Low Priced Lunch and Happy Hour of Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト Food
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

When you want to take a break from sightseeing or shopping in Japan, you can rest at this restaurant for a while. It is not necessary to order food there if you order a drink.
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト has more than 1300 restaurants in Japan. Probably, you can find it in downtown or near sightseeing places you go.

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Daily Lunch Special is 549 yen (10:30 am - 5:00 pm)

Lunch Menu ランチメニュー Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

They offer a 549 yen (including 10% tax) set meal at lunch time on weekdays. (except Saturday, Sunday and national holiday)
It includes rice and Today's soup. The soup is free refills and self-service.

If you order from the lunch menu (not from the main menu), you can change the rice to the large size for free. (No extra charge.)

Choose Large rice on the touch screen.

There are 5 kinds of 549 yen set meals on the lunch menu, but only one kind is available each day.

Menu is sometimes changed. Check out the latest lunch menu below.

Lunch / Daily / Grill / Light Meal | Menu | Gusto(ガスト)| Family Restaurant | Skylark Group
Introducing Gusto(ガスト)'s menu: Lunch/Daily/Grill/ Light Meal. Skylark Group 's Gusto(ガスト)official website.
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
Lunch Menu ランチメニュー Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Wednesday's lunch 549 yen
Plate Hamburger Tomato Sauce and White Fish Fly

Lunch Menu ランチメニュー Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Lunch Menu ランチメニュー Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

It is boneless fish meat.

These photos below are discontinued lunch.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Teriyaki Chicken and Cream Croquette

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Hamburg Steak (Hamburger Patty) ハンバーグ

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
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Main Menu (10:30 - )

Chicken Namban チキン南蛮 Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Chicken Namban
2p 329 yen (as pictured)
3p with salad 769 yen

Chicken Namban チキン南蛮 Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

GUSTO offers tasty tartar.

Chicken Namban チキン南蛮 Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

You can order food from main menu at lunch time as well, but some items of the main menu might be available from 5:00 pm.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Mix Grill 989 yen
* You can change the hamburger patty to cheese-in for 150 yen. (This customization might be changed or not available now.)
* Rice and soup are optional.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Cheese-in Mix Grill

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Small French Fries 219 → 241 yen

French Fries: Price UP!

ポテトフライ Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
as of February 2022
Hamburg and Fried Shrimp ハンバーグ&海老フライCafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Hamburg Steak with Panko Fried Shrimp 714 yen

Hamburg and Fried Shrimp ハンバーグ&海老フライCafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Condiments 調味料 Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

These condiments are available for free on a prepared section. However only soy sauce is usually prepared on each table.

Hamburg and Fried Shrimp ハンバーグ&海老フライCafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Spinach Bacon 219 yen
I put pepper and salt on it because it tasted so bland.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Snap peas Bacon 199 yen

Stir-fried snap peas and bacon, seasoned with salt and pepper 219 yen
Mayonnaise is not topped on it.

Deep Fried HIROSHIMA Oysters - Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Deep Fried HIROSHIMA Oysters 4p 659 yen
広島産カキフライ Hiroshima-san Kaki-furai
2p 362 yen
* Seasonal dish
* Hiroshima 広島 Prefecture is known for oyster production in Japan.

Deep Fried HIROSHIMA Oysters - Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

You can order the alcohol beverages from 10:30 am.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Red Wine 219 yen

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

White Wine 219 yen

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Happy Hour (Weekdays 2:00 pm 10:30 am - 6:00 pm)

A mug of beer and a couple of other alcoholic beverages cost only 220 yen during happy hour.

Happy hour is available on weekdays. (This excludes Saturday, Sunday and national holiday, as well as certain days surrounding the new year, and other days as decided by the restaurant.)

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

A mug of beer 494 → 220 yen
A small glass of beer 329 → 220 yen
Curiously, they are both 220 yen during happy hour.
Of course, I order larger one (mag).
* It is Japanese beer ASAHI SUPER DRY アサヒスーパードライ

Asahi Super Dry アサヒスーパードライ Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

A small glass of beer

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Fresh-squeezed Lemon Sour Discontinued
生絞りレモンサワー Namashibori Lemon Sour
* A lot of fresh lemon juice with soda (alcoholic).

Non-sweet Lemon Sour 384 → 220 yen
* One slice of lemon in it.

Lemon Sour レモンサワー Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Except during happy hour, the first order of sour soda cocktails 384 yen. After that, a mug of sour soda cocktails is discounted to 329 yen. This system is available for each person.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Japanese whiskey SUNTORY KAKU 角 and soda 220 yen
角ハイボール Kaku Highball

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To go (10:30 - )

Menu for to go After you select a branch from the list on the website, you can see the menu.

