefecture.Kamikochi 上高地 is one of the most beautiful scenic hiking places in Japan. It is a part of the Chubu Sangaku National Park 中部山岳国立公園. Kamikochi is located about 1500 mete...
404 NOT FOUND | Japan Course (English)
Sightseeing Foodie Guide in Japan (Language: English)

This website kamikochi-2 is not available.




Kamikochi Visitor Center (Ministry of the Environments Government of Japan)
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Hyogo Pref. (Himeji Castle) - 兵庫県 (姫路城)

Himeji Hyogo Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 兵庫 姫路城
Himeji Hyogo Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 兵庫 姫路城
Himeji Hyogo Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 兵庫 姫路城

Himeji Castle is registered as a world cultural heritage. The conservation and repair work on the castle completed in March, 2015.

World Heritage HIMEJI CASTLE in Hyogo, Japan 兵庫 世界遺産 姫路城
These photos were taken in April 2008 of cherry blossoms season (Left) , June 2015 (Right). This castle tower was under renovation between October 2009 and March 2015.

Himeji Castle 世界文化遺産・国宝 姫路城

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Nara Pref. (1300th Anniversary of Nara Capital 2 items) - 奈良県 (平城遷都1300年祭 2つ)

Nara Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 奈良 平城遷都1300年祭
Nara Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 奈良 平城遷都1300年祭
Nara Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 奈良 平城遷都1300年祭
Nara Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 奈良 平城遷都1300年祭
Nara Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 奈良 平城遷都1300年祭
Nara Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 奈良 平城遷都1300年祭
Nara Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 奈良 平城遷都1300年祭

The first capital “Heijokyo 平城京” was established in Nara in 710. Heijo Palace and Nara Park 奈良公園 are good sightseeing places.

Nara Palace Site Historical Park

Nara Palace Site Historical Park | 国営平城宮跡歴史公園
The Nara Palace Site is open for all to enjoy on foot. Experience an historical adventure as your mind ponders the area as it appeared during the Nara period.

These magnets may be discontinued or sold out. You shouldn't ask about the magnets to Nara prefecture office because the staff members don't manage where to sell them or if they are even on sale.

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Tottori Pref. (Tottori Sand Dunes) - 鳥取県 (鳥取砂丘)

Tottori Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鳥取 鳥取砂丘

This magnet has some sand in it. You can change the scenery.

Tottori Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鳥取 鳥取砂丘
Tottori Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鳥取 鳥取砂丘
Tottori Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鳥取 鳥取砂丘

Tottori Sand Dunes 鳥取砂丘 is a popular sightseeing place with a nice view. When you go there in August, which is the hottest month in Japan, you should borrow a pair of boots at a shop, such as a food shop, if you are wearing sandals on your feet.
I know that putting on boots during summer is uncomfortable. Maybe you don’t want to use footwear that has been used by others previously.
However, I highly recommend borrowing them because the sand is too hot on sunny days during summer. Otherwise, you will get burned.

There are a paraglider shop and The Sand Museum.

A park for kids チュウブ鳥取砂丘こどもの国
(in Japanese)

アイエム電子鳥取砂丘こどもの国 -

Tourist Information 鳥取県観光案内

とっとり旅 【公式】鳥取県観光旅行情報サイト

The Sand Museum 砂の美術館

Japan Tottori Sand Dunes - The Sand Museum -
THE SAND MUSEUM tottori city
Mt. Daisen (Misen) in Daisen Oki National Park in Tottori Japan 鳥取 大山隠岐国立公園 大山 (弥山)
When you visit western Japan and want to go one day hiking in the nature, I recommend Mt. Daisen 大山 in Daisen Oki National Park 大山隠岐国立公園.The National Park consists of some areas. I introduce you to Daisen area.
Daisen Backpackers in Tottori 鳥取 Prefecture Japan 大山バックパッカーズ、大山ペンション村のゲストハウス
Are you planning to go hiking and sightseeing in Daisen-Oki National Park 大山隠岐国立公園, Tottori 鳥取 Prefecture?I recommend this cozy and pretty guest house Daisen Backpackers 大山バックパッカーズ.
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Hiroshima Pref. (Serakogen Farm) - 広島県 (世羅高原農場)

Hiroshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 広島 世羅高原農場
Hiroshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 広島 世羅高原農場
Hiroshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 広島 世羅高原農場
Hiroshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 広島 世羅高原農場

What a beautiful landscape!
Tulip scenery : Spring (about April - May)
Sunflower scenery : Summer (about July - August)

Sera kogen Farm 世羅高原農場
(in Japanese)

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Ehime Pref. (Matsuyama Castle) - 愛媛県 (松山城)

Matsuyama Ehime Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 愛媛 松山城
Matsuyama Ehime Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 愛媛 松山城
Matsuyama Ehime Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 愛媛 松山城

The inside of the Matsuyama Castle has a much more antique interior than the exteriors walls of the castle. In the castle, there is a section that provides you the experience of samurai armor on the first floor. If you like cosplay, it is worth trying and taking photos of.

Matsuyama Castle 松山城
(in Japanese)

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Kumomoto Pref. (Mt. Aso) - 熊本県 (阿蘇山)

Aso Kumamoto Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 熊本 阿蘇山
Aso Kumamoto Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 熊本 阿蘇山
Aso Kumamoto Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 熊本 阿蘇山

Mt. Aso is an active volcano, 1592m (5223ft) above sea level. The steamy crater lake is a beautiful emerald green.

This place is known for suicides that happen quite often. Even if the rescue tries their best to save them, sometimes they must give up, because some areas are too dangerous to continue. I heard that the bodies still lay there, although you cannot see them from the tourist paths.

Aso City Tourism Association 阿蘇市観光協会
(in Japanese)

阿蘇観光体験グルメ温泉情報 | 阿蘇市観光協会 ASO is GOOD!

Aso City Office 阿蘇市役所

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Kagoshima Pref. (Sakurajima) - 鹿児島県 (桜島)

Sakurajima Kagoshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鹿児島 桜島
Sakurajima Kagoshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鹿児島 桜島
Sakurajima Kagoshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鹿児島 桜島
Sakurajima Kagoshima Japan Souvenir Fridge Magnet ご当地マグネット お土産 鹿児島 桜島

Sakurajima 桜島 is located southern Kagoshima Prefecture. There is an active volcano, sightseeing places, a walking trail, hot springs and so on.

情報満載! 桜島観光ポータルサイト みんなの桜島

【公式】桜島観光ポータル みんなの桜島 | 鹿児島桜島の人気スポットや体験、おすすめモデルコース
鹿児島・桜島の観光情報は「桜島観光ポータル みんなの桜島 」で!フェリーで渡れる活火山の桜島は鹿児島観光でもトップクラスの人気スポット。観光スポットやお土産・特産品、アクセス方法や島内交通案内、おすすめ観光モデルコース、体験・アクティビティをご紹介!コインロッカー情報や噴火・降灰情報などお役立ち情報も。

Kagoshima Prefectural Visitors Bureau
鹿児島県観光サイト かごしまの旅

DISCOVER KAGOSHIMA|Official Travel Guide
The official guide to Kagoshima, in southernmost Kyushu, Japan. Find information about Kagoshima's beautiful landscapes, hot springs and outdoor activities, as well as food information such as where to get the freshest seafood, wagyu beef and local liquor....
1/2 Yakushima (Island) National Park, World Natural Heritage in Japan 世界自然遺産 屋久島
4 nights 5 days trip in Yakushima Island 屋久島to see ancient Jomon ceder 縄文杉!!