I think, carryout food is cheaper.
* Eating to go orders inside the restaurant is not allowed.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Mix Set 1521 yen

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Hamburg Stake (Hamburger Patty) (3)

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Chicken Stake (2)

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Sausage (6)

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Cream Croquette (3), French Flies, Hash Browns (2), Cone and Edamame Beans,
Choose garlic sauce or soy-sauce sauce

Family Set ガストファミリーセット Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Family Set 1521 yen

Family Set ガストファミリーセット Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Croquette (3), Egg roll (3)

Family Set ガストファミリーセット Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Hash Browns (2), Cone and Edamame Beans, Sausage (6), Deep Fried Chicken (6)

Family Set ガストファミリーセット Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Deep Fried Breaded Prawn (3), French Flies

Family Set ガストファミリーセット Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

It includes ketchup, tartar sauce, disposable chopsticks, hand wipes and so on.

Hash Browns are sometimes switched to spinach.

French Flies are sometime switched to another type of French flies.

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Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Picture menu includes English information at the restaurants, and the website also have.

Gusto(ガスト)| Family Restaurant | Skylark Group
Gusto(ガスト), a family restaurant in Skylark Group, offers a wide range of meals, including the popular Cheese in Hamburgr, seasonal recommended dishes, and more. In addition to the morning menu (breakfast), we also offer a wide range of meals, including val...
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

You can add black pepper and grated cheese, as they are available for free on a prepared section.
* You should return them yourself after using.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Disposable hand wipes and water are free. They are self-service.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Please push this call button when you order.
You can also say "Sumimasen すみません (Excuse me.)" a little bit loudly.
It is not impolite at the restaurant.

Usually your food will come within 8 - 12 minutes.
* You should pay at the cash desk after the meal.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Call Button
These days, touch screen menu is available.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Restaurant Name
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Website (in Japanese)

Gusto(ガスト)| Family Restaurant | Skylark Group
Gusto(ガスト), a family restaurant in Skylark Group, offers a wide range of meals, including the popular Cheese in Hamburgr, seasonal recommended dishes, and more. In addition to the morning menu (breakfast), we also offer a wide range of meals, including val...
  • No cover charge / No service fee
  • Their picture menu has English information.
  • Prices are included 10% tax on this blog.
  • At GUSTO restaurants, when you come there after 10:00 pm, you need to pay 10% late-night charge. A late-night charge at Japanese fast food shops is not common though.
  • The menu and prices are sometimes a little different at respective restaurants.
  • Menu is sometimes changed. Check the latest the latest menu.
  • No smoking at all of the restaurants from September 2019

* Note
The map shows GUSTO and another restaurants Steak Gusto. They are a group of the same company, but offer different menu and prices.

Restaurants around main stations in downtown Tokyo

Ueno 上野 / Okachimachi 御徒町

Ikebukuro 池袋

Shinjuku 新宿

Shibuya 渋谷
There are 4 restaurants of GUSTO around the station. When I tried the one closest to the station, there was a long line at the entrance. I gave up trying to eat here. It is on the 7th floor in a building with some other restaurants, but there is only one elevator with a small capacity. I also had to wait in line to get on the elevator. I suggest you go to one of the others if it is peak time or the weekend.

Ginza 銀座

Tokyo 東京

Akihabara 秋葉原

Asakusa 浅草

Kitasenju 北千住

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Discontinued Items

Pancake Served with Grapes and Mascarpone and Chestnut Cream

Pancake Served with Grapes and Mascarpone and Chestnut Cream ぶどうとマスカルポーネ&マロンクリームのパンケーキ Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Pancake Served with Grapes and Mascarpone and Chestnut Cream 659 yen including tax
This is available after 10:30 am.

Pancake Served with Grapes and Mascarpone and Chestnut Cream ぶどうとマスカルポーネ&マロンクリームのパンケーキ Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Pancake Served with Grapes and Mascarpone and Chestnut Cream ぶどうとマスカルポーネ&マロンクリームのパンケーキ Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Pancake Served with Grapes and Mascarpone and Chestnut Cream ぶどうとマスカルポーネ&マロンクリームのパンケーキ Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Yummy! I highly recommend this!

Pancake Served with Grapes and Mascarpone and Chestnut Cream ぶどうとマスカルポーネ&マロンクリームのパンケーキ Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト


Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Avocado Shrimp Salad 649 yen

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Chocolate Fondant (cake) 299 yen

... taste so-so for me.

Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト
Cafe Restaurant GUSTO カフェレストラン ガスト

Plum Wine (on the rock) 99 yen
梅酒 Umeshu(ロック)

Photos were taken in 2018 - 2021. Prices are current as of NOvember 2021.

Another similar type restaurant

Amazingly Reasonable Italian Restaurant SAIZERIYA in Japan サイゼリヤ
It is an Italian restaurant chain. Most of the foods cost from 200 to 600 yen. Their foods are reasonable and taste very good. All of the restaurants are No smoking.